
13 day in Fire

_Jeet_Pandya_ · 現実
4 Chs

the old days

exited hence left vedant's place and now he have a good idea for new start-up.... he saw a shop on the road he go and ask him if you need any parson for delivery and shop kipper who's name dave said yes we want some one for delivering it's good for my business.... so dave take him as a delivery man... in the staring he is just a delivery boy... he work a lot and hard he runs more than fifty delivery in one day... he got 10$ per one delivery... he got more than 500$ in one day... by cut his Expense he save 150 to 175$...

his boss dave is really impressed by his work he thing gave him a new job...

so dave called him and said ... i have new job for you

hence ... great dave what I have to do...

dave.... it's a delivery stuff but now you have to go long for work and I pay you double...

hence... but I don't have licence....

dave... no problem go and meet my friend josh, he is trafic officer he help you to get license....

hence.... ook thanks Dave you help me a lot..

dave... it's all rights... just go and meet him..

hence... yaa...bye

now hance go to traffic office and ask for josh... and he get josh... he said to josh that he dave sand him for license...

josh said... what's your age..

hence... 22

josh... ook then you know about cars or you drive a car or not...

hence... i know ...

josh... ook than let's go for a ride..

hence... okkk

hence didn't have is own car that's why he pay for rent and they start...

hence is a good drive cause he drived truck and tractor in his farm..

now his tast over and officer josh said that come tomorrow and take your license...

so next day he came and take license...

now he go back to Dave's shop ...

dave... so get your license, too fast...

hence.... yaa

dave... this is a key fo your truck... your truck is out side ...you have to take money for fuel by me and truck is all yours until you fired or you quit... ook

hence.. ook dave... where I'm go first...

dave... this address it's in lawada... you go there and get all stock in backyard...

hence... ook dave i get you soon... bye

now hence sit in the truck and start it... he just in the half road he saw a old man on road..

he gave lift him... he ask where you go... Gorthen city....

hence... ohh it's too far when you reached there... why don't you take texi ..

old man... i don't have money... that's why..

hence... no money...ook... why do you go gorthen...

old man... my son live there...

hence....so why you don't ask him for money...

old man... he was 22 when he left home and want gorthen... i send him lot money at that age... i have Small business hear...but as I'm getting old I'm not able to work...lot...

hence... so what your son doing their...

old man... he have job their... i don't know about his job lot... i just know that now he don't need my money... until he need me he regularly call me and take care of me... but from last three months he don't even call me...

hence... so you go there for take care of him or Money...

old man... i don't know... to be honest... for money but I know my self... i'm not gone ask him....

hence... hmm ... but i think he must be....

old man... hope so...

hence... but if he not ask so you can ask i think...

old man... ahh.. i will try...

hence... so hear we go...

old man... thank you..

hence... wait a minute... (ge put his hand in poket and Emit some some money )... take this... if your child not ask... you can use it...

old man... what's your name...

hence... hence!...

old man...hence.... you are have money today than don't waste it for help or donat....you will regret for it one day...

hence... i don't think that... money is temporary... is i just learned by you now... you are not regret for money you give.... you regret because your expectations... I'm not tell you that you are wrong... if you not expect form your family... then whom... you are a good father... wrong is your son... and you just have to tell them or realize them... you have a rights on your son... and everything what he have now on too... just said him that and if you not tell him yet then you are going late... not on every path hence is there....

old man... thank you ....

and he just go and he not Evan look back to hence....

hence ride again and

he call his dad ....

to be Continues...