
(Reincarnated as Toji in Chainsaw Man:Paused)

The strongest sorcerer assassin became a hunter's hunter. (This is not the original Toji)

Chester_LV · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Who's the Strongest III

The woman behind him widened her eyes as she noticed Toji stabbing his companion right in the neck, piercing him without giving them a chance to react to this sudden movement.

Without hesitation, she grabbed her companion in front of her and leaped backward, utilizing her quick reflexes and agility, granted by her training and her contract with her boss's pet demon.

Toji, who held the knife to his enemy's neck, pulled it out, letting him fall to the ground, and jumped back into the forest.

The woman, dragging her companion, managed to position herself in the center of the clearing, simultaneously trying to distance herself from it, before noticing that Toji had vanished and that her comrade's corpse lay lifeless on the ground in a gruesome pool of blood.



Toji's constant jumps through the forest echoed through the area, causing the woman to enter a state of extreme alert and panic. In Toji's mind, as a normal person in his previous life, he could never have imagined doing this in his daily life, but now he could and it felt amazing. The adrenaline coursing through his body, the air hitting his face and the excitement she felt from harnessing his physical abilities was an addictive feeling that he would never get tired of.

"Definitely a heaven-blessed body," he thought.

The woman, still looking around her in all directions, began to talk to her companion who seemed to be in a trance, increasingly frightened.

"Hey, get out of there, you idiot! Don't you see that if you keep this up, we'll be next?" the woman said in a panicked tone.

But she didn't have time to say more, because within her field of vision, Toji appeared in the blink of an eye with a savage smile and the same knife with which she had killed his comrade. Toji, without mercy, stabbed the knife directly into his neck. She was a little surprised to see his victim gripping the knife with both hands, barely able to hold it, with his hands bleeding and the fan on the ground.

Ignoring his struggle, Toji gave one last push, causing the woman's muscles to burn, every effort she made seem futile. Her hands hurt and bled, and her shoulders looked like they were going to fail at any moment. The knife was close to her throat and it seemed like the end for her.

Closing her eyes to accept her death, she suddenly felt the force exerted by Touji abruptly fade away, as if it had never existed.

Opening her eyes, he noticed that Toji was not in front of her; She was like he was a ghost.

"Where is he?" she said in a painful tone, before letting go of the knife she had been holding and observing the same hands that she had been holding and enduring the attack, bleeding profusely from a deep cut in both.

Just at that moment, she felt a sharp pain in her head, and then her world turned completely dark.

The outcome.

Toji was behind the girl, running a short katana through her head while smiling in a cruel and savage manner.

Removing the short katana, or Wakizashi as it's called in Japan, from the woman's head, he turned to see the blindfolded boy seemingly staring into nothingness, or 'seemingly' because his eyes were blindfolded, and it was unclear what lay beneath the bandages.

Shaking the blood off his short katana or Wakizashi, he casually moved towards where the boy was kneeling on the ground.

In his mind, the boy was not traumatized by how his comrades had died but by the fact that his senses had been manipulated in that way. "There was no way that could have happened," the boy thought in his mind, still trying to figure out how this apparent killer had done it.

"He only became famous for defeating Kishibe," that's what they knew about him and the reason they had been told to hunt Toji, 'He's just any other killer, who nearly killed rusty Kishibe, surely he can't handle you, go without worries.' Those were the confident words of their boss who didn't seem to be worried about them and seemed at least outwardly he seem to be confident that they would win.

His mind, still not tired of trying again and again, finally decided to give up, snapping out of his trance, still with a bit of fear but now accepting his fate. He looked at Toji, who stood in front of him with his short katana, which he gleamed fiercely in the sun, making his figure appear more prominent like that of a true warrior. The trail of corpses behind him, among which were his two comrades, reaffirmed this position.

"Shit," was all he muttered under his breath as Touji's short Katana didn't hesitate to cut off the man's head.

The lifeless body fell to the ground as blood gushed rapidly from the once-living enemy.

Walking slowly, he placed his Short Katana in the mouth of the Cursed Inventory and slipped his hands into his pockets with a relaxed attitude, as if he had never killed 43 people.

But once again, just when he had taken just 2 steps, two figures fell in front of him with a loud crash, creating a large cloud of dust that obscured the view of our favorite antihero.

In a burst of speed, a figure with a red spear lunged towards Touji, who sighed in annoyance as he thought to himself in irritation.

"They come one after another, they're like cockroaches, don't they ever get tired?"

With a slight movement of his head, Toji dodged a powerful blow from the Naginata.

Immediately after, the man wielding it swept his legs, almost trapping Toji, who jumped back with his hands in his pockets and a relaxed and serene look on his face. Behind him, the other individual launched an attack with his sword, threatening to sever his torso. Barely touching the ground with the tips of his toes after the first attacker's sweep, Toji executed a backflip, turning into a ball in the air.

Jumping onto the sword, his eyes widened as he noticed the sword that could have easily killed him.

The Split Soul Katana passed right beneath him with great speed and force, cutting through the air at the spot where Toji had been moments before.

Landing on the ground, he jumped again when he saw the same individual in a white mask delivering a merciless kick straight to his head, the force of which resonated everywhere and pushed Touji back a little, barely managing to block the kick. With one hand.

Toji jumped back twice and distanced himself from the two seemingly fierce enemies of him.

Toji, who was at a considerable distance, noticed another person fall at the second entrance of the palace and sit atop it with crossed legs, a mocking smile on his face, his left cheek resting on his left fist as his eyes looked condescendingly at Toji.

The aura he exuded possessed power.

Toji's smile appeared as he pulled his Playful Cloud from his Cursed Inventory. He then began sharpening the left and right parts of it, causing its tips to become even sharper as he smiled wildly.

Right after that, he expertly wielded it, showcasing his great skills and causing the air to move violently in accordance with his adept maneuvers.

Finishing his maneuvers, he placed his Playful Cloud over his shoulders with a savage smile, while his Cursed Inventory also smiled in the same way.

"Let the party begin."