
(Reincarnated as Toji in Chainsaw Man:Paused)

The strongest sorcerer assassin became a hunter's hunter. (This is not the original Toji)

Chester_LV · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Who's The Strongest IV

Returning to his Wandering Cloud with a smile, Toji turned towards the forest and leaped, leaving a crater right where he had jumped.

Those who were his rivals, especially the user of the Split Soul Katana, furrowed their brows slightly at such an action, but they didn't pay it much mind and simply launched themselves into the forest, starting a frenzied hunt to eliminate their target.

The figure at the entrance of the grand palace simply sighed and closed his eyes while his red centipede-like creature coiled around his torso Toji-style.

In the forest, the pursuit continued as Toji moved at high speeds, flying through the trees. Behind him, his enemies, primarily the user of the naginata, threw knives that, despite not being able to touch Toji, were fast enough to make him change direction among the trees, forcing Toji to take zigzag routes or alter his angle of movement or speed in the process.

His enemies, who were not as fast as Toji, but they were swift enough not to lose track of him. However, it was impossible for them to catch up to Toji.

Maintaining almost the same speed, but with about 10 meters between them, our favorite anti-hero received a large wave of knives.

Deciding that it was enough and not wanting to waste any more time in such a absurd pursuit, Toji decided to land on the thick bark of a large tree. He used three of his limbs to stay firmly on the tree, while gripping his Playful Cloud tightly. His hair flowed with each of his breaths, obscuring his face from view.

Toji allowed both the knives and his pursuers to approach him closely and, in an instant, he disappeared from their sight, surprising them momentarily.

But that moment was all it took for one of them to meet their demise.

The knives landed on the tree, embedding deeply into it, while they each landed on different tree branches.

Both the Naginata user and the Split Katana user began to scan their surroundings, gripping their weapons tightly, their senses heightened to the utmost, awaiting the slightest movement.

However, their surprise was immense when Toji suddenly materialized out of nowhere beside the Naginata user. Without mercy, he delivered a powerful strike with the upper section of his Itinerant Cloud, all the while holding the lower section with one hand and sporting a savage smile.

The Itinerant Cloud is a type of nunchaku divided into three sections, connected by rings at the end of each section. Each nunchaku is adorned with a flame-like pattern.

It's the only special-grade cursed tool that isn't imbued with cursed energy. Instead, the tool harnesses the pure physical power of its user. If the user desires, they can infuse it with their own energy.

With his cursed energy severely limited, Toji relied solely on his explosive physical power, which, even without cursed energy, was more than enough to completely destroy his opponent's head.

The user's body was sent flying, and with limited time to react, the Split Soul Katana user could only crouch slightly as his companion's body shot over him at high speed, crashing into a tree and breaking it, burying the body. body of his partner inside.

Jumping onto the thick branch where his next opponent stood, Touji held his cursed tool for a moment as he sized up his opponent.

The Split Soul Katana user only looked at Toji as he held his Katana in front of him.

Deciding that it wasn't enough and knowing that he couldn't afford to be careless, since that sword could easily cut him, Toji decided to sharpen his Playful Cloud once more. He grabbed the top and bottom sections, leaving the middle section without grip, and began to sharpen these two sections with great calm, his wild smile widening with each pass.

The ringing, screeching sound of edges being sharpened echoed throughout the area, the sparks illuminating Toji's sinister smile. Coupled with the Cursed Inventory of him, it seemed like they had a great thirst for bloodshed or simply reveling in the moment, savoring what they were doing.

The Split Soul Katana user looked at Toji's actions in bewilderment.

"Why is he sharpening the nunchaku?" expressed Split Soul Katana user in his mind, as doubts and concerns began to arise.

Once Toji finished sharpening the once circular tips, which now looked like spearheads or sharp knives, he positioned himself. He held the lower section of his Playful Cloud with his right hand, the middle section with his left hand, while the upper section pointed downwards.

Both Toji and the Split Soul Katana user dashed towards each other in a burst of speed, closing the distance between them. The Split Soul Katana user launched a horizontal slash, once again aiming to slice through Toji's torso at an inhuman speed, but not inhuman enough.

After all, Toji was the most inhumane among humans.

Leaping over the slash with a savage grin, he grabbed the upper section of his Playful Cloud in the air while he also grabbed the lower section. With blinding speed, he stabbed it into his enemy's left eye as if he were using a spear, piercing the entire head and destroying the white mask with the sharp tip of the Playful Cloud of his.

The force was so great that the thick branch they were fighting on shattered at the moment Toji and his now-deceased enemy fell to the ground, the Playful Cloud still impaling the enemy's head.

Before hitting the ground, Toji jumped, distancing himself and landing on his feet.

