

The moment Rito looked at his skills, he almost cursed out loud. He couldn't imagine that he had progressed so much in a single day.



Limit Breaker (Passive)

Rank: SS

This skill allows the user to break free from the shackles placed on the body by mother nature. The skill is dependent on the potential of the body and the only limit to this skill is the body of the user itself.

Progress: 19%

Caution: As the user progressively breakthrough its limits, the user also needs to accommodate the strength by training the body or it will create adverse side-effects.

Brain Wave

Rank: S

Allows the user to control the emotions of the target and also control and read the memories of the target. The skill can also be utilised on oneself to calm the mind.

Caution: If the skill is used to suppress an emotion to an extreme state then the state of emotion might never return in the state of mind of the person on whom the skill is utilised.

Agony Lover (Passive)

Rank: S

This skill allows the user to bear extreme pain and provoke the hidden potential of the mind and body. This skill also allows the user to enter a state of an extraordinary calmness and find happiness in the pain afflicted on the body and the mind.

Caution: This skill has severe side-effects on the mentality of the user. If the user isn't wary against the skill, he may be controlled by the state of pleasure provided by the skill and lose his own self.


Even though Rito had already prepared himself for the progress of his [Limit Breaker], he never would have thought that his [Mind Reading] had upgraded to an S-Rank skill [Brain Wave].

The existence of the skill also made him understand about the situation when he was able to calm the side effects of [Agony Lover].

He then looked at his KP and found that they were already at a low number of 501.

As they walked on the street, Rito silently clenched his fist.

Even though he had utilised four more [Martial Tempering Potion] before the effect of the item on his body had become close to nil.

He had already calculated and found out that he could only use 5% of his power but his limiter had broken through 19%. This meant that the power coursing through his body was greater than the ability of his physical body.

Every time he fails to control his strength, his body will suffer from various injuries that might even prove to be fatal

Of course, there were two ways to solve the issue. First one is to start the training of his control so that he doesn't mess things up and the second one was to increase the quality of his physical body.

Selecting the former meant that he will have to stop his speedy progress and consolidate his power to meet his bodily standards while the latter method allowed Rito to use his power freely.

Honestly, the second method sounded a little more tempting to him, but he did not have enough Karma Points to purchase higher quality items to train and improve the quality of his physique.


His eyes suddenly turned bright and he silently traced his hand near his pocket.

'If this method could work then I will earn big time!'

"Hey, what are you spacing put for, Rito!"

Rito broke out of his thoughts and looked around in confusion only to see Mikan gazing at him strangely while Ochaco and Haruna had concerned expression.

"Rito-kun... by any chance, you didn't hurt your head, did you?"

Ochaco spoke up and looked at Rito with a worried expression.

"Ah, sorry for spacing out. I have had a crazy day and it... you know... I am just slightly tired."

Rito replied with a smile.

"Alright, I'll be going then. Goodbye, Mikan-chan!"

Ochaco gave a big hug to Mikan and pressed her face on her already growing breasts and then looked at the remaining duo with a refreshed expression.

"Alright then. I will meet you guys tomorrow!"

She smiled and skipped away while waving her hand at the remaining three.

Haruna also looked towards the opposite direction and then smiled at Rito and Mikan, who was glaring at the skipping Ochaco.

"I will meet you tomorrow, too, Rito-san."

She smiled and even lightly rubbed Mikan's head gently before leaving in the opposite direction.

"Sigh, let's go home!"

Rito extended his hand towards Mikan as she held it while grumbling out loud.

"I don't like it when Ochaco-san rubs my face on her chest. It's disheartening!"

Mikan's first sentence caused Rito to sweat a lot. He really wanted to ask the source of her words and tone in her statements, but he stopped himself and only spoke softly.

"Don't worry, you are still young. When you grow older, you will be able to flaunt your chest, too."

This time, it was Mikan's turn to show a strange expression. Every time she tried to mock Ochaco's body, Rito would give her a lecture. But today, he actually said something completely different and inappropriate, but deep inside, her young heart was comforted slightly and she only snorted.

