
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Chapter 21: How to make a friend

Zyro had a complicated expression on his face. He finally figured out why his neighbor, The four-armed armored demon wore such masterpiece of transcendence craftsmanship that no living beings can create. Because, it is his skin. A native creation by nature, similar to stars, planets and living body's intricate and complex structures that no beings can dream of competing.

Even humans after thousands of years cannot replicate natural creations. But that doesn't mean human innovation aren't worthy of praise. That's why the demon are fooled back then by Zyro's cuber suit. Thinking that his an Argon too, so as the Gricks.

The source of Zyro's unease though.

'If that's not an armor but a skin... Damn, to think that bastard was naked the whole time!'

It's comical but true. The sight the four-armed demonic knight visage was nothing but frightening, like the knight of death itself. But now, knowing this fact...

Suddenly recalling the time when Zyro was climbing the Island roots. When the demon's butt is just above his head. The view of it...

'Gods! No...Wait, how do they!'

Zyro shook his head, erasing disturbing thought aside. There are things humans shouldn't know.

"The argon's live in aegis, it's a iron fortress outside the Foggy Ring. Unlike other races, they don't socialize and live in seclusion."

"Thirdly, the Helios. They have heat resistance and generation in their body's defending how strong their Helio blood are. Some can burn their fist or set ablaze their entire body's. You get idea, Helios racial talents are limited to flame but flexible. And if you ask me about the strongest of Helios, that'll probably be King Arden. They said his flame burn everything."

Hearing this, Zyro can't help but envy them. Gricks can fly and had those cool retractable blade nails. Argon's have formidable tailor made armor. Helios can create fire with their body's, it doesn't sound much but Zyro could already imagine them fight with flaming fist, countering heat and cold atmospheres, having innate fire source where ever they go.

Specially that king Arden.

'Isn't that cheating!'

An ability to burn everything? Of course it is.

"The Helios live in the Burning city of Arden at the molten ash region."

Zyro frowned.

'Burning city?'

When scaping the Gricks prison, in the extreme height The Gricks Highland. Zyro spotted an orange dot afar through the clouds, beyond the great wall of fog. As if there the burning bonfire far, far away. That bonfire must have been really big and bright to be sighted at such distance.

And hearing the name Burning City of Arden makes him wonder.

'Don't tell that Arden city is literally 'Burning''

Well, an island lifted by colossal roots above clouds with a circular castle planting gigantic crimson tree in it's middle did exist. What's so surprising about a city burning? Earth city burn sometimes too.

Zyro could just another question to clear his confusion but didn't have the heart. Afraid to irritate the kid, his sole source of information. Furthermore, his brain can only handle so much revelations a day. Better take it slowly.

"And lastly, Asters. My race. The most disappointing of all. We only have potent endurance and our body heal faster than others. I know, it's a trashy racial talent unlike others that's really cool." Pert childishly complained.

'You ungrateful brat, atleast your not born human.'

In Zyro's opinion, an Aster racial talents are to be dreamed of. Having long lasting stamina and abnormal healing ability are just too useful for survival.

Still, Zyro understand the kid's problem that cause dissatisfied to his ability. After seeing the issue in his racial talents personally.

The man earlier didn't pull his punches towards Pert, knowing he'll fix himself even if left severely injured. Which is a bless and a curse. People could harm him over and over again without restrain. And Pert will heal again, and again.

'Well, I guess cruelty exist everywhere.'

"Did you understand?" Ask Pert with a bright smile.

"Yeah... Say, what races inhabit this Mine?"

Now having learn about Gricks, Argons, Helios and Asters abilities. Zyro decided to concentrate in the area his in. Which for sure, he'll be staying for sometime.

Pert stare at the dark ceiling, pondering. Then said.

"I don't know"

Zyro frowned. There's only four race, how could he not know?

Noticing his confusion, Pert hurriedly added.

"I'm don't want to offend you, don't get me wrong. Uhm, I think you shouldn't know this for your sake."

