
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Chapter 9: Calmness in chaos

Below them, a hundred airships adorned with wings of sails. Painted in blood red, as they descend in a hasten pace. Each carrying armed soldiers, depending on the airship capacity, the biggest have dozens aboard, while the smallest carrying three.

Far below, thousands of airborne soldiers flew everywhere. Searching solely for two person, and those two are currently falling to a horde of battleships. The Gricks main army. 

Zyro felt the time slow down, as he fall, his back facing down. Staring at his dammed neighbor through his helmet glass visor with complex expression as the man change his posture midair, and the darkness above, where they once use to hang. He suddenly felt a strong longing, like a baby being separated from his mother embrace forever, and never return. 

Zyro's heart palpitate, his onyx eyes burn with life as his blood circulation burst with speed. Boosting his sore muscles at its best condition, and his lungs turning wide, as he continuously breath cold air with ease. Suddenly, he felt alive, the adrenaline he had long forgotten triggered it bless. 

His body turned wild, but his mind was extremely calm, much calmer than before. Zyro quickly turn back, letting go of the man's hand. And facing the enemies army. 

The situation was dire but within expectation, actually, he prefers the current situation rather than climbing up straight to the Gricks domain. Towards the enemies territory, just to steal an airship. But now, those airships are Infront of them, ready to be stolen. Although, it's easier said than done.

Zyro did a quick calculation, directly erasing the main ships in his option. And aiming for the smallest ones, that's easier to invade, less enemy and faster to maneuver in the swarm of ships and harder to hit. However, the fact remains that they're in midair, that unable them to change trajectory towards their target. That's when he realized the man's ingenuity and excellent timing. 

It only taken seconds before they reach the airships height. Passing between the giant main aircrafts unnoticed. This time, zyro had a closer look at the enemy in dark, both winged and not are quite tall and handsome with different colored eyes. As they descend, zyro saw the ships bottom, strange complex symbols and runes adorned its belly like luminous tattoos. Zyro's gaze darted in different aircrafts only to see the same runes. With the bigger ships having more complicated runes and smaller ones being simpler.

He didn't wasted time pondering, instead, he quickly focus below. As they past another airship with medium structure side, almost hitting it's wing sail, missing it at hairs breath. Then, below them was a sharp boat akin to a capacious kayak with small structure. Two Bat-like wings grew at it's side, and two small ones in the back, a mighty fin stand atop as it's sails glide in the wind. It's blood hue contrasting the moon's brilliance.

Aboard the capacious kayak, two armored soldier with a pair of wings stood. One holding the captain steering wheel, the other is beside the red haired man wearing a ragged hazel tunic. 

And Zyro's heading straight at it's middle in perfect timing, calculative malice burning in his calm eyes. It'll be the first combat he'll undergo in this world, unaware of the opponents brute strength. However, he have to break his landing first. 

As he descend the flying kayak height, at the same time, it's middle faced zyro's fall, it's fin standing tall. He stretch out his arm and grab the kayak fin wooden skeletal near end, bending it further and abruptly changing his fall trajectory to the side as he slam in the red fabric. Breaking a few of the fin thin skeletal in the process. The main wood groan, that Zyro's grabbing onto but didn't break.

At that moment, the three soldiers quickly stare at him in shock. The one besides the red haired man was about to draw his spear, however, before he could. A black tall figure fall on him, using him to cushion his fall.

Directly breaking the winged man bones, and headed straight to the red haired man. Four limbs pounced straight to the red man's face. Knocking him unconscious. 

Meanwhile, zyro was already down, flicking the fin back. As Zyro darted towards the captain steering wheel, where a winged man is already swinging his long iron spear sideway with furious speed. Zyro accelerated, evading the long spear as he duck. Closing the distance between them, and delivering a punch in the man's groin. Before the man could counter, zyro follow up with a kick in the same spot. Bringing the man to his knees, zyro raised his right foot, performing an upper kick, knocking the man. 

As a stellar soldier, belonging to the onyx unit that specialize in mechanics and combat. Zyro have undergone strict trainings using various martial arts. That prioritize the use of all human limbs to it's full potential. Powered with exoskeleton suit that booted his strength tenfold.

Added, the Gricks anatomy matched that of a human if disregard the wings. Thus, he assume it's body weak points are the same.

