

Now looking back at all the empty space in his once filled home a wave of guilt washed over him before rage replaced it. It was never like he ever hurt her physically or mentally.

He just kept his distance from her is all- except for that one night when both of them had accidentally gotten drunk and consummated their marriage. That night was still freshly imprinted in his mind- like it had happened yesterday. Both of them had been extremely awkward with each other after that incident. He couldn't say much about her but as far as he was concerned he could never talk freely with her about it. He had freaked out internally and almost had a mental breakdown about the whole incident back then.

He had avoided her like a plague after that and it was a two way street since she too wasn't much excited about being around him anymore. Now he was confused by her move of running away without any explanation. He was burning from inside out with all the pent up frustration and anger which resulted from her act.

He finally looked at the now crumpled sheet of paper in his hand. He threw it with some good amount of force towards the wall and it fell down to the floor without even the fullest of thuds. He rang his friend who answered him on the second ring.

Joon: hyung did we forget anything?

Yoongi: (taking a deep breath) Joon-ah, Hani is missing. I think she left.

Joon: (completely awake from his slumber) w-what are you s-saying hyung? Are you drunk? Why would noona do that?

Yoongi: (rolling his eyes) how would I know? She has only left a letter with four lines and now she isn't even answering her phone.

Joon: I'll ask the guys if they know something. They're close to noona either way.

Yoongi: (nodding) I'll do the same.