The kid's words just made him more puzzled, piquing his curiosity.

"Just say it" he ask softly.

Pert hesitated.

"You sure?"

Seeing the kid's stubborn reluctance. Zyro simply gave him a serious look.

"Fine! Don't come crying to me after this."

"With the existence of multiple races, halfbreeds are born. And with their blood cut in half, so as their racial talent. However, two blood don't coexist well and weaken... You can tell how weak a racial talent of someone through the darkness of their hair and eyes. Everyone knew that."

That cleared many questions.

When a halfbreed is born, having the talent of Helios and Asters at the same time but weaken. That person could still be called as a halfbreed. But when that person were to create an offspring with another halfbreed of Grick and Helios. Producing a child with three blood, Grick, Helios, Aster. With weaken ability of the three. However, as descendants run down. So as their racial purity diminished.

Resulting individuals that can no more be one of the 4 races. For their ability were mixed and to weak. Hence, Pert didn't know.

As for the darkening hair and eye color. He had a vague guess. Similar to racial talents, The genetics were also mixed. For example, when red and blue combine, it become violet but decrease in brightness and so on. The colour turning darker and darker.

Making Zyro's case the utter limit. A human without ability except living.

The weakest of this world.

'No wondered I was pitied'

It also explains why most slaves have darkened colored hairs and eyes. With the exception of Pert and a few.

Isn't this logic connect to Earth? But that's impossible. There exist ancient blonde humans but possess no unnatural ability.

Looking at Pert who remain laying on solid stone. Zyro finally understood the kid's reluctance to say those words. Because in another perspective, it means. Zyro's too weak and ganna die soon.

Without skill to show, Zyro's life is already over in this world. No work or woman will want him. Destined as trash in society.

The strong live, the weak die. That a universal law.

Zyro sighed.

If a normal person was in his shoes. They'll probably despair. However, Zyro knew no despair.

"I warned you didn't I? It's your fault for not listening. Now you'll live knowing your living a hopeless life." Said Pert in a cheery voice. As if his bringing a good news.

'I knew it, this kid's a psychopath.'

Zyro had his suspension from the start, when he first meet Pert being beaten. Even back then, that bright smile of his never fade. Only did he confirm.

Psychopath or not, he didn't care as long as no harm is done.

Zyro rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I know. So, Is there... magic here?"

Now it's time to confirm the existence of magic. A fantastical art known only to human imagination. Who knows, maybe Zyro will become a great safe.

Pert stare at him a if his looking at a hopeless idiot. Pausing for a abnormal amount of time before replying in a flat tone.


"You just lied didn't you?"

The kid smile grew wider.

"Lie? Why would I lie. I'm an honest kid you know. And trust me, it's for your sake."

Hearing the warning in Pert's sentence. Hinting the magical knowledge will do him no good. Zyro's hearth become worried. Still, he won't give up. Even if it means facing the cruel truth.

"You realize, you just admitted your lie, right? Just say it."

In response, the kid turn away from him, refusing to talk anymore.

Seconds past in silence. Only broken by Zyro's command.

"Answer me."

Pert sighed.

"I refuse, why should l anyway. I'm not obligated to satisfy your demands"

The kid made sense. But Zyro's thirsts for knowledge need to be quench.

"Hey, I helped you back then, didn't I?"

Pert turn to him, and complained.

"Help my ass, all you did is got yourself beaten up."

True, Zyro argue with that. Its his goal after all. No the other way around.

Zyro sighed.

'The hard way it is then'

Standing up and walking beside Pert's laying body. Zyro look down at him.

"You see, my dear Pert. I'm a bit clumsy at times and might accidentally step on you. Specially when your stuck laying there, unmoving and severely injured. You can only blame the poor lighting in this place. Please understand."

In a instant, the kid sorrow mood brighten.

"Oh, my hero. What could I do for you?" Pert merrily reply with a bright smile of gratitude.