
0x3BK Biography

Cristian_Pogi · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 4 - Fate

After a long day of indulging in food and socializing, Natalya instructed Tchaikovsky to clean up the plates and retire to his room. As Nikolai, Natalya's uncle, understood the stern gaze she shot him, he followed her instructions and retreated to his room. Later, Nikolai sat down and began to speak to William in a concerned tone:

"What's troubling you, m'boy?" he asked, his voice filled with empathy.

William sighed and looked down, his eyes welling up with tears. "It's just...I feel so embarrassed, Uncle. I'm a grown man now, and yet I'm still dependent on others for everything. I want to be independent, to have a job, to contribute to society. But I don't know where to start. Can you help me find a job or at least suggest something for a working student like me?"

Nikolai's expression turned serious and thoughtful. "Hmm, m'boy...I can try to help you, but I must warn you, there are no guarantees. I've been in similar situations before, and I've learned that even small steps can lead to big changes. For instance, I used to work as a laborer when I was your age, and it was tough, but it taught me the value of hard work and perseverance."

William thought to himself, "This old man might give me some half-baked advice..."

"It's okay, Uncle!" William exclaimed loudly.

Nikolai nodded thoughtfully. "In times like these, even a job that pays 10 GB per hour is crucial, no matter how hard the labor is. Even your father would probably do the same if he were in your shoes. You know, I've had my share of physical labor in my younger days..."


After countless hours of advice, in the end William leave the house feeling frustrated and unfulffied. Knowing full well that the advice is more like of a story than an actual advice.

He thought to himself, "Sigh…. Should've not talk to him. He wants what he wants. He didn't even let me say a single word. Maybe shelling out for an A.I theraphy in the internet would be a better choice instead."

As William walked out of his friend's house, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him. The buzzing of vehicles around him only added to his growing anxiety. He felt his heart racing and his mind racing with thoughts of his recent conversation with his uncle. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had been given half-baked advice and that his uncle wasn't truly listening to him.

As he walked, he noticed a man standing on the sidewalk, his eyes cast on the appearance. The man's worn clothes and scuffed shoes told a story of poverty and struggle. He thought to himself, "If, maybe, for the next five years, I still don't have some control over the situation, I will end up like that. I'm not okay with how things are right now."

As William continued to walk, lost in thoughts, the man who had he been staring earlier in the sidewalk approached him.

"Excuse me, young sir," the man said, his voice low and gravelly. "I couldn't help but notice you're troubled. What's on your mind?"

William looked at the man, surprised by the sudden interest. "Just… just stuff," he muttered, feeling a sense of unease wash over him.

The man nodded sympathetically. "I know how you feel. I've been in tough spots before. But sometimes, you just need to take a step back and re-evaluate your priorities. You can't control everything, but you can control how you react to it."

William looked at the man, "Yep. This is probably a man who have a master's at Philosophy. Re-evaluate, my ass…."

William said, "Uhhh, yes, yes, yes.. Thanks, sir!"

The man smiled warmly. "No worries, young sir. May I take your interest that you're buying something?"

William hesitated, unsure of how to respond. He wasn't very adept to this kind of conversation but a common saying "Don't trust a stranger" isn't common to curious people like him. Although he noticed that this man's word were kind, but his tone was awkward. "Oh, yes, yes!"

The man nodded, "I'm selling what people deemed as junkies or people think useless of my products."

William curiosity began to grow, "May I take a look at those "products" that you mentioned?"

The man smiled, "Ah, yes, yes, yes. Come, let me show you what I have."

William followed the man, he thought to himself, "Seems like this guy is excitied because no one is buying his bogus products or something. But seeing is believing, I'm just gonna run if I see something suspicious…"

As they walked, the man led William to a small, cramped shop filled with all sort of strange and exotic items. William's eye widened as he took in the bizare products on display. There were vials of strange liquids, peculiar devices, and odd trinkets that seemed to defy explanation.

The man smiled warmly, "Welcome to my humble abode. I ahve all sorts of treasure here. Take a look around, and see if anything catches your eye."

William hesitated his mind racing with question, "Despite the condition of his living, those products aren't even smelly or destroyed. What the hell… Even the products are beautiful to one another depending on the price."

He thought to himself, "This guy's got some weird stuff going on. I've never seen anything like this before. The products are all so… unique. And the prices! They're all over the place. I've got to admin, some of these things are actually kind of beautiful. But what's the point of it all? Is this guy just trying to make a quick buck is there something more to it?"

As he continued to browse the shelves, the man said, "I take it that you're new to this, yes?"

"Uh.. yes, sir.. I don't even know what purposes of those products are… But I found something interesting.. That looking artifact that is glowing and what may of the price of the product?" said William.

"Purpose? A concept that's as eluside as it is alluring for us human. People say it's a guiding force, a compass that points us towards our true north." said the mad.

"Uhh… Sir?" William thought to himself, "What the fuck?"

"Ah, yes, the price of this item is... fate. You see, every purchase comes with a price, and in this case, the price is your sanity. But don't worry, it's a small price to pay for the fleeting sense of satisfaction you'll get from owning this... thing. And who knows, maybe the madness will be worth it."

The madman's eyes gleamed with a manic intensity as he spoke, his words dripping with a sinister allure. William felt a shiver run down his spine as he gazed at the item on the shelf, its beauty and mystery drawing him in like a moth to flame.

"What do you say, young sir?" The madman asked, his voice low and persuasive. "Are you ready to pay the price of this… treasure?"

William hesitated, his mind racing with the implications of the madman's words. What did he mean by price as a fate to buy it? And is there such a payment system such this bogus?

William thought, "Hmm, maybe having it as a nothing will better. He's crazy, better take advantage of his product, I might get a thing or two of his product."

"Okay, I'll take it and other things," William said, trying to sound nonchalant despite the growing sense of unease in his stomach.

The madman's face lit up with a manic grin. "Ah, excellet choice, young sir! But… Iit's only a life time item, there's no need for another… maybe that's fate, young sir. So, wait for me here as I'll process the payment"

William's eye darted back and forth between the madman and the box of the artifact, his mind racing with the implications. Was this some kind of scam? Scamming the madman?

"Okay, young sir… You may come back or may not. The future is uncertain, and our pats may intersect or diverge. You're everywhere but not anywhere. You're what you are yet youchoose to dwell in the present. As such, you remain invisible to my gaze.

"Uhhh, thanks, I guess?" said William feeling unease.

As William heard those words, a sense of resignation settled over him. He knew that staying in that place would only lead to more questions, and perhaps even more uncertainty. With a heavy heart, he turned to leave, aware that the outcome was already predetermined, and that the only path forward was to walk away.