
(Legacies) Landon, New Landon

A journey about a man who was reborn in Naruto Shippuden but died then given another chance by ROB for the entertainment. He can be chill even when the world end or he can be on fire when he was angry. It also about how he tried to live his life in this environment that full of dangers. Author's note: writing this was a test to me if I can write ahahaha it all about improving my writing and new words. Oh don't expect much from the story it was a fanfic story which all the things inside were not mined except my own putting.

marawa · テレビ
21 Chs

Chapter 18. Where's Clarke? 

After the incident that happen at the school. Lizzie called their father with Dorian.

Ring* "hello, Dr. Saltzman talking" he said while watching the fence surrounding the Triad from his car with Dorian beside him.

"Dad, you have to return there's a problem to the monsters. We need to talk in person" saying that Lizzie rudely off the call.

"Ah what happened?" He was surprise and look at Dorian with a puzzle expression. "Nah, don't know let head back"

------- at school.

"Hope do you think Clarke now something? Do I call him?" Asking, Landon carry a phone with him and a number that they were given by Clarke.

"Yeah, I think we should. He works at Triad maybe he has some inside information" she agree and stare the phone

"Ok" they dial the number and wait for ringing to be answered.


A few minutes later.

Looking at Hope, Landon got a feeling something not right.

"He's not answering the phone. We have to move out" he told her and head to the door.

"You can wait for me if you want. I need to see what happen while you help the kids to protect them from monsters that may come" he said looking at Hope worriedly. He ain't worry about Clarke specifically but about these monsters why do they suddenly grew more intelligent and strong.

His can see his peaceful life shattered in the future.

"I'll go with you. The school can protect itself. They already trained to the point where they can fight back" 6 kissing Landon. "I promise" he kiss back then flash away.

Hope look at the dust and amber of ashes cause by Landon then sign.

She went out and search for the councils. "We need to talks" she said looking at them.


Swoosh* a fiery ashes floating around with Landon appears outside the wall of the Triad facility.

He look at the building and try to feel the presence of the people inside the building.

"Mm, five people upstairs, two patrolling and one in the basement. And where the fuck is Clarke" he mold his phoenix heat creating heat sensors watching the workers.

He look around then infiltrate the building. He move like a fish in a water as infiltrate without any problems. He was a ninja in his past life after. Now that he infiltrate it came to him naturally.

He went inside and knocked all the people inside. He look at the security cameras and saw a dark, liquid like coal or crude oil.

"That must be Malivore. Let go and check it closely" he look at it then opens the door.

'well look at that, how come it never dry? Can I dry it though with my Phoenix Fire?' looking the pit he thought to himself walking downward.

When suddenly he saw pictures and files on the table under the stair rail. 'mmm this, could it be the final key?' I remember that the second keys were already obtained by the monsters and Clarke himself. So this must be it, the last key'

"Well, time to go back now that I know where or might be brother is, I will wait for what he had in planned" he apparated away returning to Hope.

At Salvatore Boarding school.

"Okay, you telling me that monsters gain sentinels and also seem strong? Even though three against one? How's that possible?" Alaric Saltzman freak when he heard the news from the super squad narrative.

"It a Cyclops, you said? Is it gigantic?" Dorian at the side also ask questions.

"Yes dad and no for you Dorian. We already work on something. We intend to increase the difficulty of the training which means we going to test our healing abilities" Lizzie answered then continue "we also need Landon and Hope to carve runes on everything, houses, clothes and cars. We need to protect ourselves"

Hope at the side didn't talk as she caress her bond tattoo and looking at it in a daze when suddenly she ran off.

"You back"she said looking at the ashes infront of her.

"Yah, I will always return don't worry" Landon emerge from the amber ashes and hug her.

"Come on guys! It only a days and you all act like a year since separation?" Lizzie cannot take it and look at them.

"What can we say, we just love each other" Landon said back. "Right, love?"

"Mmm. I agree" Hope also reply then they giggle.

"Enough with that, I have some news. The Triad have move out and search for the last key. With this key we don't know what will happens to it. Clarke will surely free Malivore if he hasn't met us but we can't be sure for that. While the Triad will surely keep it safe. The key will be safe but the monster that were already release seem to have a new agenda. They targeted the school especially if my hypothesis is right, then they came for me as a phoenix and maybe Wade"

"Wade??" All those inside the office were baffled and bewildered. "Why exactly Wade?" Alaric Saltzman ask seriously as he also confuse by Wade.

"Oh, you haven't seen it? Ahahaha, this is funny. Saltzman, you don't know your students it seems" now it was Landon to surprise. He laughed so hard that he hold his stomach with tears in his eyes.

"You guys are funny. You actually isolate one of the potential king candidate of the fairies. Ahahahah" he didn't stop there as he laugh brawling on the floor.

"A candidate King?" MG and Kaleb look shocked.

"Fairy? Him?" While Lizzie bewildered by Wade as he didn't seem look like one.

"Pfft, ahahahah" all those that present were a laughing looking Landon as a joke.

"Ohohoho, seem like we need to call Wade here" he sped off then return with him.

Wade was confuse looking the council representative infront him not knowing what happens.


Walking to the clearing Landon and the others surrounded Wade.

"Ah, what we doing here again?" Wade was nervous and almost reach his panic mode.

"Nothing, I want you trust me and yourself" Landon said walking to him. "Don't you want to know who you are? Who's your parents are and what kind of supernatural creature you are? I'll help you but you need to trust yourself and also believe in you"

"Ahh what does that means?" Wade ask as he watch him walk off.

"Now Wade, I need you to drink that potion. Good, now laid on your back facing the sky. Feel nature, feel the presence inside nature. Good, now I want you to search answers of who you are. Ask yourself and remember believe yourself"

Wade fall in a deep slumber after he drank the potion.

"What are you doing, Landon? Why did he fall asleep?"

"Don't worry it will happens in 4 3 2 1" with one said a miracle happens.



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