Placing his Playful Cloud into his Cursed Inventory's mouth, which eagerly swallowed it, Toji decided to go in search of his rewards.

The victor of this battle, Toji Fushiguro, would claim what was rightfully his.

Walking up to the lifeless body, he noticed that the enemy was not holding the sword. Turning to the tree where they had fought before, he saw the sword deeply embedded in the bark, approaching it, he grabbed and effortlessly pulled it out of the tree.

Toji noticed that the sword didn't feel special; it weighed as much as a sword of its style would and had a unique design.

Turning around again, he noticed the Naginata buried vertically with its tip completely entrenched in the ground. Without any haste, Toji approached it, pulled it out, and slowly placed it in his Cursed Inventory, which consumed it without any issue.

For the first time, Toji wondered if his Cursed Inventory had any limits. It was absurdly useful and seemed to have no bottom, and the weight of the items didn't burden him or his Cursed Inventory. He felt light and comfortable.

With a sigh and a smile, he observed one of Toji Fushiguro's signature weapons. Now that he had finished with his enemy, he decided to conclude this once and for all.

Launching himself back with a savage and bloodthirsty grin, Toji flew through the trees at a greater speed than before.

At the tower's entrance, the individual with the scar in the shape of an X, who always wore a yukata, felt that something dangerous was approaching. Obviously, if it had been a normal person, he wouldn't have been able to identify the threat, but years of fighting and killing demons and humans had honed their instincts to a high degree.

His scarlet centipede wrote, moving his head to the right and opening his mouth, revealing multiple mouths within.

At that moment, Toji appeared on the same platform a few meters from where the handsome man sat. At blinding speed, he launched himself towards his target, wielding the Split Soul Katana. However, his surprise was immense when he saw the centipede releasing a powerful soundwave that sent him hurtling into the forest at great speed, causing Toji to crash into a large tree hundreds of meters away from his main target.

Without giving him time to recover, the girl, whose head Toji had previously impaled with his knife, appeared. Though not alive, her head was bleeding, and her eyes were lifeless. She couldn't penetrate the tree bark where Toji had crashed, but she managed to bury her fist into it.

This time, jumping down to the ground, she initiated a chase against Toji. Unlike the other pursuers, she managed to get close to him but ella lacked the ability to strike with much force or take advantage of her proximity.

Running in a zigzag pattern among the trees and using them to try and evade her, he suddenly turned while running, executing a small jump that he used to rotate his body, positioning himself in front of her, ready to use the Split Soul Katana for the first time, which had been in his hand all this time.

Sensing another presence, though weaker, approaching from behind, he decided to employ a move he had wanted to use.

Once the girl was close enough, he launched himself at her in an instant, delivering a double flying kick that the girl barely managed to block with a high cross-arm guard, but the momentum would likely break one of her arms.

Just as he executed this move, a figure landed a punch that created a crater right where Toji had been moments ago.

Without caring who it was, he used the girl's guard and propelled himself above the person, whom he couldn't identify due to the dust cloud.

In mid-air, he grabbed the head of his enemy and, using his entire body weight in one hand above the head, attempted to use his Split Soul Katana to decapitate the enemy, but he couldn't because the girl had returned to strike him, preventing him from severing the head of his enemy.

Using the hand that held his enemy's head like a calisthenics move, he leaped away from them in the same hand, putting a considerable distance between them to catch his breath. He also noticed that his new enemy was the former user of the Split Soul Katana, who appeared like a zombie in his current state.

"This guy is desecrating the dead bodies of his comrades," Toji expressed with disgust and revulsion. Despite being a killer and having slain them, the dead were still dead and should not be used in any state. They deserved their rest both physically and spiritually.

At the entrance, the handsome man who had been sitting like a king since the beginning of the fight was talking to himself.

"I should destroy this forest. After all, if I continue like this, he might find a way to kill me." He looked at his centipede, which was coiled placidly on his torso and smiled.

"Our trump card has helped us quite a bit, but that's only a part; the other is missing." The plan they had devised was to have the centipedes infiltrate the heads of their "comrades" so that when they died, they could control their corpses and take advantage of the fact that the brain did not limit their physical capabilities, allowing them to use them to the fullest.

As long as the head remained connected to the corpse, it was possible to control them. However, if the head was severed or destroyed, the body became useless.

The girl with the fan and the user of the Split Katana were killed with attacks to their heads. In the case of the Split Katana user, they pierced his left eye and the left part of his brain. However, his brain was still there, albeit damaged, making him controllable but unable to use the body to its full potential.

It was disappointing because that body had a lot of potential within it, but they were already dead, and they were just part of a miserable distraction.

Putting aside such thoughts, he sighed and returned to the simple diatribe of not having to destroy the place, as he had liked the palace itself, and its theme, even more.