
Infinite Mode Returns! Taking Down the Invincible!

I have to admit, this really didn't feel the same. When I fought Shigaraki, I felt a lot stronger than this.

"Woah, Woah, WOAH! Ladies and Gents! Looks like we've come to a climaaaaaax!!!" Present Mic shouted.

In seconds, I was in front of Tomikoa. I felt my fist collide with hers, and we exchanged a furious barrage of punches and kicks. She was keeping up with my improved speed as well! We were moving from one place to another, colliding with each other. I charged up some sort of new energy move, I'm not sure what my body was doing, but I'd imagine it was going to be effective! I dodged the various ice shards she threw at me, I felt that I was right above her.

"Ka... Me... Ha... Me..." My voice echoed.

"HA!!!!" I shouted.

When I fired off the blast, It was completely silent. Did I hit her?

"You didn't really think I'd let you off that easy, did you?" She announced.

She blasted me back with my own move and a shield! My body used everything I had just to shield myself from it, I was in the air, and I felt my body start to give up. I slowly fell to the ground, I felt myself start to lose that feeling.


(I.R.P.: Listen to "To Be the No. 1 Hero -Bakugo's Belief-" from My Hero Academia uploaded by yduR)

"Heh... It looks like Leonidus is done for. What did you say again? He wasn't completely in his 'Infinite Mode?' Looks like he's not winning this fight." Seiji cockily smirked.

"How about you just shut the fuck up and watch?" Bakugo growled.

"Excuse me? What did you just say?" Seiji asked with an offended look.

"Amnesia's sister just said that he wasn't in his full Infinite Mode, and if you Shiketsu dumbasses think for one second that he won't be able to use it, you might as well stop trying to become Pro Heroes." Bakugo argued.

"Kacchan..." Deku piped in.

"Are you saying that he can use his full potential in the state he's in? You must be joking!" Seiji replied.

Bakugo scoffed at him, "And you'd better believe it. 6 months, that's all it took for him to reach his Mode Two. It should've taken him years to do it again, but due to his damn stubbornness and tenacity, he's already mastered 2 levels of his Quirk. You all know it's true. I firmly stand by him and believe in him because of it, it's that stubbornness and tenacity that's led us here and not 6 feet under because of Shigaraki."

[Back on the Battle Field...]


From the silence, I heard Bakugo shout, "Alyx! What in the hell are you doing?! Are you telling me you can't beat some smug ass woman, but beat some god like villain?! Pathetic, and you call yourself a U.A. High student?! You use that damn Infinite Mode, AND MAKE IT YOUR KEY TO BEATING THAT DAMN EXTRA!!! DO IT, AMNESIA!!"

Those word... They sparked back that feeling! I felt Tomikoa, she was heading towards me. I flipped back over into the air, remembering what everyone has told me, what everyone has given me!

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Class A, Go Forth to Rescue!" from My Hero Academia uploaded by yduR)

"HURAAAAAHHH!!!!!" I roared.

My Overdrive exploded a brilliant Violet Blue as I roared, the pressure I let loose shook the stadium. I took a deep breath in and then back out again. I finally opened my eyes; it was time to finish this. We landed back on the ground, and I darted towards her, we both connected and were punching and countering at an incredible speed. I knew that I wasn't completely in whatever mode I was in yet, but I still had time! I felt myself heat up even more!

"HRAHHH!" I shouted.

I threw a left kick at Tomikoa, she ducked it and hit me with a kick of her own. She sent me flying into a boulder she created.

I brushed it off, "Afterimage: Absolute Mirror."

I created dozens of afterimages of myself, Tomikoa wasn't deterred by this, and blasted them to hell. I rushed in behind her, and elbowed her in the back. She flew into the stadium wall fast! I landed back down on the ground, and she fired a barrage of different attacks, I shielded myself, and it seemed like she wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"Uh oh! Looks like Tomikoa's unleashed a powerful attack! How can Leonidus possibly counter this one?" Shiketsu's Announcer said.

I closed my eyes; I went through every possible angle I could attack her from. All were too dangerous besides the one going straight forward!

"You know... I'm starting to get used to this power... I think I can kick your ass now." I declared.

I opened my eyes, "DORA!!"

I sent my shield towards her, splitting through her offense.

"H-HOW?!" She shouted.

I felt my Overdrive start to overflow, that feeling... I think I remember it now!

"HAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" I roared and my Overdrive serenaded the entire stadium in a blue light.

"T-That's it! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!" Tomikoa screamed.

She created a huge ball of light! It was almost bigger than the Overdrive Bomb I used against Tomura!

"THIS IS... THE END!!!" She threw it at me.

Everyone in the stadium was shouting and cheering on Shiketsu's side, and in awe on U.A.'s side. In a flash, I simply glided straight through her move. I completely dismantled and disrupted it, and the entire stadium became silent. I felt an intense heat I've never felt before, this wasn't like what I felt in Jaku City, this was something greater. The Overdrive aura surrounding me was a blueish-white color. Tomikoa tried to attack, but her movements, they were slower. Or well, seemed a lot slower to me. It was like when I fought the Nomu back at the training camp, I easily dodged them. I hit her multiple times in at least 3 seconds, and it sent her stumbling back in pain.

