

"What seriously? Is that your plan for the summer break?" When Yifei nodded her head, Yufan yelled, "Are you kidding me Fei? Why on earth would you torture yourself like that?"

"Hold on, is this your aunt with a mustache?" When Yufan nodded his head, Guang sighed, "Oh God Fei, feel sorry for yourself and join us for the trip."

"Yes, you should come with us," Guang added.

When Yifei hesitated for a while, Angella clinged into her arms and insisted, "Oh come on Fei, it's gonna be so much fun."

"But I have already promised her that I will help her out with her cats," Yifei stated.

"Don't worry about her, I'll take care of it and why did you even offer to help her with her nasty cats? Do you want scratches all over your hands and face?" Giving his sister a hug, Yufan frowned, " How can I lte those stupid cats scratch my beautiful sister like that? That is not happening."

"I know right? I can imagine how bad those scratches will look in our Fei's hand," Yichan sighed.
