

What if Naruto had a brother who was the same age as Itachi and also happened to be a reincarnation from another world, In an alternate timeline, a soul from our world is reborn as Uzumaki Kaito, the eldest son of Minato and Kushina. Kaito inherits his mother's distinctive hair color and his father's facial features, including his captivating blue eyes. Born into the same generation as Itachi, Kaito is armed with knowledge of the future. Witness his unwavering determination as he endeavors to protect and safeguard his beloved family. OCXRTNHinata but as Hinata's elder sister."Hotaru Hyuga" If you wish to support this story and have access to 10 advanced chapters, please join me at patreon.com/Tilct

Tilct · アニメ·コミックス
114 Chs

Kaito Chapter 28: Too late

Kaito Chapter 28: Too late

Author's note: If you're hoping for instant changes in the story, please don't continue reading this, this story is not for you. It's not feasible for a 5-year-old to significantly alter the story, whether or not they have the necessary knowledge.

The kick had been forceful, and Kaito's head collided with the unforgiving wall. He teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, his strength waning. With great effort, he managed only to mumble, "Mom," his voice filled with concern for his mother now taken away.

In his fading awareness, the last image that registered for Kaito was the masked man, the architect of his current plight, calmly approaching him, casting a foreboding shadow over his diminishing consciousness.


Upon noticing the explosive tags attached to Naruto, Minato sprang into action, swiftly employing the Flying Raijin jutsu to teleport himself and his son to one of his hidden warehouses near the village. As they materialized in the dimly lit warehouse, Minato wasted no time in unwrapping the blanket concealing the explosive tags, swiftly discarding it before leaping out of the building with baby Naruto securely cradled in his arms.

The moment Minato emerged from the warehouse, the explosive tags detonated with a deafening roar, sending shockwaves through the air. Minato skidded to a halt, clutching Naruto tightly to his chest as a splinter from the blast embedded itself in his thigh. Despite the sharp pain, Minato's eyes remained fixed on his son, relief washing over his face as he confirmed that Naruto was unharmed. "Thank goodness... Naruto isn't hurt," Minato breathed a sigh of gratitude, his heart filled with a profound sense of protectiveness towards his precious child.

Minato, acting quickly, took out the splinter from his leg while thinking to himself, "I was forced to use the Flying Raijin jutsu. His target is Kushina...and he succeeded in separating us. I must hurry."

Standing up, Minato teleported to another warehouse. There, he gently placed baby Naruto on a bed and said, "You'll be safe here, Naruto. Just wait a little while. I have to go and save your mother and brother." While tucking Naruto in, Minato's heart ached with worry, but he knew he had to stay focused on the task at hand.

After placing Naruto on the bed, Minato created a shadow clone. They decided that the real Minato would head to Kushina while the clone would head to Kaito, his son. With that, both Minatos teleported to the markers they had placed earlier.

The moment Minato's clone teleported to the marker on Kaito, the masked man slashed a kunai at Kaito, intending to kill him. Just then, Minato appeared in a flash of yellow light and cut down the masked man before he was able to harm Kaito.

Minato quickly assessed Kaito's condition. "He's unconscious," Minato observed, his voice laced with concern. "He has a concussion from hitting his head and a broken wrist. He must have tried to stop the masked man from taking Kushina."

As Minato was about to teleport Kaito to where baby Naruto was, he noticed something peculiar. The masked man's body, which he had assumed was lifeless, began to contort and shift. In a matter of moments, the corpse transformed into a strange, white humanoid creature.

Minato's eyes widened in disbelief. "What type of clone is that?" he wondered, his mind grappling with the implications of this unexpected development. The creature's appearance was unlike anything he had ever encountered, its otherworldly form emitting an aura of mystery.

Meanwhile, far from the tranquility of the village, Kushina found herself restrained, her body suspended upright by seals that shot out and wrapped around stone pillars. Sweat trickled down her face as she strained against the bindings, her voice laced with desperation as she demanded, "Just what do you want?" from the masked man who was restraining her.

The masked man, his face obscured by a sinister mask, stood before her, his voice devoid of emotion as he revealed his chilling intentions. "I'm going to extract the Nine-Tailed Fox from you and use its power to obliterate the Hidden Leaf Village," he declared, his words echoing with a menacing intent.

