
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Chapter 61: Challenger

The second day came, when everyone rose up from their slumber. The slave's, who's mostly oblivious about the looming danger surrounding them were greeted by restless guards. Deprived of sleep and full of distress. At last, after experiencing two, harrowing nights securing the mine from evading horrors and a ghastly monster, that silently abduct chosen, unfortunate soldiers amidst their duty. What's scary, is that, it's done under their noses. So close, yet so inevitable. Every endeavor was futile against such rapid terror, deeming them to quietly pray for salvation, if there's any that could actually save them.

Thankfully, there is something miraculous everyone posses - Luck. Though, even if they're fortunate enough to be included in the ones that's spared, allowing them to live another day. The extended life felt nothing like living they're supposed to cherish. Rather, it's more of an extended nightmare. The pressure of impending nights that soon to come without intention of stopping or delaying was slowly crushing them mentally. No one could halt the sun leaving, so as their upcoming nightmares. Soon, they'll face the Blinker again in dreadful darkness.

Not to mention the numerous beasts they needed to shun away. Day shift guards were responsible for that errand at daytime when beasts are more active, night guards when sun falls down, that usually less dangerous. But because of the Blinker wicked actions as if playing a game in night when it's dark skin blended almost perfectly in the atmosphere. Preventing anyone to vividly viewing its repulsive visage. The monster every attempt on assassinating anxious warriors bit by bit never failed. Slowly but surely corrupting their mentality. The mind are a beings core, that send orders to be followed. When faulted, the actions became rigid, no matter how professional they may be.

At long last, after years of proving themselves capable protectors. The worries plaguing their minds had accumulated enough to take effect on their duties. Distressed and shaken by fear by the Blinker presence, some guards failed and allowed one vicious creature breach their defense. It run rampant, dangerously close to the three story mansion where the owner rest. In cost of deaths of several mine-guards, the feral invader was taken down.

If Zyro were to go outside now, he would see a furry carcass of a familiar monster. Similar to the hairy mammoth-like beast with two trunks, one held an eye, the other are similar to a long, inhumane hand. It was the kind of monster that chased and broke his left shoulder bone, when he killed a Grick scout.

Which was eventually healed by Depter. The creature corpse lay near the mansion, lifeless and was being butchered for it's edible meat.

That is, if he was outside. Unbeknownst to everyone other than Pert. Zyro is currently preparing on doing a madman's errand.

'Damned you, Aizra. I really am mad, now.'

At the western part of the Mine mountain, where heavy boulders lay, buried by accumulated dirt's of passed time. Covered by myriads of overgrown bushes that randomly sprouted. Here, on a certain spot. An dug hole was placed on an inclined terrain, the obscuring camouflages that hid it's existence once was messily scattered in the entrance front, that seemed to have been rammed by something. The soils and rubble's were blown out to the side.

Despite it's wrecked state, the burrow hole remain, welcoming anyone who see it into it's deep darkness, leading to an unknown destination. Which doesn't go the same for Pert and Zyro, after all, the former made it, while the later had traveled through it a few times.

After that unanticipated meeting with the rumored dweller, Zyro didn't dare go back to seal the tunnel entrance. Hearing his shocking story about what happened, Pert joined his paranoia and let it be. Their lives are more important, after all. Fortunately, no one had discovered the secreted tunnel. Probably thanks to the Blinker lurking presence, awaiting the rats to come out. And partially because delving into unknown passage, with high chance of being a monster nest was too recklessly stupid. Additionally, the hidden tunnel wasn't that big to scream for attention in lushes area, on a wide mountain side that rarely received visits for being an insignificant landscape.

Nonetheless, Pert secret scape route remain unfound.

Currently, Zyro was inside it, curled to fit, his back against that earthly wall. His head was fully covered by his suit helmet, donning a full gear beneath his ragged garments. Some distance ahead, he could see the light of dawn at the burrow end. As if heaven's door in a black world. The tight tunnel interior was dark, to say the least.

After a bit of waiting, which Zyro wisely use to check if everything are in place multiple times. Pert eventually arrived crawling, delivering him fresh news of what happened outside today. Highlighting the night guards restless behavior that's usually asleep in this time of day. And their complaints about how the threats on their time of duty are greater, New spreading rumors close to the fact about their true situation, Boss Boru's sudden generosity by giving bountiful meals with meat for every guards, and benefits raises to hire more combatants. Resulting many, desperate slave, mostly naive youths to oblige. And many more, the fallen beast last night included.

