

Imagine dying and then waking up in the body of a thug in the Marvel universe. Sounds wild, right? Well, that's just the beginning of my story. One moment I was dying on the sidewalk, and the next, I'm in some rundown apartment, looking at two duffle bags, one filled money, the other with drugs. It's not long before I realize I'm smack in the middle of a city where almost everyone wants me dead. Every corner I turn, there's someone with a grudge, a gun, or both trying to take me out. Just when I'm starting to get the hang of dodging danger and figuring out how to survive in this new world, things get even crazier. I discover I can travel into yet another world—a game-like realm that's somehow connected to my new reality. It's like stepping into a video game where the rules are different, and the stakes are just as high.

Wicked132 · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Battle #8

Having crossed the Grassy Behemoth Hills, I navigated a narrow passage between two tall hills and found myself gazing at a vast open area that resembled a crossroads.

To the east, a road led down into a shadowy ravine, while to the west, an open path stretched towards a hilly region dotted with gigantic rocky protrusions. Ahead of me, to the north, a gentle slope rose toward an elevated area. The scene was enchanting, filled with vibrant greenery and bathed in the golden light of the setting sun.

What caught my attention most was the tower further ahead of the slope. It was so close that I could even see its base, a dark silhouette against the horizon, exuding an aura of mystery and grandeur.

Vito appeared beside me, his expression one of genuine curiosity. "What do you recon that is now that you've had a closer look?" he asked, his voice breaking the serene silence.

"I don't know," I replied, my eyes still fixed on the imposing structure. "But whatever it is, it's probably not something I can handle right now so I'm not even going to bother..."

"Figured as much," Vito remarked, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. He paused, his gaze shifting skyward. "What the hell is that...?"

I followed his line of sight and my breath caught in my throat. Floating in the air was a large avian creature, roughly the size of a particularly big bull. Its back was covered in ink-colored feathers, while a white line ran along its abdomen. A feathery comb of red feathers adorned its head, giving it a majestic yet formidable appearance.

"That's... incredible," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper.

The bird circled gracefully, its wings cutting through the air with silent power. It was both beautiful and intimidating, a reminder of the untamed wilderness I found myself in.

Vito's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Think we should try to catch it?"

Looking at its sharp peak and large talons, I couldn't help but feel a shiver of apprehension. "It does look intimidating," I admitted, "Not as much as that mammoth from before, but still..."

Vito chuckled beside me. "Oh, just stop being such a pussy and give it a try. You can just run away if it proves to be too much for you to handle..." He shook his head in exasperation. "You won't make it far if you keep avoiding conflict."

I couldn't help but wince at his words. "You're taking your role as my personal shoulder devil seriously aren't you?"

Still, I knew he was right. This wasn't my old life anymore. I was no longer a corporate drone whose biggest worry was paying off his student lawns and getting married before I hit the age of thirty. I had real problems now, problems that could cost me my life if I didn't handle them properly.

Taking a deep breath, I retrieved the bow from my pack. The feel of it in my hands had become almost natural after the hours I'd spent practicing. The first time I tried it, I was surprised at how proficient I was, enough to prompt me to ask Vito if it was muscle memory or something. He'd laughed and said he'd never used a bow before in his life.

With practiced ease, I nocked an arrow and drew back the string. My aim was steady as I released the arrow, watching it fly through the air and strike the creature in the abdomen. The avian beast let out a loud screech, its gaze snapping towards me with deadly intent.

As it began to descend slowly, I nocked another arrow, but this time, the creature deflected it with a powerful sweep of its wing. Before I could react, it opened its beak and shot a ball of compressed air directly at me.

Taken by surprise, I barely managed to cross my arms in a defensive gesture. Instead of the pain I was bracing for, I heard a sound akin to glass shattering. My body radiated a blue glow as the attack dissipated upon impact. The shield gadget had activated just in time.

Vito looked at me with a thoughtful expression. "Neat. I wonder if this thing could stop bullets..."

Ignoring Vito's taunts, I quickly knocked another arrow and sent it flying at the avian creature. It didn't bother deflecting the projectile this time. Instead, it performed a barrel roll that generated a small tornado, pushing the arrow away mid-flight. My eyes widened as I quickly threw myself to the side, narrowly avoiding the whirlwind.

The creature wasn't finished. Flapping its wings, it took to the air and, with another powerful beat, dived straight toward me like a hawk closing in on its prey. I cursed under my breath and dropped to the ground in a prone position. The creature's talons made contact with my back, but the shield gadget absorbed the blow before shattering completely.

Vito appeared beside me, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You might want to run now."

Gritting my teeth, I replied, "I got this."

Vito raised an eyebrow, surprised but amused. "Suit yourself."

I discarded the bow and drew my spear, charging at the creature. It seemed taken aback by my sudden aggression but reacted quickly, opening its mouth to launch another ball of compressed air. Anticipating the attack, I dodged to the side and thrust my spear into its chest as soon as I closed the distance.

Furious, the creature swiped its wing at the spear, trying to snap it in half. I managed to pull back just in time, withdrawing the spear and stepping away. The oversized bird staggered slightly from its chest wound but flapped its wings again, preparing for another barrel roll.

This time, I was ready. I stepped forward and threw the spear, hitting it right in the chest again. The creature stumbled to the ground, unable to stay airborne. Seizing the opportunity, I took out my wooden club and lunged at it, delivering a series of powerful blows.

The creature screeched and flailed, but its movements grew weaker with each strike. Finally, it lay still, its eyes closing in defeat. I stood over it, panting and covered in sweat, but victorious.

Vito appeared beside me once more, clapping slowly as he looked down at the oversized avian. "Not bad. Maybe you're not completely hopeless after all."

Ignoring his snide comment, I retrieved my spear and looked down at the fallen creature. It had been a tough fight, but I won, and now it was time for me to claim my prize.

Taking out a pal sphere from my inventory, I threw it at the beast, watching as its form dissolved into light that was drawn into the sphere. The orb hovered in the air, pulsating several times before flying back into my hand. I stared at it, a mix of disbelief and triumph washing over me. I muttered, "I actually did it."

Vito materialized beside me, his usual smug grin plastered on his face. "You did it indeed. So, what's next on the agenda, oh pal-conquering hero?"

I turned my gaze to the tower at the top of the hill overlooking the clearing. Its stone walls stood tall and imposing against the horizon, an enticing mystery waiting to be unraveled. "I want to explore further north," I said, determination edging my voice.

Vito chuckled mockingly. "Has your victory gotten to your head already?"

"Nope. I have no intention of going into the tower," I replied, shaking my head. "But I think I spotted a dormant Great Eagle statue nearby. If I can activate it, it'll make getting back here more convenient, and I did come all the way here, so..."

Vito raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "You're getting the hang of this pretty quickly, aren't you? I'm kind of impressed..."

I shrugged my shoulders, slipping the pal sphere back into my inventory. "It's fly or fall at this point... I'd be an idiot not to make the most of what I got..."

As I began to walk Vito followed closely, still wearing that infuriatingly smug expression. "Just don't get yourself killed. We've come too far for you to mess it up now."

I smiled, glancing back at him. "I'll be fine. Besides, having you nagging in my ear is a constant reminder to stay sharp."

He chuckled. "Fair enough."


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