

Imagine dying and then waking up in the body of a thug in the Marvel universe. Sounds wild, right? Well, that's just the beginning of my story. One moment I was dying on the sidewalk, and the next, I'm in some rundown apartment, looking at two duffle bags, one filled money, the other with drugs. It's not long before I realize I'm smack in the middle of a city where almost everyone wants me dead. Every corner I turn, there's someone with a grudge, a gun, or both trying to take me out. Just when I'm starting to get the hang of dodging danger and figuring out how to survive in this new world, things get even crazier. I discover I can travel into yet another world—a game-like realm that's somehow connected to my new reality. It's like stepping into a video game where the rules are different, and the stakes are just as high.

Wicked132 · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Life is Strange #15

For a tense moment, we waited, watching as the sphere trembled on the ground. Then, with a final click, it settled, glowing with a steady light.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. I did it. The Chillet was captured.

Elena emerged from the bushes, a satisfied smile on her face. "Well done," she said, her eyes gleaming with approval.

The mega sphere flew back into my hand and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, feeling a rush of triumph. "We did it," I said, turning to Elena. "We actually did it."

"Not bad," Vito said, appearing beside me. "You handled yourself well."

Elena merely smiled as she called back her Eikthyrdeer and the one that was mine trotted over, its eyes curious as it looked at the captured Chillet in the Mega Sphere. I patted its flank, grateful for its help.

"I'd be lying if I said I had things under control the whole time," I admitted, "but I felt strangely calm and collected under the pressure, despite my nervousness." I paused, glancing at Vito. "Several days ago, I would have crumbled."

Vito grinned. "There's still a bit of me inside that body somewhere."

Elena's smile widened. "Well, it's done now. It's been a long day so far, and I'm ready to head back to the base and relax."

I looked up at the sky, noticing the telltale signs of the evening settling in. The horizon was painted with hues of orange and purple, and the shadows were beginning to lengthen. "Can you make the trip back alone?" I asked. "I have something to take care of."

Elena rolled her eyes. "Chivalry is dead indeed." Then she gave me a disapproving look. "Did you let this little victory get to your head? The areas further ahead are more dangerous, and once it's night, they'll be even more dangerous."

I frowned, remembering that Vito had once asked me the same question. Did I really look like someone who'd get carried away and get myself killed to everyone? Vito, ever the provocateur, smiled beside me. "You do indeed look like someone who'd run into an early grave."

I grimaced, wishing I could tell Vito to fuck off and remind him that I was wearing his face and body, making him the one at fault for this perception. But I refrained.

Instead, I forced a smile and turned to Elena. "I don't intend to go deeper into the island," I said. "I have some business to tend to, and I might be away for a while."

Elena sighed, crossing her arms. "If your business is so urgent, then I'll accompany you," she said firmly. "I'd prefer you didn't waste your life—and my prospects for an easier life with it."

I shook my head. "You literally can't come with me, and it's not because I'm unwilling. It's just impossible."

She raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Look, I... I can't explain right now," I replied, feeling a twinge of guilt. "Maybe in the future, but not now."

Elena studied me for a moment, her eyes narrowing. Finally, she relented with a sigh. "I can't say that I like this, but you're the boss so suit yourself. Just don't get yourself killed."

"I'll do my best," I said, trying to inject some levity into my voice. "Take care and look after the base while I'm away."

Elena nodded. "I will. Just make sure you come back in one piece."

We parted ways, her silhouette disappearing into the foliage as she headed back to the base. I watched her go for a moment, feeling a strange mix of relief and apprehension.

Then, I turned and made my way to the nearest fast travel point near the Rayne syndicate tower.


Appearing back in the base, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, expecting to see a mess crawling with cops or gangsters. It wasn't the most optimistic of expectations, but at this point, I'd grown used to expecting everything to go to shit.

Much to my relief, I was proven wrong, and the base was just as I'd left it. However, one strange scene drew my attention.

Carlo wasn't tied up anymore, and although the Nitehawk I left behind was still standing guard, fully prepared to peck a hole in his head, Carlo didn't seem particularly bothered. He had a bunch of red berries in his hand and he munched on them while watching the Pals work in the base with a fascinated expression.

Carlor grinned as he noticed me walking up to him. "I didn't expect to see you back so soon."

I couldn't help but frown at those words. "What are you talking about? I've been away for over ten hours now..."

He gave me a strange look, saying, "You've only been gone for less than two hours at most, boyo... first you're talking to the air and now you're even losing your sense of time..." He ruefully shook his head.

My frown deepened, I took out my phone to check the time, and just as he said, it had only been two hours. Vito appeared beside me, his arms crossed with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Time might flow differently in the two worlds," he remarked.

I made a mental note to look into it further but promptly changed the subject. "How did you get out of your restraints anyway?" I asked Carlo.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "You pick up a few tricks here and there once you've lived long enough."

Noticing the cold expression forming on my face, he sighed. "A stone chip flew my way and I used it to cut the rope." He said, gesturing to the side.

I followed his hand, and couldn't help but sigh at the sight of a Cattiva carelessly mining the stone pit, sending rock shards flying all over the place. "I suppose it doesn't matter since you behaved yourself."

Carlo chuckled, popping another berry into his mouth. "You know these creature of yours... they're quite something alright..." he said, turning away from me to resume watching the Pals work. "I've never seen anything like them, and I've seen my fair share of strange and exotic, enough to last me a lifetime..."

I looked at Carlo, lounging comfortably with his back against a crate and a handful of berries in his grasp. "You sure are relaxed for a prisoner," I remarked, unable to hide my irritation.

Carlo turned to me, laughter bubbling up from his chest. "I've been a prisoner before, kid. This is way different." He laughed again, louder this time, and added, "At the very least, the entertainment isn't dog shit around here." His gaze shifted back to the Pals, seemingly glued to their every move.

I muttered under my breath, wondering if he'd developed Stockholm Syndrome or something. Vito's spectral form shimmered beside me, his expression one of amused skepticism. "Carlo's too much of a sly old fox for that to happen," he said. "Don't lower your guard around him. For all you know, that might be exactly what he's waiting for."

Vito's eyes surveyed the bustling warehouse, teeming with activity as the Pals went about their tasks. "Then again, you can't see all of this without changing your entire outlook on life."

"It doesn't matter," I muttered, more to myself than to Vito, before turning away from Carlo and heading towards the office room. As I settled into the worn leather chair, I allowed myself a moment to think about my next move.

Things were going smoothly. I had bases in both worlds, a good number of Pals working tirelessly to keep everything running, and even several Pals that were more than capable in a fight. Yet, despite this progress, my situation here remained unchanged.

I was still a wanted criminal, with two powerful gangs dead set on capturing me and torturing me to death, and a good number of cops intent on shooting me on sight.

Sitting at the makeshift desk, I leaned back in the creaky chair and closed my eyes, trying to piece together a coherent plan. 'The Pals had given me an edge, sure, but I needed more than that to stay ahead of my enemies...'

As my mind wandered, I couldn't help but smile bitterly, finding the situation amusing for the wrong reasons. It hasn't been that long since I was John, an ordinary guy, whose biggest worry was waking up in time and catching to bus to avoid getting a pay cut.

The bitterest of my enemies was my biological clock, and maybe my habit of staying up late, watching some TV show or the other, or my laptop, and then there was Greg, the bastard that kept stealing my yogurt at work.

Yet here I was, sitting in a rundown warehouse, trying to think up a way to get ahead of actual enemies; dangerous gangsters both capable and willing to take my life if given the chance.

Life truly is strange.


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