
*The Unheard*

What happens when the Unheard, can be heard.

korebrielleluvt · 都市
2 Chs

Meidass is back!

Next was recess and I grabbed my favorite book ,Ich Liebe Woo ( I love Woo, It's an anime book, a romance!, just a German anime. I sat down on the bench. Just then someone sat down next to me, "Der Code?" I asked "Knusprige Zwetschgenknoedel" I got up and laughed, "MEIDASS!" Meidass is my best friend, she left for three months to visit New York in America, I've missed her since. "Meidass, I've missed you, how was America?" She hugged me, "It was really fun, but geez it was cold, and the food is really good, but I gained like 4 pounds, I never wanna eat that food again!" I smirked, "Okay, so where is the Knusprige Zwetschgenknoedel?" She smiled," Here" She handed me 4 Knusprige Zwetschgenknoedel and she had 4 for herself. Knusprige Zwetschgenknoedel is our favorite dessert. Every time Meidass leaves for a while, or me, we bring back each other Knusprige Zwetschgenknoedel, it's a German dessert, it's a bread dumpling with strawberries inside and a powdered sugar or syrup topping. It's really good and super sweet. We sat down and ate, "So what did you do in America?" "We visited the statue of Liberty, and also went to a movie theater." "Huh? I asked. Was it in German?" "No, But I started english lessons and they had captions on." "German captions Mei?" "No, spanish." "Oh so since when did you speak spanish?" "I don't! The movie was german based though, so they said a few german words." "Hah, I should have guessed, your mother can get away from our culture even when she's in a whole other continent. "Hey also Mei, can you think somethign for me" "Huh what are ya talkign about." "Just say something in you mind. [Geeze Khalessi is kinda crazy sometimes.] I gasped. "You said I'm crazy." "Okay, are you tryna act like you got powers or something? Du verrückt?" (You Crazy?) "No, No, Mei, I've been hearing voices in my head and I think it's peoples thoughts." "Haha, Alright then, Tell me what I'm thinking. [Brot & Brötchen. She'll never guess this] "Brot & Brötchen, Geez you really never stop thinking about food do you?" Meidass looked at me like I was crazy, "What the Hölle" (Hell) "See, I told you, I don't know what it is." "Oh My Gosh Mädchen, You're a superhero, You have magical powers or something!" "Well, I wouldn't call it that…" "No actually, maybe you are a descendant of Goddess Nerthus, Have you talked to your Mutter?"