
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · ファンタジー
183 Chs

Chapter 24: Raining Gold (6)

Perseus POV

"Well why are you here, Brennan? Didn't you graduate from the academy a really long time ago? If you wanna fight, we better to move to the 11th floor cuz we can't kill each other here."

"You should know your own worth." he retorted "A weak youngster like you should bow down to a noble and grovel for mercy."

"Well you must be really ignorant cuz I care naught about your stupid nobility status, and are you so scared that you're using your noble status to threaten me? "

"Perseus, don't anger him anymore!" Diana said as she stepped in front of me.

"He started it, that fucker has it in from the moment he got demoted!"

3rd person view

Currently the 13 admins are watching the current altercation that is happening in the academy. They are all very amused as they all even had popcorn and soft drinks out to snack on as they watch it.

They are sitting around a black circular table with 13 black throne like armchairs surrounding the large table with individual status screens.

They are currently located in a very dimly lit room so none of their faces of clothing is revealed, the light from the screens in front of them only showed the snacks.

It's also this way to not reveal them and it's so that it can be kept as a suspense later down the story, yes, the author did this on purpose, and by telling you this, he might fire me from the job as a narrator for the 3rd person view perspective.

"Old Brennan, we just had to give him that S+ threat level, I told you not to do that, he already got a big head." God#1 sighs regrettably.

"Yeah, he's in early 90s, has lesser strength than Perseus and yet he thinks he's the best in the world." God#2 grumbled "Perseus is stronger than he is despite being like 4 times younger."

"Well we can always arrange a situation where Perseus can eliminate the arrogant elf for good." God#3 suggested "A fight to the death as an emergency quest for them is good, that elf deserve death for thinking himself as our superior, the only ones who can fit the description of our superior are the true gods, anyone who think themselves as the same level as them deserve punishment."

Craig who was in the dungeon is feeling pressure from the portal that lead them inside the pseudo dungeon. Right now, the class are fighting elemental golems and elemental slimes and are slightly struggling as they are still ways from being able to work together perfectly as a team.

He managed to lead them far away from the portal as their pseudo quest is to defeat some mobs. There's also a list of contribution points. The class tried to isolate Cordelia from their coordinated attacks which made them struggle, Cordelia was handling things by herself well as the ascension dungeon's bandits and thieves were harder than this.

Perseus gave her some tips about pseudo dungeon that he got from his sister and some she got from her new division at the clan. Most elemental slimes and golems with the exception of the ones with the physical bodies like rock elementals, steel elementals and a few others, cannot be affected by physical attacks like punches and kicks, or even swords and bows.

So the others who didn't realize that wasted a bit of their energy before they realize that they have to use magic while Cordelia is conserving her energy from the back.

Even though she was behind in contribution percentage, Craig knows that dungeon will deduct a person's grade percentage at the end if they continue to isolate a person in your group, but he purposely left this out as students have to realize it themselves.

Even if you're useless, but if you try, the dungeon will reward you, but if you just continue to be useless without putting effort in, you might even be penalize, dungeons view people who isolate others as burdens. Craig noticed that Cordelia is trying her best to use her magic to both support her classmates and heal them in their times of need while also shooting some spells to eliminate the opponent.

Craig was visibly concerned as he kept turning back to the direction of the portal, earlier when no one notices, he sensed great aura being dispersed from the other side. Perseus geared up for something with a serious expression on his face, as if he's preparing to go in an ascension dungeon.

But judging from the aura and strong pressure he felt earlier, it seems like Perseus is having an altercation with someone which he guessed would be someone either in the possible 100 or the top 100.

People would not like to accept the fact that Perseus, a person much younger than those raiders just got announced as one of the best raiders, some would be jealous and would try to assassinate him in order to take the high ranking for better pay or because he refused to join them, so they view him as a threat. Or even they feel insulted that a teenager got placed on a higher pedestal than them.

<Let's hope the directors and other instructors try to calm him and the other named down, no matter who wins, the people at the academy will be in danger.> He thought <I'll try to delay the class progress a bit so that we can leave safely after they fight, and it's not like the pseudo dungeon can punish me as I'm a teacher.>


Perseus POV

'Emergency quest: Kill the hostile target in the. Brennan Giles Quinton 0/1. You will be teleported to the arena in 7 days for a public fight that will be broadcasted through the whole tower.'

Based on the slight shocked expression I saw on Brennan's face, it seemed he got the same quest. I saw the status screen that popped up in front of my sister too.

'A fight between the Silver Prince and the Golden Flame shall take place in 7 days in the arena on the first floor. As a fellow member of the same clan, would you like to participate as a spectator?'

"Tch, stupid gods."