

Kai's anxiety was palpable, his usually composed demeanor shattered by the unfolding events. The vast expanse of the hotel, once a symbol of luxury and opulence, now felt like a labyrinth of uncertainties.

"We've combed the bar stand," one of Kai's trusted men reported, the urgency evident in his voice.

Tony, his face etched with concern, approached Kai with a somber expression. "The restroom was empty. No sign of her," he confirmed, the weight of the situation pressing down on him.

A deep growl of frustration rumbled from Kai's throat, his hands balling into fists at his sides. The absence of Becca and the looming threat of Santiago's presence intertwined, amplifying his desperation. "Has anyone spotted Santiago?" he questioned, scanning the faces around him for any glimmer of information.

Joe, his eyes darting nervously, shook his head. "There's been no sign of him. It's as if he's vanished into thin air."