
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Chapter 12: The Haughty Prince

Seconds of silence turned to minutes, until he have lost track of time. Zyro atleast expected to wait half an hour before the room owner arrive. Judging by the curls on bed cover and blanket, the one who slept in it recently got up. Probably startled by the commotion outside, or the ship crashing. Nevertheless, the owner still hasn't arrived which made him comically worried about the person condition.

'I hope she or he are safe' he thought worriedly, even though his been doing murder math this entire time. Considering which option is faster to plunder information from the noble. Or what moves to make to dealt with the guards without attracting attention. At the same time, preventing anyone from scaping.

Due to boredom, Zyro did some probing in the bookshelf and desk. Aiming at random books first to do some skimming, but failed to comprehend the books content. It was full of eerie symbols and letters with complex runes illustration that rarely appeared in some pages. Strangely, the sense of utter unfamiliarity did not completely envelop his mind. As if, he read a novel long time ago that have some similarities in the new novel content his reading. Perhaps due to Earth's who knows how many languages and form of literature in existence. Had dulled his senses for unfamiliar alphabets, I mean, other countries writings were already otherworldly in his eyes. And due to wide freedom of information circulation in earth through devises. He'd seen or come across most of them, that numb his senses for such things to the point that seeing real otherworldly literature were relatively normal.

However, as he flipped through different books. His confusion rose when he discovered something he could actually understand. Earth literature! Although, it rarely appeared on pages. Seldomly showing it, but enough for him to understand the meanings. Rather, it's use. It was used for names, unfortunately, when those names appeared, the following content is written in alien.

Come to think of it, his neighbor spoke human language. He wasn't able to ponder back then due to being in the midst of suffering followed by battle then running. And now, he have sometime but lack the mental energy and relevant information to marvel. Besides, his in the middle territory of countless predators eagerly sniffing his whereabouts. It's not a safe environment to study and ponder on this world history.

But a bold hypothesis already formed in his mind - Humans have walk this world earlier than him, and probably had better experience. That alone demystify the existence of human language in this world.

As for the desk, Zyro attempted to open it's drawer below. And strangely fail, there's a handle meant for pulling but stubbornly refuse to bulge. As if locked, however, when he search for any hidden mechanism or compartment, none were found. But there is a printed circle rune where a key hole usually situated. He didn't bother for long and eventually give up, the use of force was bound attract attention. Furthermore, his attention can't be spit due to treats lurking everywhere.

Zyro put a red book in hand to it's original position, when he suddenly heard a distant shouting. Along the whistle of air being slice by a huge fabric, carrying a large wooden vessel.

His gaze followed as the shadow past the window, uncovering the blue moon dim radiance through the curtains.

Zyro sigh internally, the enemy ships has reached the castle some time ago. Fortunately, only a minimal amount of them came. The majority was probably searching the town and forest or on standby below. However, even though he remain unfound, he can't help but feel that somethings amiss.

The soldiers scouting the palace was minimal of the main force, but that's still more than a hundred. Even if they're in need of permission from the royals to search every nook and cranny. The time past was already enough for them to obtain such trivial thing and had long began their search. And even though he momentary hear sounds of commotion outside and hurried ship past by. It's as if they're not searching hard enough, which didn't make sense. For them to deploy a huge army only to slack off when their enemy is cornered.

'Or could it be, their attention was cut in half'

Zyro once again heard a distant chatter, followed by hurried footsteps. Sadly, the Gricks use distinct acrolect for communication. Deeming zyro unable to understand what they're saying. But sound alone was enough for him to gasp a vague understanding of the situation outside.

'Unless they're not solely searching'

Zyro conclude as he thought about his dear neighbor. A little worried, knowing his neighbor was not a dumb baboon to get cought easily. But what could he do against a hundred? Nevertheless, it demystify the awry situation and the pursuers lack of progress.

Rather, they already close to achieving half victory in this game of midnight hide and seek.

Furthermore, If his neighbor were found, the enemy would probably avert their attention towards catching that one, hoping to get information where the other are, being them the sole witness of where their companion last sighted. Although, zyro was unaware of the man's location, due to him being focused on avoiding death by falling back then. The same might not go for the man's knowledge, after all, that man's a mystery himself.

