
Chap 19

As they were dinning, Drake got to know Cedric better, the twins also knew him and talked a bit with each other, it seems that their families knew each other. He even may have discovered something about the diary, it seems that the twins have a brother that is called Bill, it could be the same as the one written on it since he graduated two years ago. Drake would have to ask the twins later or when he would be alone with them.

They talked some more about superfluous things and after finishing dinner they started to go to do their things. Cho went with Cedric and Katie left earlier since she was going to meet with some friends which didn't like very much Drake because of his reputation. He could understand and he told Katie that it wasn't a big problem. He was left alone with Scarlett, which he told her:

"Well, …we need to move to another place…preferably a place without many people."

"I know a place, follow me!" replied Scarlett.

They went to the girl's bathroom on the second floor where no one goes because of moaning Myrtle.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" asked Scarlett after they arrived there.

"I have talked with Jade and I know you two have some problems so I will allow you to solve with her inside a special and secret place of my own. I know that's probably a Dragon thing but please you two need to solve things. The problem is that the special place is in Gryffindor dorms and I need to find a way of moving you there without being noticed."

"Yup, Me and her…we don't get along well because of of…. Dragon things as you said but…we don't need to solve things…" replied Scarlett stuttering a little bit.

"Yes you need and don't be stubborn as her, you two will solve things according to your ways…that would be very important for me…you know I can't abandon her or leave you…and if you could solve things well…it would be great."

"Okey…I will but…do not expect a lovey dove talk between us…it could be very nasty and I don't know if you are ready to accept the consequences."

"Oh…I am…" replied Drake to her.

They talked a little bit more before they said goodbye to each other and went to their dorms.

Drake walked into his suitcase after arriving at Gryffindor dorms and before he could go into one of the rooms, he was greeted by Star and Z which he played a little with and then went to visit Jade and Greenie. After doing all this, Drake went to his secretary and wrote a letter to his uncle Newt asking for the worst-case scenario between two Dragoness encountering each other and if he knew why this happened.

After finishing all that he went to care for his garden, he went through the garden door and he was greeted by a magic field. He had divided the magic garden into regions where he planted the plants corresponding to each region. He had a lot of them already since his uncles Newt and Nicolas would buy a bunch of seed in every city they visited and give it to him. He liked to collect rare plants too, even if they hadn't magical properties. This garden was what provide him the ingredients to make potions and some alchemy things. The rarest plant that he had planted here was a flower that could turn into a black lotus with nine petals. A plant with origins from Asia and the legends said it was a mystic plant. He didn't know if that was true or if this plant would turn into it, but he believed in his uncle when he said that it was a very rare and mysterious set of seeds. He also had some ingredients to make potions which could improve magic spells and his magic pool. He even had the plants to make health potions.

He took care of his plants and went out of the garden and then after watching if anyone was awake, he got out from the suitcase and went to sleep.

While sleeping he started to think about the duel tomorrow, what kind of magic he would use and if he would fight it seriously or win by a little margin. Anyway, he was sure that he would win it and win a few more points to his house.

While in deep sleep he started to dream again, but this one was different, he was in what it seems a muggle house. He was being led by his mother which was showing the house. After a few moments he arrived in front of a painting, where he could see his mother and two older people behind her smiling, he probably knew that they were his grandparents. His mother spoke some words and the painting disappeared and she walked into the painting. Drake ran behind her and when he entered the painting all went black and he woke up, he only heard his mother saying:

"Don't forget your heritage, find the painting and unlock your full inheritance and bloodline."

Drake knew after this dream he had to go to Portugal and find out about his family and find the same painting. He would have to talk with his dad about this. He looked at his chest and saw the pendant glowing, it seems all these recent events were unlocking things about his bloodline. Of course, he wouldn't forget about his uncles or aunties and above all about his dad Albus, but he needed to dig deep into his bloodline. He also had the prominence that he would need all the power he could get to prevent something in the future.

