
(Reincarnated as Toji in Chainsaw Man:Paused)

The strongest sorcerer assassin became a hunter's hunter. (This is not the original Toji)

Chester_LV · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs


The sounds of kisses and moans echoed throughout the place.

In an apartment, a woman with short cream-colored hair and a patch over her right eye was sitting on the sofa in her home. Above her, another woman with purple hair and two mini-horns giving her a demonic touch, along with black eyes, fervently kissed her, expressing lust in its most romantic yet wild form on the naked bodies of both girls.

On either side, several other women were engaging in passionate kisses.

The three women at the side subtly approached the woman with cream-colored hair and began caressing her body.

"Play with us too, Quan Xi," spoke one of the girls in a playful and lustful tone while touching one of Quan Xi's breasts.

"Halloween!" exclaimed another of the girls with a peculiar appearance. She had brains sticking out on the left side of her face and head, short disheveled pink hair, and heart-shaped eyes. The girl who expressed these words had an adorable yet bizarre appearance.

Behind the peculiar girl, another one with a sewn face and green hair, featuring strange eyes consisting of a black sclera and yellow pupils with an equally black iris, patiently awaited her turn.

Quan Xi, who was kissing the woman on top of her, diverted her gaze for a moment and with her right hand, took the face of the woman who had spoken to her earlier. Kissing her passionately while the woman on top of Quan Xi ran her hand along her thigh, eventually reaching her intimate area.

They formed a lustful and beatiful yet peculiar spectacle for anyone who happened to witness it.

Suddenly, the phone beside them interrupted the passionate love session between the women with its shrill sound.

The girls beside her sighed in annoyance but didn't reproach or complain. Nevertheless, they continued touching and kissing Quan Xi.

Taking the phone beside her, Quan Xi waited for the caller to speak.

"Have you heard?" a male voice, almost gruff, expressed behind the phone, awaiting Quan Xi's response.

"Speak quickly; I'm spending time with my women," Quan Xi replied, frigidly and emotionlessly. Despite her outward demeanor, her face showed no sign of annoyance.

"The killer is being pursued; there are rumors that even Makima is interested in him," said the man behind the phone.

"And what does this have to do with me?" Quan Xi retorted, already tired of listening to the man.

"Things could get ugly. Makima said the killer couldn't die, but both China and the United States didn't care and told her they were going to kill him, whether she liked it or not," the man replied with a tone that conveyed a hint of concern.

For a moment, Quan Xi's thoughts came to a halt.

"What did Makima say?" she inquired, also with a hint of concern, as she knew that even though she was the fastest assassin, a confrontation with Makima would likely result in her death. Not just likely, but certain. However, she would fall under Makima's control, as hybrids like her cannot die. But...

Quan Xi looked at each of her women in detail, a visible trace of concern in her eyes.

"Makima is in China," the man said.

Quan Xi, for a moment, became even paler than she already was.

"Why?" she responded.

"To kill anyone who touches the killer," the man replied to Quan Xi.

Quan Xi sighed calmly as she relaxed, transitioning to a less tense state.

She knew that while Makima was ruthless and emotionless, she only took action against those who interested her to keep them under her control. Despite the Assassin's Association and the U.S. Government being a thorn in her side, they were nothing compared to Makima.

"I see, so there's no need for me to intervene for now, right?" she said in a relaxed voice.

"The number 1 assassin is already on the scene," the man informed Quan Xi, who raised an eyebrow but didn't give it much importance.

"I see. Is there anything else to say or that I should know?" Quan Xi asked.

"The killer... has a sword that can match your speed," the man told Quan Xi, who widened her eye in surprise before she could reply. "I know because he has a speed similar to yours," the man finished speaking and waited for her to continue.

Quan Xi is known for being the fastest assassin, but even more so for her problem with swords. In her opinion and in fact, they are so fragile that they cannot withstand the impact of her movements and attributes. The revelation that a human, or as far as she knows to date, someone similar to her in speed, possesses a sword capable of matching that speed ignited an interest within her that she didn't know existed.

"Oh... Depending on whether the murderer dies, survives and escapes, or falls into Makima's hands, perhaps I will go to find her," she said with a cold voice, tinged with curiosity, before continuing. "Anyway, do you have anything else?"

"No," he concluded.

At the end of the call, she was immediately surrounded by her girls who were anxiously waiting for her to finish so they could resume their passionate romantic session.

The girls stopped and looked at her in confusion noticing that she was wandering in her thoughts.

"So, someone who can match me in speed and a sword capable of not breaking in the attempt, huh?" Quan Xi thought, before realizing that her girls were looking at her in confusion.

Long, the girl on top of Quan Xi, asked, "Is everything okay, Quan Xi?"

"Don't worry, everything is fine," Quan Xi responded in a subtle and gentle tone as he kissed her gently.

Back to the Territory,

The demon watched as Toji's body was slowly and progressively absorbed by her Territory.

With an air of indifference, he observed the sword he held in his hands. Despite his great resilience, he felt a strange sense of discomfort, as if the sword were not meant for him.

In an instant, the demon sensed a change in the atmosphere. Although it was a subtle shift, his demonic senses were able to perceive it perfectly.

"Hmm," he murmured with curiosity, now feeling a slight tremor in the Territory.

It was like a second for him, but he witnessed as if it had already been there—a hole formed had been formed where the assassin had been buried, and now it was closing up.

"Wha-" was all the demon felt before sensing his head floating in the air, separated from his body, and the arm that held the sword was no longer in place.

Feeling intense panic, all he could observe was the assassin standing right behind his body, holding what he could describe as a Japanese jutte.

His right hand was extended upward, holding his now-severed arm, which was being grasped by Toji.

But he noticed that it no longer emitted that cursed energy. Even though it was moderately significant, as a demon, he was able to perceive the presence of the assassin. However, now it was as if it had become... empty, and his appearance was somewhat different. His muscles looked more toned, veins were more pronounced, and the muscles on his back had great definition.

His physical power seemed to have undergone a drastic change; his aura was colder and more malevolent.

Even though nothing changed the fact that he was still injured.

"¿What has happened?" he thought in his mind.

He couldn't tell if he was seeing things, but slowly, his enemy was regenerating. However, something was off; it didn't make sense. 

He focused on sensing his enemy, and unexpectedly, he couldn't. It was as if the human truly became a vessel, an empty bowl without any negative energy. It was like dealing with a regular human.

"Y-you." Fear surged in his mind, and he automatically switched into survival mode, finally recognizing the threat Toji posed to him.

A centipede, devoid of any skin, shot out from his body and connected to his still-floating head. Once he managed to feel his physical body and energy, he instinctively unleashed the negative energy within him.

A vast horde of red centipedes shot up from the ground of the territory, covering the assassin's body.