

Prompt : 1

Tittle : Shadow

She again woke up with a startle and walked to the bathroom to wash her face. "Don't do this to me, please... I don't want this..." Again the same nightmare that kept snaching her sleep from her.

And she saw a pair of red eyes always staring at her in her dreams, or maybe out of her dreams too... She wasn't able to put her finger on it anymore and now she was tired, tired of everything...

She didn't focus on anything else and kept a set in her mind that she couldn't tolerate anything anymore. She walked out of her room, ignoring the shadow in the corner which was following her silently...

Her way was made towards the rooftop and after reaching the top, she started walking toward the unrailed edge. She took a deep breathe and whispered "I can't tolerate you anymore, I don't want this!! I never wanted... All I wanted was peace..." She said and a few years rolled down her cheeks...

[You can take the story in what way you want, any direction and any situation... It's your time to shine, baby go and rock it]