
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Chapter 49: Five birds down

The next day after that, the news of an alpha dying spread throughout the cavers. Mine slave or guards in work discuss this trending topic. The guards were mostly offended to the miserable death of their college, on the other hand. The shackled laborers rejoice, for the ones involved was the notorious Plunderers. Who'm if not swindled by them, then atleast heard their evil deeds. Their name were long dreaded differ to other short lived pillagers. The four Plunderers seemed to be immortal, no matter how many reports of their sins and abuse were submitted in the past years, not a single punishment manage to touch them.

However, as if the hammer of judgement had fallen upon them yesterday night. The proud Plunderers were reduce to pitiful victims of violence. Contradiction to the usual happenings, the four was sighted crying, littered with injuries that seemed to be made by irregularly hard punches. Submitting a report at the Mine-owner mansion.

Due to the involvement of significant manpower demise, the case was treated with high regard. Strong Mine-guards were mobilize to arrest a certain slave who's accused of killing an Alpha. Surprisedly, Zyro didn't run away.

He stayed and work like an ordinary miner, until the arresters found him.

"Are you Zyro?" Asked a guard.

"What are you an idiot! There's only one slave here that had pure black hair, his probably the only one in Foggy Ring. Quit the confirmation and take him!"

"Let's get this over with, I'm beat."

"Yeah,yeah. I wanna sleep."

Zyro stare at the quarrelling guards whose obviously wasn't taking their job seriously. Can't blame them though, they composed of 5 first tier Warriors and 10 ordinary guard. This guy's were night shift guardians that mostly dealt with wild beasts near the Mine. This force was more than enough to restrained a slave who's suspected to have ascend to the mark of Alpha. It's a logical conjuncture, If not, how would Zyro a lowly slave manage to take the life of a Marked being.

Still, this assumption wasn't confirmed.

Zyro did not say a word as he obediently followed them with chained hands behind his back. Pretending to be nervous the entire short trip.

Soon enough, they arrived outside were the trial would commence. It was a clearing Infront of the three story wooden mansion. Slaves who have time to spare watched the event in a crude, crescent formation.

Under the onlookers and sun's bright gaze. The sinner - Zyro entered the internal of the formation. Slaves and guards look at him with anticipation, suspicion and excitement as they murmur among themselves.

"You bwastard, you'll pey fow lat you'lve dome!!" Shouted the beaten leader of plunderers in a broken mouth.

The other three were more fortunate, only bearing dislocated limb, bulky eye, misshapen nose or limping leg. Nevertheless, they're not in the best of state after facing a veteran trooper wrath. But atleast they can cursed at Zyro properly today.

"Impure lowlife, your treachery is as dark as your hair!"

"You'll regret what you've done to us, you hear me?!"

"Die here f*cker, die!die!"

Which Zyro pay no mind. He've grown enough to wisely ignore this kind of trivial things depending on the situation.

Variety of swearing constantly spout from the pathetic looking victims, all aimed at Zyro to make themselves feel better. After all, they could sent onslaught of verbal attack freely to relieve stress. Sadly for them, under Zyro's nervous act was cold indifference.

"QUITE!!!" A sudden roar resounded like thunder, bringing silence to the murmurs and curses being spoken a moment ago.

Appearing on the second floor balcony of the mansion was the Mine owner. Despite his plumpy body, hairless head and stern, a bit wrinkled face that wasn't good looking at all. A figure that would attract ridiculing jesters. Yet everyone look at him with respect, fear, jealousy and admirations. Except Zyro.

If anything that attract his attention, that would be the mark on the owner shiny bald head. As if personally tattooed by devine hand, the black mark exclude utter perfection and simplicity. It looked like a tribal upsidedown (L).

'...Gamma.' Zyro thought.

It was the third mark. Which the mine owner possess. And beside the baldy, another man stood. Contrary to his master, this guy was well built and possess quite the look with dark green hair. Even without the (B) like mark of Beta, everyone knew that Boru - the bald owner right hand man was a Warrior of the second tier.

Donning an exasperated expression, Boru loudly announced under everyone attention.

"Let's make this quick, who dare not only harm, but disgracefully kill one of my subjects! Brim, an Alpha."

As Boru said this, the lackey that witness Brim tragic demise exaggeratedly pointed at Zyro.

"It's him! It's him!, I saw it with my very eyes yesterday night. That impure bastard shamelessly killed Brim!"

After that accusation, everyone dubious gazed focused on Zyro. Waiting to depend himself, but he didn't speak.

Boru thought for a moment, then sighed.

"No comment... Hmm. You all know I am equal to all. So, do tell me how this slave prevail against all of you and Brim?"

The recent lackey smiled, confident on his prepared statement.

