

After checking his cultivation he started to remember the cultivation stages.

Slowly he remembered the first realm.

The first realm was called qi realm that was split into different stages that had 10 ranks in them.

Qi extraction

Qi biginner: rank 1-10

Qi refinement: rank 1-10

Qi development: rank 1-10

Qi practitioner: rank 1-10

Qi advancement: rank 1-10

Qi expert: rank 1-10

Qi master: ranks 1-10

Qi grandmaster: rank 1-10

Qi evolution: rank 1-10 + gain your own special qi.

Seeing this Judal decided to cultivate for 1 week before leaving this place and start to regain the original bodies honour.

The first week made everything seem to easy for him as his cultivation increases like there was no tomorrow.

In the first week his cultivation journey he had completely left the 1st realm of qi and had reached the second realm organs.

He was now an Organ cultivator, stage 4 rank 5.

Body power: 1900

Spiritual power: 1900

His power had increased way beyond what a normal person could gain in a week.

Now it was time for him to move, since he was bored of cultivating and that he needed to gain system points.

He jumped out his building and the moment he did his whole building was destroyed and the people that were surrounding him saw this and were immediately shocked from what happened were searching for the source of this explosion, they looked around for a while before seeing a handsome man with a long ponytail and red eyes with 5 dots spread out in his eyes.

Everybody that saw this man immediately thought that he was cultivator and immediately started bow down as they knew if anything that could make this person feel unwell it would be their doom.

They started to talk "it is our honour to be in your presence".

They bowed down while saying those words out of fear.

Judal used his best voice and said: "don't worry, I'm just crossing here and am not planning to do anything to mortals".

The words that came out of his mouth made them feel as if they were some weakling and were under the reign of a supreme ruler.

Judal released his aura and made them tremble in fear and after that, he immediately speeds out of this place so nobody could see him.

The commoners looked at where Judal was at but when they looked, there was no one there.

It went to show the difference between a commoner from a cultivator.

The event from this moment had been imprinted inside their soul and mind, it wasn't that fear was imprinted in their minds but it was complete admiration towards his power to be able to just come here and immediately make people bow to him.

Back to Judal

After getting out the place that he had known as home for the past week Judal sped towards the capital of Jina, as he knows that his girlfriend that he was going to marry was there.

The whole reason is that he knew that she was also a genius in this country.

He put all of his power in speed and as he was running he heard

"Ding" +70 system points.

He was disappointed about the amount he had gained but he didn't even expect to get anything since they were just commoners but he still had that bit of feeling of getting more than a thousand at least.

He pulled his sour face up and started to towards the capital city.

Judal had been now travelling for 1 hour and was still in a land forest until he was meet with a group of cultivators.

He went near them to ask about how far he was from the capital but when he got closer he saw something that he didn't expect to be so unjust.

He saw three male cultivators going after a familiar female cultivator.

Judal tried to sense their cultivation but sadly he couldn't sense anything and was stack without knowing their cultivation.

Judal wasn't a sissy and immediately jumped in the of the two forces.

He looked at the three cultivators and said: "shame on you for doing such s thing to s women".

The two forces looked to where the voice came from and when they did, they saw the most handsome in their life.

His whole body released charisma that attracted everybody towards him and his flawless face caught the heart of any person that saw it.

But in this situation, the there cultivators felt jealousy towards him while the lady was neutral and did not have any emotions towards him.

She was just taken back by his looks for second before gaining her composure.

One of the three men "oh look what is going on, its an organ realm trash trying to be righteous in front of us".

The other two men mocked Judal on his cultivation bit could not say anything to put his physical appearance down.

Judal looked at them and started laughing loudly "hahahahaha"

"this is the funniest thing I have ever heard from the mouth of a pig"

Judal knew he couldn't make fun of their cultivation stages as he didn't know so he just started to bullshit his way.

"to think that I would be mocked by such lowlives".

When he said that, the three cultivators immediately were enraged and one of them said "the third brother, I leave him to you and we will take care of the her"

The person that was called the third brother and said: "ill be happy to destroy his face for him".

After he said that he sped towards judal, he punched straight in judals stomach and the moment he punched he caught his had before it could even hit him and said: "guess your all talk and no bite".

When they saw what he did, they were immediacy shocked as they didn't expect that an organ level trash could stand up to a Fusion realm cultivator.

They were immediately thinking what was going on but before they could think any further their attending was caught by Judal sharingan:

The tomeo in Judal eyes, unlike the normal sharingan, gave the illusion that the tumeo were spinning in a circle.

When they saw blood red eyes with the ripples and 5 dots on the second ripple