
(HP) The successor of Snape

On day a soul was transported into the"WORLD OF HARRY POTTER" as the second son of James and Lily Potter. What will happen when a complete stranger enters the world HP, will everything be different than before or will the end be the same. Stay with me on this journey to find out. (This is only my ideas and thoughts about the magical world of Harry Potter created by J. K. Rowling. I won't be earning anything since this is a fan-fic. I hope tell my ideas what the magical and I hope you enjoy this story too.)

GeniusIthink · 書籍·文学
12 Chs

Chapter 1: Despair and reincarnation


As a full moon bloomed in the dark sky, a lone man could be seen walking rigidly on the road. He seemed to be very sad, but no tears were to be found on his face. His bloodshot eyes shining in the moonlight, he thought, "Why even exist when there is nothing that matters to me in this unfair world?"


His head was unclear from all the booze he had drunk before, and he thought, "What's the point of living if there is no destination to strive towards?" Only sadness could be seen.


Being dumped by his girlfriend for a rich man was quite a blow to him. They had been together for years, after all, and had shared all their secrets with each other. A perfect couple," their friends and others used to say. For some time, he had thought the same, until all it took was a day for her to betray his trust.


With a few words from a rich second-generation man promising her wealth and care, it was all it took to shatter the bond between them. The lonely man was an orphan, even worse than every commoner that could be found on the street.


He could barely make ends meet since he had only finished the first few grades of school until he was thrown out of the orphanage. As further learning and food would not be provided by the country, he could only opt for a solution and work at a nearby construction company that was okay with hiring him, even considering his young age of 16.


Naturally, with the meager few pennies he made, he was of no equal to the second-generation hair, who had all the money he ever needed and even more. The only thing that he could be proud of was his handsome face and chiseled body, which he gained through construction work.


Depressed, he went to visit the only person he knew that could lighten up his mood even in this hopeless situation: his childhood friend, whom he had known even longer than his girlfriend. She and he had both been best friends in the orphanage, and when one was in trouble, they would cover for the other. Sadly, they were sent to different schools, but that never stopped them from interacting in the orphanage.


A year younger, she was still in the orphanage, waiting for the hardships that she would have to face in the near future. She had always supported him, and it would have been nice to have somebody to talk to and let his worries out.


When he came close to the orphanage, a Ferrari could be seen exactly the same as the second-generation hairs car, but he brushed the idea out of his mind since what are the chances of this really happening?


He entered the orphanage, greeted the workers he had grown up with, and went on, not noticing the weird gazes they were giving him.


He found room 35 and knocked on the door, but no noise was made from inside. So he thought maybe she had gone out or was still in school, but decided to knock one more time, this time with a little more strength. Immediately, two voices could be heard coming from inside the door, to his surprise since she had never been the type to be in relationships.


As the door was opened, he heard an annoyed voice that seemed similar to one that he seemed to have heard somewhere before: "Didn't I say before that if anybody would interrupt us, I would let my father halve your pay or even fire you as you're easily replaceable?"


"It was him who stole my love," he thought angrily, fighting the urge to punch him. In despair, ignoring the annoyed man, he looked inside to confirm if it was true. Inside the room, his childhood friend could be seen, who also looked at him with a surprised gaze.


He immediately turned around in anger and left, completely ignoring the calls of his childhood friend Angela. He needed time to think, so he just walked around in the shadow of the night.


After a few hours, he finally decided to turn over a new leaf and move out of this cursed city, where the only good memories he had were the past memories of him, Angela, and his girlfriend Emma.


He packed his things, handed in his retirement, and started walking towards a nearby city. While on the way, he thought of his future, and the betrayals motivated him even more to thrive for a good future where he would be the one stealing the girlfriend, not others.


He yelled, "May they be in as much despair as I was when I was abandoned," and suddenly a truck came and crashed in front of him, completely crushing him and ending his life in seconds.







Have you ever had those times when you just didn't want to wake up but wanted to continue to enjoy your mindless sleep, completely unconcerned about the world's worries and problems?


If you know what I mean, you should understand what I am feeling now after being woken up by some screams and wails. I tried to ignore those feelings that forced me to wake up, but to no avail. Holding tight to those last feelings of peace, I was forced to open my eyes and go deal with the problem that forced me to stop my rest.


With a sigh, I forced my eyes open and tried to sit up, but with no success. The only thing I could do was keep lying down.


Immediately, my eyes were attacked by a certain energy called light. Blinded, I covered my eyes to adapt to the sudden change. As I squinted my eyes, I decided to cover the windows and stop the sun's energy from invading my room and disrupting my quest to see what had interrupted my sacred sleep.


I closed my eyes and tried to reach for the windows, but to my surprise, my hands didn't touch a thing. I opened my eyes only to see a pair of small hands reaching towards the windows. I scrubbed my eyes for a moment; maybe I hadn't yet woken up and was still sleeping. This had to be a dream, right?


Still, there was no change, so as every story protagonist does, I pinched myself. Feeling some pain, I immediately sobbed up and thought, "Have I been reincarnated?" But I haven't died, and transmigration doesn't happen for no reason either, so what happened?


I looked around, and to my surprise, I was in an unfamiliar room, coated with old-fashioned wallpaper and furniture. It seemed like I really had transmigrated to another world, or maybe I just went back in time since the room looked quite old-fashioned.


Before I could come to any further conclusions, heavy steps seemed to be heading towards the room I was in. I had completely forgotten the reason I woke up—the screams had stopped. Anxious, I could only wait until the person came to me.


As the door was opened, I could see a hazy figure of a bald man with a stick in his hand. He seemed to be very annoyed and irritated. Not wasting any time, he looked left and right for some reason.

It was the first time his emotions had changed since entering the room; only a confused feeling could be seen on his horrid face.


After a few minutes, he composed himself and cursed irritably. The only thing I heard clearly was the bald man screaming twice, Avada Kedavra, before a young woman jumped in front of the two lights coming from the baldy's stick.


Soon silence was cast again in the room, but I could not go to sleep again, surprised by the events that had just taken place. The bald man seemed to have disappeared into thin air, but the young woman's yet warm body could only be seen lying on the ground without moving.


Soon a loud cry filled the room, but not from me; it seemed like I had not been the only one to witness these events taking place.

A few moments later, hurried steps could be heard, and soon a dark-haired man could be seen running inside the house with a stick in his hand, seeming to be very panicked. He immediately headed towards the sound of a child crying, and seeing the destroyed room, he fell on his knees and started crying, hugging the now cold-dead woman who had been lying on the ground for some time.


After a few hours, an old man suddenly appeared in the room and looked around with some panic. He looked at the young man and said a few words calmly, trying not to anger the man on his knees. Some time later, the black-haired man separated from the woman. Still with tears in his eyes, he stood up and looked around rigidly, turning to me and where the cries could be heard.


They could be seen arguing, and a while later they stopped. The black-haired man looked towards me, and with a wave of his stick, I could be seen floating into a little basket that had somehow replaced the little lighter the old man had been holding a few seconds before.


With a wave of his strange stick, I quickly started to feel sleepy and unwillingly fell asleep, unaware of all the drama that was taking place in the wizarding world.

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