He went to sleep and only woke up in the next morning, he greeted everyone and waited for them to go out before he entered in the suitcase. He went to grab the letter to send to his uncle and greet ed his pets. Then he went out with them and with some basic concealing spells he went to the exit that would lead to the dark forest.

After he let go of the four animals, he went to eat breakfast at the Great Hall together with his friends. When he arrived, the girls were already there, it was strange since he didn't meet Peeve or the twins.

"Good morning ladyies, so did you sleep well?" asked Drake.

"Hey Drake, yes I did!" replied Scarlett which followed by Katie and Cho.

"Hey, Drake!"

"Good morning Drake!"

Drake turned to Cho and decided to tease her.

"So, your boy isn't here?! Hehehehehe."

Scarlett and Katie giggled and start teasing her. Cho got embarrassed and she tried to change the conversation.

"Drake…you…you…jerk! By the way are you ready for your duel? "

"Of course! Didn't I show you yesterday what I can do?!" replied Drake with a smirk.

"Yeah! Yeah! Anyway, I will be cheering for you" said Cho.

"Yeah me too!" replied Katie and Scarlett at the same time.

"You too Scarlett?! Shouldn't you be rooting for you housemate?" asked Drake smiling at her.

"I don't care about him…since it's you that will be fighting…"

"Oh, you are so cute, when you are embarrassed," said Katie which was followed by Cho. Drake just looked at her, shrugging his shoulders and said thank to her.

"So, let's get eating and then go to the classes together," said Cho after a few more awkward moments.

They finished eating together and went to DADA class since this last class of the week was for dueling, the class was held together with all the four houses first years. Drake arrived with the three of them to the room where the duel would be held. The room had a very long table, and the teacher was already here. He seemed to be sleeping on his feet. Most of the students were already gathered around the table and Drake started to make small talk with the girls.

Few more moments have passed, and Jacob arrived with a big group of Slytherin students in tow. He arrived near them and after looking at Drake with a condescending look and turned to Scarlett.

"Lady Scarlett, I was waiting for you at the dungeon's entrance, I didn't know you were here already…sorry for being late," said Jacob with pride look on his face. Scarlett greeted him and ignored.

After seeing that he wouldn't get any more words from the fairy beauty he turned to Drake.

"I hope that you're ready to get your ass whooped if you think I'm like the weak Cormac…"

"Okay, okay, you can move on, I'm not interested in hearing your rambling," said Drake with a bored looked followed by ignoring him.

Jacob got pissed and went to the side where the other Slytherin students were.

"Damn…are all of your housemates so snobbish and prideful?" asked Katie to Scarlett.

"Well…most of them are a little bit with some extremes like him but we also have nice people" replied Scarlett.

"Don't worry, I will wipe his prideful appearance off his face hehehehehe!" said Drake with an evil smile on his face.

"Just don't go overboard…you already got enough problems" said Cho with a concerned look followed by Katie and Scarlett because they knew that when he did that evil face, nothing good would come of it.

Oh! Don't worry…I won't…hehehehe!"

While they were talking, two teachers arrived at the class, one of them being Snape and the other McGonagall. They were there to watch a good show.

Drake looked at Professor McGonagall which in return she nodded her head with a light motherly smile.

Suddenly on the top of the table, Karpov woke up and started to talk with an authoritative tone.

"Since everyone is here, I will start now the beginning of one more duel session. As you know the rules are simple the first wizard to disarm the wand and I repeat to disarm the wand of his opponent, he will win the match. We will have three matches and the first one to win two of the three duels will win the duel. I won't allow magic which could be or put the contestants and the students in jeopardy. The one who does that…will get a severe punishment from me. Do you two understand?"

"Yes!" replied the two students

"Now shall we begin?! I will call Drake and Jacob to climb up to the table a to get ready" said Karpov.

"Well lady, wish me luck…hehehehe," said Drake to the three ladies while he climbed to the table.

"Good luck" replied the three.



one more time you may appoint mistakes...when i more free time i will check all chaps for it

one more time thanks and im sorry

DarkNoobWriter11creators' thoughts