"It all started when we're peaceful sleeping in our humble chamber. But Zyro intrude unannounced assaulting us in our slumber, I was the last he tried to attack but thankfully, my endured friends fought him allowing me to run away to call for help. The strength Zyro displayed was undoubtedly abnormal, that's why boss and the others loss. So I thought he must had become a Marked, somehow! So-so, I decided to call an Alpha too, Brim, I asked Brim and he kindly go out of his way to save my friends. But when we arrive, Zyro ambushed us by throwing rocks with an Alpha strength, I was supposed to be hit and might have been killed if Brim didn't cover me. So he was weakened and got beaten by that coward Zyro, That coward tricked Brim and killed him. I tried to help but... An ordinary slave like me don't stand against an Alpha."

He cried.

"Zyro must have thought he could abuse us after that, so he keep us alive to mine for him. If we don't, he'll beat us again and again... Sucks huh? I guess your stupid plan is foiled! You'll face judgement for your sin today, I swear!!" The Plunderers bloodlust eyes gaze at Zyro.

'Disregardimg my feasible reason to make me appeared as an illogical criminal that suddenly attached them and yourselves look innocent victims. Quite the speech, they actually exceeded my expectations.'

That statement seemed convincing to everyone. The slave knew who the real sinner are though, it's the plunderers who's famed for their evil deeds among slaves. They're grateful to Zyro to some extent if he really was the doer and disliked to see him be judged for taking revenge. However, the real issue here was Brim's death. Not the insignificant slaves predicaments.


Maintaining the nervous act, with a touch of rolling sweats on his forehead. Zyro replied, as if trying his hardest to remain composed under the overwhelming pressure.

Strangely, Zyro found this situation amusing.

"N-no, it's not." He uttered in a low voice.

"What did you say, speak louder!"

As if he found courage, Zyro shouted.

"No! It's not true at all!"

But the Plunderers retaliated.

"Lies! Your caught you damned liar."


By Boru's words, the surroundings quieten.

Boru sighed.

"I've wasted enough time here, what proof do you have!"

No one spoke under tense seconds.

The plunderers lingered for a moment, then one of them had an idea.

"W-we have proof! Zyro was an undoubtedly an Alpha, so... Um, right! We could test his skin toughness! Everyone knew that ascended beings physic was tougher than normal, that's our proof."

'Well said' Zyro praised him in his mind.

The judge - Boru's sighed in relief. Glad that this trial would finally be concluded. He ordered the subordinates to test Zyro's skin toughness by inflicting equal wound to another Alpha guard and Zyro. Of course, Zyro prepared before hand and unclad his cyber suit anticipating this situation.

The plunderers and everyone was almost certain of the result. However, betraying everyone's expectations.

Zyro's flesh turns out to be more fragile and compared to an Alpha. The thing is, Zyro can never received a Mark. How could he become a Warrior of the first tier?

The plunderers whose rejoicing a moment ago spout in disbelief.

"That's impossible!!"

"There must be a mistake"

"Do it again! properly!"


Boss Boru gritted his teeth, infuriated by this troubling predicament. If the accused Zyro wasn't an Alpha, then him being the suspect who've beaten this four victims and killed Brim was impossible. A normal person simply lacked strength to accomplished that, specially alone. If not Zyro, who?

"But-But I could have sworn he did it"

As if he found confidence, Zyro voiced.

"As I told before, I didn't do it. It's proven I'm not an Alpha, so stop putting the blame on me"

'If this didn't cut it, then might as well tell them whole story' Joked Zyro.

Thankfully, that last sentence of his finally directed Boru's mind to the prepared path.

"Blame...hmm, I think get it now, you four. Are you sure it was Zyro who beat you... Not Brim? And you four didn't ganged to kill Brim in retaliation yesterday night?"

The plunderers froze.

"Huh!! We wouldn't dare even in our dreams!"..

"Brim is like a big brother to us, why would we!"

Their words were sincere, more than ever in fact. But it had fallen to deft's ear. For their bodies was littered with undeniable evidences.

Boru coldly looked at them and said in stern tone, suppressing his anger as he tried his best to sound calm.

"Shut your mouths! I don't want to hear excuses... I've experienced many things, so I'm certain that those injuries of yours. Only an Alpha's might could inflicted such damage in a single punch. As you four had claimed, Brim, Zyro and the four of you were present in the murder. But considering Zyro's lack of injuries and strength to prove his involvement. I judge only you four and Brim was there. I've seen Brim corpse, his one unblind eye was poked. If an Alpha were completely blind, then I guess four slaves would have managed to defeat him regardless of his strength!."

The plunderers was speechless, unable to think of an excuse.

"This trial ends here, I deemed you four lowly slaves guilty for tricking an Alpha to death. And more importantly, attempting to fool me. I'll show you my wrath!"

Zyro commented internally.

'Is this what they called killing five birds with one stone?'