Zyro sighed. it's evident the Mine owner was going out of his way to oppress the brewing storm. However, his endeavors will soon be proven futile.

The guards whose been kept in the dark for better control was becoming aware of the underlying problem. Which basically offered them as meat shields to be sacrifice for the business sustainability. Some baseless rumors close to the horrible truth was becoming more believable. Earning basis from real experiences to promote itself into the warriors heart. Potentially evolving into plaguing, mental sickness.

Internal conflicts are growing, as well. The night guards accumulated stress and worries had already sparked complaints. Challenging the Owner fairness in treating his loyal subordinates. Of course, Boss Boru's are obligated to appease their raising displeasure for the sake of order. However, everyone sent into the Blinker dark playground are destined to loss their mind by the terror it bring if given enough time. As long as that vile monster keep killing in a swift, but frightening manner. Reaping lives in a blink of an eye, displeasure will continue rising. As well as the certainty regarding the Blinker goal of eradicating them, till the end of days. And how they're used as meat shields. Cracking Boss Boru's treasured authority that keep the Mine from disarray.

By daily eliminating some night guards to ensue terror, that will spread in their ranks. The Blinker wasn't only attacking the Mine externally, but internally too.

Soon enough, the order and mine defensive formation that stood strong days ago will crumble. Retaliate will emerge. Bringing chaos in a prisoned mountain surrounded by hungry predators. When the walls collapse, destruction follows. Leading numerous abominations to breach and feast on powerless miners.

Ah, the contradictory. Zyro found it disturbing - Man's playing in a beast palm, controlled by strings towards their doom. Some may knew, but powerless to do a thing. What's worse, is that the majority are not even aware what happening.

Considering every details, the conundrum was truly complicated. It's like playing a game of chest against a master with overwhelming advantage. The Blinker had a queen, while all they have are bunch of insignificant poons.

Unfortunately for the Blinker, Zyro wasn't one to play fair and square. To win, he'll have only one solution. Death for his opponent.

In life, there's two keys in winning. Either intelligence, or violence. Mostly, both.

Heaving a heavy sighed. Zyro said. What maybe be his last words.

"Remember the signal, if it doesn't trigger. I'm probably dead... Go on without me, somehow."

Pert was smiling, as usual. However, it was visibly faint and forced. It took him a second to keep it curve. He look at the ground, saying short words of certainty, his eyes devoid of joy. Almost at the brink of crying. He was certain of his claim, his voice was genuine. What bothered him was this might be the last time he'll see Zyro. A person he known long enough to be considered a friend since being shackled to servitude.

"I am."

With that, Zyro immediately took his leave. He didn't like pointless drama's, not one bit. He understands Pert's feelings, though. For the kid, he might have looked like a hero to be admired. Zyro appeared as such, after his pretentious act to save the young aster from harm in their first meeting. And now, his actually doing something heroic again for aiming to kill the Blinker, that will save the Mine from ruin along it's pitiful citizens. But no one knew about his benevolent deed except the kid. Pert find it sad, yet grand.

In truth, the mine could burn for all he care. Zyro's simply doing this to erase the damned monster that's trapping him here. The Blinker aren't a being he could outrun, once spotted, all hope are over. The Blinker are just too much of a cheat. Zyro merely survive due to the environment favoring him, back then, a perfect scape route with narrow space to allow him inside but not the Blinker was behind him.

Out there in the wilderness, the same situation won't repeat itself. The next time Zyro meet the Blinker appalling gaze, his dead.

He could always pray to not be found by that thing while he scape away from the Mine. Unfortunately, with how witty that Blinker are, such obvious move are expected, therefore, countered. Zyro would bet why the Blinker are not attacking wildly, reaping numerous live daily to hasten the Mine annihilation which it's abilities could. Instead, it's assaults are relatively gentle, killing only in night, even then, few. Why? Probably because it spend most of its time circulating around the mountain in search for scapes to apprehend.

Obviously, The Blinker won't spare anyone. It formed an inescapable cage of death, with no flaws to exploit.

Later, inside the darkness of the burrow. Zyro crouched down on a sprinted, ready position near the exit. Light from the rising sun of dawn subtly eliminated his visage. The bright hole ahead reflecting on his red-glass visor in a shape of a wide V.

As if an expert runner preparing for a race of his life. Zyro's sharp gaze stare calmly at the world outside through the hole.

Where the Blinker await.

Delivering death for his foe, or death for himself.