Kushina's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, her voice barely a whisper as she uttered, "What?"

The masked man continued, his voice dripping with malice, "Minato's teleportation jutsu allows him to move instantaneously between locations marked with jutsu formulas. He ensured your sealing formula was marked as well...to safeguard you. However, I managed to create a considerable distance between us. Furthermore, the Nine-Tailed Fox seal has been weakened due to childbirth. Do you comprehend how long I've anticipated this moment?"

Amidst the chaos and despair, the masked man seized control of the Nine-Tailed Fox using his Sharingan, chasting a powerful Genjutsu that allowed him to manipulate the minds of others. Kushina's body began to emit a surge of bijuu chakra, the energy of the tailed beast, as a chakra clock materialized around her, marking the imminent release of the formidable creature.

With a chilling command, the masked man declared, "Now then, come out, Nine-Tails!"

In a torrent of raw power, the Nine-Tailed Fox erupted from Kushina's seal, its massive form towering over the landscape, its eyes burning with unbridled rage. The seal that had once held the beast captive shattered under the strain, leaving Kushina to fall to the ground, drained of energy and teetering on the brink of death.

Undeterred by Kushina's plight, the masked man turned to face the Nine-Tails. "Good. Now, I'll head straight to the Hidden Leaf Village," he declared, his voice laced with malicious intent.

As the masked man prepared to depart, Kushina's voice weakly reached his ears. "Wait!" she pleaded, her body struggling to rise from the ground.

The masked man paused, his gaze fixed on the Uzumaki kunoichi. "Uzumaki shinobi are truly remarkable," he remarked, a hint of grudging admiration in his voice. "You manage to hold on to life even after the tailed beast's extraction. Since you were once the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, I'll use it to end your miserable existence."

Minato arrived just as the masked man was about to unleash the Nine-Tails' devastating power upon Kushina. With a swift and decisive action, Minato Bodyflicker himself and Kushina out of harm's way, reappearing on a towering tree a few meters away.

"I wasn't fast enough to stop him," Minato lamented, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on his mind.

The masked man, unfazed by Minato's arrival, let out a mocking taunt, "I must say, you're as quick as your nickname, Yellow Flash. But you are too late."

Kushina, exhausted from childbirth and the ordeal of having the Nine-Tails extracted, looked up at Minato with a flicker of hope in her eyes. "Minato, are Naruto and Kaito safe?" she asked weakly, her voice barely a whisper.

Minato, determined to reassure his beloved wife, offered a reassuring smile. "Hai, both of them are safe," he replied, his voice filled with unwavering love. "Both are in a safe place now."

Kushina, relieved to hear that her children were safe, let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness... Minato, you must stop that man and the Nine-Tails right now… just like Kaito said He's heading for Konoha."

Minato's eyes hardened, his gaze fixed on the masked man with a burning intensity. He knew that the safety of his family and his village rested upon his shoulders..

With a final glare at the masked man, Minato activated the Flying Raijin jutsu, teleporting himself and Kushina In an instant, they vanished from the scene, leaving behind the ruins of the battleground and the lingering echoes of the masked man's sinister laughter.

"he teleported off again… well never mind we are heading for the hidden leaf village" said The masked man, unperturbed by Minato's escape, simply shrugged and disappeared into a swirling portal of his own, his destination set for the Hidden Leaf Village. The stage was set for a clash, a battle that would determine the fate of the village and the lives of those who held it dear.

Arriving at the safe house where baby Naruto and Kaito were, Minato gently laid Kushina down beside her sons on the bed. The sight of his wife, weakened and exhausted, filled him with a surge of sadness and determination. "Never mind that... just stay with the kids," he instructed Kushina, his voice firm yet gentle.

Kushina, her eyes brimming with tears, gathered her sons close, her frail arms encircling their bodies. "Minato, thank you... good luck," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Minato, cloaked in his Hokage Cloak, his expression etched with resolve, nodded solemnly. "I'll be right back," he promised, his voice unwavering. With a final glance at his beloved family, Minato activated the Flying Raijin jutsu, disappearing.

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