

But things turned out to be much more difficult and complicated than she had thought.

It had been more than four months since she had moved to the country and occasionally hanging out with her brother's friends but Yichan never even looked at her let alone talking to her. He used to talk to Yifei all the time and also joke around with her which boiled her blood. She hated how close he was with her and how he was with Yifei.

The only reason why she had befriended Yifei was to get close to the whole others, especially Yichan but things didn't really work out as smooth as she had thought when she realized that Yifei did not like hanging out with her brother's group and chose to spend her time in the library and at home instead. And whenever she convinced her to hang out with the others, Yifei would joke around and talk with everyone while Angella would feel very left out.