"W-what is this?" She asked me.

I didn't respond, I simply walked forward. She unleashed a thunder bolt attack that scattered across the field, I still walked forward towards her, dodging every last bit of the attack. The look of arrogance and cockiness wasn't on her face anymore, it was the look of both amazement and fear. She tried to rush me, but I stepped aside, her movements were slow, but how? Surely, she wasn't moving that slow? I kicked her into a rock we made during our battle.

"This fight is just beginning, Tomikoa." I announced.

The entire stadium was still silent, not one word was spoken.

"F-Fine... You wanna play that game... Then fine!!" She shouted.

In a flash, I flew down to her, I left a cut on her face while flying by. I exploded the boulders and rocks we created. I turned around to face her and started walking towards her. She came after me, starting her flurry of strikes, which I effortlessly dodged at first, then started to block and counter.

"What's wrong? I thought I was a waste of time?" I smugly said.

She threw a hard-right punch, which I countered with a punch of my own. The collision shook the stadium! When we hit, the ground beneath us shattered, and we were in the air.

"HAAAYAHHHH!!!" I shouted as I rained down my Stardust Shoot on her!


I put out more and more blasts of Stardust Shoot. She was getting pummeled until she put up a shield and charged through. I stopped firing and darted after her as well, our fists connected with our faces, we went back into the rapid-fire strikes and counters!


We went down to the ground; she was outputting a lot more heat energy now. If she keeps it up, she could very well die!

"Hey, I know this might not be the best thing to say, but you need to ca-" Before I could say anything else, she exploded!

"DON'T YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!! I... WILL... NOT... LOSE!!!" Tomikoa interrupted.

Her Quirk was going out of control! I put a shield around myself and the inside of the arena.


The entire stadium was lit up in an array of red and green energy! I put my arm up to protect myself, the amount of pressure she was releasing was monstrous! After she stopped, I put the shields I had down, she walked towards me and stopped several feet away from me. Her hair was levitating due to the amount of pressure surrounding her, not to mention the menacing red and green glow!

"It seems like we have this in the bag, Shiketsu! Tomikoa's sure to win!" The announcer for Shikestu High yelled.

Tomikoa charged straight for me, as she got close to me, she tried to punch me! I grabbed both of her hands and we clashed!

"I have to hand it to you; this is the first time in a while that I've been this pumped to fight someone!" I smiled.

She tightened her grip on my hands and the ground beneath us indented! She pulled me towards her and knee'd me in the face! I went flying back and she appeared behind me, I fortunately dodged her punch and grabbed her arm. I swung her around and around and I threw her into the air. Her Heat Energy was increasing more and more, I couldn't waste any more time! I flew towards her and sent her back down with an Overdrive Fist. As I landed on the ground, she slowly got back up to her feet.

"I-If I can't win..." She scowled, "THEN ALL OF THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN FOR NOTHING!!!"

She amped up her Quirk once more. She then fired off an energy shot towards the U.A. side of the stands! I quickly darted towards it and knocked it into the air.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted at her.

"If I can't keep my promise... THEN NONE OF THIS IS WORTH IT!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT?! I PROMISED HIM I WOULDN'T LOSE!" Tomikoa shouted back.

I clenched my fists and grit my teeth, "I know... I'll never understand what you've gone through... But if anyone... Tries to hurt my friends..."

My anger exploded, "ARE GONNA PAAAAYYY!!!"

My aura exploded and I darted towards Tomikoa, I nailed her with a huge punch to the face! The ground behind her crumbled and we went into the air. She tried to punch me but I grabbed her arm and threw her to the side.

"HEAVEN'S GATES: BIND!" I shouted and she crashed into the ground!

I fired a barrage of energy blasts at her as she was still bound by my gate construct! I finished it off with a Diamond Buster!

"COME ON, AMNESIA!!! FINISH HER OFF!!" Bakugo shouted.

Tomikoa was laying there, broken and battered. I landed back down onto the ground. I wasn't going to finish her off, I already read her mind. I walked over to her.

"J-Just... Do it..." She muttered.

Tears began to fall down her face. I deactivated my Quirk, I heard a mixture of cheers and boos from both sides. I held out my hand to her.

"W-Why...? After what... I just d-did..." She asked.

"You lost someone close to you. After hearing everything you told me during our fight, I just had to read your mind. You made a promise, right? That you wouldn't lose?" I asked.

"I... I lost him... My only brother. I... I couldn't save him, I couldn't! I don't want to lose, I can't lose..." She started sobbing.

"Tomikoa, your brother wouldn't want you to be angry, he'd want you to be happy! He'd want you to smile!" I gave her the same warm feeling smile that Great Grandpa gave me.

She stopped crying and wiped the tears from her eyes, "Y-you... You really think so?"

Tomikoa grabbed my hand and I helped her up.

"I do." I reassured her.

"What'll happen next?! Alyx is helping Tomikoa up?!?" Present Mic shouted.

"Hey, Midnight, I forfeit the tournament." I yelled to her.

