

Yoongi didn't know how he should respond to that for a good ten minutes. Never in his life was he ever faced with such predicament. He balled up the letter in his palm and purposefully marched towards their bedroom. He noticed that some of Hani's stuff was missing without which she couldn't function properly on a daily basis- toiletries and all. He was a teeny bit of relieved to see most of her clothes still hanging down in their shared closet.

He pulled out his phone and dialled her number to give her his piece of mind and scold her for being a complete brat but he was met with no response from her side.

She was purposefully ignoring him at all costs.

He was doing this because the day her parents had died in a crash was the day when he had promised his mother to take care good care of his future bride to be. He hadn't given his word without putting up a fight but he knew that he would ultimately loose to his mother.

Now he was a little afraid of what she would do to him if she came to know of Hani's disappearance and his lack of hand in it.

For him music had been always what he loved the most in his life. Next came his mother. He could never see beyond music and it had always been with him, even in his darkest times holding his hand and guiding him through the rough patches of his life.

It never mattered to him if he ever found himself a human partner because as far as he was concerned he was already madly and deeply in love with music and that was enough for him to lead his life in total satisfaction.

But to his dismay his mother had other thoughts. She wanted a good and beautiful life partner for her son so that he could have someone beside himself in his old-age, she wanted a family for his own betterment and she wanted him to stop living like a recluse and loner for the rest of his life. So the final result was his marriage to a girl he didn't even know of.

When he had first looked at her on their wedding day, the only thought running through his mind was to keep the word he had given to his mother. He didn't feel in the least ready for marriage back then.

Even after marriage both of them had minded their own space and steered clear of each other.

Now after six months it finally hit him that in reality the woman people used to call as his wife was actually hurting and lonely.

He had never once noticed that she had been trying to make their relationship work. For him it was just a humane thing to do on her part- i.e., looking after him even after he didn't give any heed for her gesture.

Was this some kind of realisation on his part?

But I don't think he would actually be that cold to anyone (in reality).

Sanchi94creators' thoughts