Zyro took a quick glance at the damaged he made, moonlight illuminating the scene.

Even though Zyro prefer to have a clean fight, the man could only blame his height and thin armor. 

The battle only last for ten seconds, barely making any noise. But the tense atmosphere made him feel like at war, and they are. The battle has only begone and he'll either be dead or alive when dawn come.

His neighbor lifted the unconscious red haired man, and trow him off-board with monstrous strength. The man flew like a rag doll, disappearing in the abyss below. 

While Zyro grab the wooden wheel, with six soft handles spiked out, a grin appearing behind the mask. Even though it's his first time driving such aircraft, he was quite confident in handling the wheel. As if an expert pilot skills had been engraved in his soul. Furthermore, compared to starships controls, the one his handling only have two control, a wheel and a lever attached in the floor. 

Not wasting time, zyro push forward the wheel's top. Bringing the ships ram up.


He then pull without restraining, almost pulling-off the wheel. The ascending ram stop, remaining still for a moment before becoming heavy as stone as it plunge with dreadful speed. The front quickly drop down, at that moment, zyro pulled the lever to it's limit. 

He could already imagine his neighbor frown with wide eyes behind the visor. 

A gust of wind blew at their front, whistling as the kayak ram face down. A ferocious force burst from it's back, turning wild, as it push the ship with monstrous force. Zyro wrap his legs around the wheel's hold, the man grab on the ship's fin. As the sails was forcefully straightened, then, the blind ships crew near them frowned, and turn their gaze where the stolen airship had been moment ago. 

However, the small ship was already gone from their sight before they get to look. 


Mid air

An unconscious red haired man was falling darkness, with only the dim blue moon light serving as light. A dark ugly circle nested in his closed right eye. Rushing wind blew at his skin yet he remain asleep, until his body past through the cold clouds made of evaporated water. He then jolted awake by its piercing coldness. 

He was the one that been thrown off-board by the four-armed demon. 

It took him a second to realize the direness his situation. He thought of many possible solutions, one of it is the Gricks patrolling the entire area. However, none of the Gricks notice him, to their eyes, a falling figure like him is completely normal, Gricks tend to let their body fall to descend faster. But they have wings to land safely, and he have none. It's either he'll hope a Grick will notice him before reaching ground or...

The red haired man made a quick decision, he stretch out his hand. Suddenly, it turned red and became brighter and brighter. Until it burn with wild flames, growing as he descend like a bonfire in the sky. 

Catching the eye of many.


In the horde of battleships floating in the sky. 

"Left wing, small ship missing!!" Shouted one of the soldier, quickly reaching main command. 

"Flare!" Shouted by many, not even mentioning it's obvious location, that everyone has already notice. The report reach one of the massive giant, with dozens sails of red supporting it weight. A man wearing a luxurious golden armor stood at the airship front, over the ram. A pair of hazel wings with a mix of red hang from his back, adorned by silver plated armor. His long silky hair flow in the wind, but his stern face have wrinkled due to old age. He look like someone in his early fourthy's. 

He listened at the two reports. 

The flare is the expected signal if clues were found, and not to be used carelessly for it's misuse may cause the mission failing. So no light should be use unless the scaped prisoners were found. And the darkness didn't hinder a Grick sharp vision much, so it's not a problem at all. The flare will either be ignited by the Helios who's native to flame. Or the quantity of Gricks equip with spears drawn with flame runes scattered below and above. And now, a flare was ignited. At the same time, a missing ship was reported, and there's the possibility of it being stolen by the scapes. or just a simple malfunction causing it to quietly plunder in the darkness below. But the utmost strategic importance of flare is deemed to be prioritize, and there's a low chance of it being misuse due it's unforgivable consequences. 

The man opened his mouth.

"Send the scouts to confirm the flare!! The entire left wing, find the missing ship, Everyone else, prepare to fire!." The man's voice echoed through the surroundings, shutting the mouth of everyone. 

After a brief silence, the ships tranquility was broken by the soldiers busying themselves. The left wing of the horde scattered, the majority falling below. While others individually jump and flew towards the flare, and on the main army's ships. The Gricks and Helios soldiers either held their spear in a firing position or draw their bow string with arrow in hand. 

Calmly waiting.