"WHAAAAAAT?!" I heard everyone from U.A. shout.

I looked over at Tomikoa, who seemed to be left speechless, and I gave her a smile and a thumbs up. Everyone on Shiketsu's side began chanting Tomikoa's name and soon, the whole stadium was cheering for her. A tear ran down her face as she finally smiled, for real this time! As I made my way back up to the stands, I couldn't help but wave at the new friend I made.

"Hey, Tomikoa! I'd love to spar with you sometime! Your quirk is incredible!" I shouted over to her.

She smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Alyx! That was incredible! How'd you do that? Wasn't it called, 'Infinite Mode', Annie?" Kirishima asked.

I was confused, "How did I do what? Don't you guys already know about Infinite Mode?"

They all looked a bit confused, I assumed that they did, right?

"Wait, you're telling me you didn't know that you weren't being touched? Like, you were just dodging her attacks without moving at all!" Jiro told me.

"Without moving at all? Maybe that's why her movements were so slow!" I responded.

I sat down next to Shinso, who was as "lively" as ever.

"So, why'd you quit?" Shinso questioned.

"Well, do you want the gist of it or the full details?" I responded.

"Just give me the gist, I don't need a full story." Shinso told me.

I told him about how I basically read her mind and figured out the reason why she doesn't like losing, in which she proceeded to kind of have a breakdown about not being able to save her brother.

"Woah, really?" Deku asked.

"Yeah, I guess I've made a new friend now too!" I exclaimed.

I looked over and she was still looking at me, smiling! After the tournament, we boarded a bus to go back to U.A. I sat down next to Momo and I was trying not to pass out. All that fighting really wore me out! Also, keeping a conversation up with someone while being tired wasn't exactly easy either. Momo patted her legs and I looked up at her confused.

"Are you hurt there? Do you want me to heal your legs?" I asked her.

She laughed at me, "No, silly! You can-"

Mineta's head poked out from the middle of our seats.

"Thigh pillows?! A man's dream! HOW COULD YOU TAUNT ME, ALYX!?" He exclaimed.

Momo and I got startled and she hit Mineta in the face with a staff! Mineta flew back into his seat and let out a small groan of pain. I laid down on Momo's thighs, and they were surprisingly comfortable. I guess this is what Mineta meant by "A man's dream" maybe? I quickly fell asleep, but I woke up? Nobody was on the bus which was kind of weird.

"Am I dreaming?" I said to myself.

"You can say that." I heard a familiar voice.

The bus disappeared and everything went black.

I turned around, "Huh? G-Great Grandpa?"

"Hello again, Alyx" He smiled.

He walked over to me and motioned me to follow.

"Come on, let's walk and talk." Great Grandfather beckoned.

I followed right behind him, did I get pulled into the Seventh Plane or something? Unless this was an actual dream...

"Your eyes, you're treating them well, correct?" He asked.

"I've been trying, it's kind of hard when you're wanting to do hero stuff." I told him.

"Ah, I see." Great Grandfather responded.

The area around us turned into a forest, there seemed to be hundreds of Wisteria trees around us. It was beautiful! There was a small house that we entered, inside the house, was Aunt Nezuko!

"Glad to see you again, Alyx!" She beamed.

We sat down, Aunt Nezuko made some tea and poured a cup for all of us. The familiar scent of lavender filled the air.

"You've come a long way already. You've really improved since the last time we saw you!" Aunt Nezuko complimented.

I smiled at her, "Thank you!"

"They all really do look up to you, you know?" Great Grandfather told me.

I looked up from my tea, "R-Really? You think so?"

"Of course! I know so, after all!" He let out a hearty laugh.

I felt a nice, warm feeling in my chest. That made me feel a lot better than how I was feeling before.

"If you ever want to come back, you know where to find us. Just ask your sister, Annie." Aunt Nezuko hugged me.

"Speaking of family, who's that in those pictures?" I asked.

Aunt Nezuko looked over and grabbed a picture, "That is your Uncle Zenitsu! He's quite the peculiar man, I'm sure you'll meet him someday!"

I nodded and closed my eyes for a brief second, I felt myself slip out of the dream; I slowly opened my eyes to feel Momo poking my cheek.

"Are you awake yet?" I heard her say.

I got up from her lap and wiped my eyes.

"How long have you been doing that for?" I asked her as I yawned.

"Oh, for a couple minutes now." Momo smiled.

I lightly laughed and stretched. The bus arrived at U.A. and we all got off.

"Hey, Alyx! Momo!" I heard Kirishima yell.

We stopped and turned around.

"Oh, hey! What's up?" I beamed.

"Well, Eiji and I thought that since your guy's date night was ruined. We should have a double date night tonight!" Mina grinned with glee.

"That sounds wonderful, Mina! What do you think, Alyx?" Momo wondered.

A double date? That actually sounded really fun!

"Sure! That sounds like fun. What place did you have in mind?" I asked them.

"How about that restaurant you guys WERE supposed to go to until your brother ruined it?" Mina suggested.

"Yeah! That sounds like a wonderful place!" Momo replied.

I nodded in agreement; this really was a break from all the action. Finally, something relaxing for once!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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