"Tap. Tap. Tap."

Zyro suddenly turned cautious, hearing nearby footsteps echoing in the corridor outside. This one was unnaturally loud unlike the recent footsteps of soldiers. And those footsteps was produce by batch of two or three individual, which made sense in the current situation. However, the one his currently hearing was alone, without mix of metallic noise hinting the lack of protection.

After pondering over the sound, he concluded that it's either a stray or lost soldier that got separated from it's batch, wearing a leather armor. Or a high standing, arrogant elite who's permitted to search alone, that might be his long awaited target.

Zyro put himself into a trance, calming his muscles and reviewing strategies needed for most likely possible outcomes, situation or conundrum that may transpire.

The sound of tapping of boots against a marble floor became louder and closer.

As if death himself was walking to claim Zyro's soul, at the same time, giving him hope for salvation from the miserable life he live.

For him, the footsteps were relatively dreadful to flapping wings. But this time, he can take the offensive role with half confidence on winning.

The closer the footsteps grew, the more certain he became. His anticipation agitated his mind, mixed feelings of dread, ardent and hope ignited deep in his weary raven eyes. For the arrival will mark the start or end of his plan to scape this harrowing palace of hungry birds.

He could already hear it through his back against the wall. Then, it stop, lingering echoes of its sound vibrated in his mind.


The wooden door handle was twisted.

Then, the door opened.

It lazily open forward, in-between Zyro and the unknown owner, while covering their sight to see one another. The difference is that, one is unaware while the other carry mischief, and fully sentient about the other individual position. Or so, he thought.

Zyro waited, but no one had either come in of out, for the one who came vanish in thin air. Then, the door closed on it's own, sending shivers run down his spine. Zyro never believed in ghosts, but the gastly situation urges him to.

'Birdman, four arm knight, and now Ghosts!What's next, dragons?'

His inner complains was cut by the sounds of echoing, hasted steps.

Zyro didn't move from his advantageous position, knowing his location was probably revealed by the damned ghost. However, the one who came was once again alone.

The mysterious guess open the door and sighed.

"Fool, you've run long enough, you think you can take me down alone? I'm a royal blood, a direct descendant of Grick and this kingdom price" A deep manly voice said with arrogance and pride, startling Zyro's entire being. But he didn't reply, confused by the situation.

'Didn't he send that ghost or whatever that this is, how come he doesn't know I'm here?'

Receiving no reply, the man continue.

"Very well, a decent duel shall happen here, I already prepared in advance so no guard will interfer"

The guess throw a silver coin, printed with complex lines, it flew from the man's finger and landed in the room middle. It bounce and rolled in circular motion before stopping, reverberating before finally staying still. Suddenly, the noise from outside was blocked.

Zyro stared at the coin, frowning.

At the next moment, the door was jerked back, a jade sharp blades suddenly flashed in Zyro's eye as the door jerked closed. By instinct, he tilted his head to the side and saw shiny blade-like nails of a elegant, male hand past, scraping the side of his helmet. As those jade nails go through the wall soundlessly.

Zyro lunged forward and roll, creating distance. And turned to the attacker.

It's a handsome man in his mid thirty's. Wearing a luxurious garment, covering his bulky muscles. He have long hazel hair that failed to hid pointy, sharp ear. On his back is a pair of light red wing with blade like feathers.

The man possess an unnatural mature beauty, that seem to surpass the realm of mundanity. Looking at him was like, seeing a superior being. Similar to what he felt in the presence of his neighbor.

However, what concerned him the most is what's in the man's right hand. On it, the nails grew as thin blade of jades about eight inches long in every fingers, forming a sharp short sword if clad together, possessing a eerie beauty and deadliness.

The man pulled his claws from the wall effortlessly and turn his head, his cold gaze sized-up Zyro, who's wearing a cybernetic onyx armor from head to toe, like a fallen knight from galactic war.

Zyro's gaze meet the man's emerald eyes. Seeing what supposed to be a circle ires turn into a nipping slit, of a snake. That predatory eyes seemed to glow in the dark room.

The next thing Zyro knew, the man's visage blurred as he move with inhumane speed. And a crushing force assaulted his abdomen.