"What are we going to eat for dinner?"

Rito couldn't help but ask. It has been a week since he had eaten Mikan's home-cooked meals.

"What? You have developed your own opinion on dinner? Just eat whatever I cook!"

She snorted and tightened her grip on his hands before facing the other side.

"... It's good that you are back. I missed you... Idiot Rito!"

Hearing her soft whispers, Rito couldn't help but feel happy. He never felt such a warm feeling bubbling inside his heart and he didn't know why but he wanted to laugh out loud.

He immediately pulled Mikan up alongside her bag and hugged her in a princess carry with a big smile.

"Alright! We are running towards home!"

He immediately increased his speed and shot towards their house.

"W-w-wait! What are you doing?!"

Mikan's voice was flooded by the howling wind as her hair flowed back like a river. Before she could complain even more, she looked at Rito's foolish grin as the evening sun set an orange glow on his face.

Seeing his glowing eyes and feeling the wind on her face as she felt the extraordinary warmth from Rito's arm, she felt slightly stunned and her cheeks caught slight blush unconsciously.

She had never seen such a Rito before!


"Hehe, the kid you 'saved' has been discharged. Do you want to increase the points to reach the next rank?"

A man with a lizard's head spoke as his thin tongue flickered out.

"Hah! That wimpy kid actually survived? Whatever, I will go meet him this week and give him my autograph."

A rough voice spoke lightly and then fell silent again.

"Let's find another target today."

The voice spoke out once again.

The lizardman cackled with a twisted smile on his face.



"Shit! Shit! Shit! That Saruyama!"

A Black-haired boy with glasses on threw his bag on his bed and cursed loudly.

"Fuck him! If he wants to interfere that badly, he will feel pain, too!"

The boy had a sly smile on his face and he immediately picked a dart on his study and threw it one of the pictures on his wall.

It was an image of a blonde kid with spiky hair with his hands creating explosions as his expression remained smug and arrogant.


He adjusted his glasses as they reflected orange glow.


"You have woken up! Tatsumaki-chan!"

An extremely scary and well-chiselled face with a sparkly smile emerged in Tatsumaki's vision.

She held her head lightly and tried to recall what had happened.

Her body unconsciously shivered when she thought of that dungeon.

"Where is that kid?"

She asked in an extremely low voice.

All Might's face stiffened up and he stopped smiling as he placed a file in front of her.

"I thought that you found something about him and then acted, read this first before doing anything brash, Tatsumaki-chan!"

Tatsumaki fell silent as she gazed at the yellow file placed in front of her.

Her body suddenly glowed and she started floating.

"I will find things my own way!"

She snorted and left the room.

Before she could reach the door, a muscular man suddenly appeared in front of him once again.

"I can't let you go out before you promise that you won't hurt that kid again!"

A strong pressure emerged from All Might's body as Tatsumaki's eyes turned cold.

"I don't need you to teach me anything."

She waved her hand and the doorknob turned automatically.

"Then I won't let you go out!"

All Might spoke as his blue pupils burned furiously. His body started to produce steam and even Tatsumaki's body glowed brighter.

It was at this moment, both of their bodies returned normal and Tatsumaki fell towards the ground. In the critical time, All Might quickly caught her before helping her stand.

"What's the meaning of this, you sleepy bastard!"

Tatsumaki raged as she looked at the newcomer.

"Principal sent me here. He predicted that you two might have a conflict and sent me to sort things out."


Hey guys, today I am extremely happy.

There are two reasons:

1) We have reached top 200 woohooo~ It's all thanks to you guys. Love you all.

2) I just finished the second season of Cobra Kai and it was so fucking awesome. The script, cast and sentiments were amazing and the last fight was an eye opener. I really recommend you guys to watch it.

Now then, I have also selected the skill that will land on this novel.

Unfortunately, I was impressed by a lot of skills and believe me, hell would've broken loose if I just went with the flow and added all the skills.

The skill selected is called [Bestowment], credits to — WolfLord (Level 5 reader)

Hope you guys like the chapter and I will meet you all tomorrow.

Don't forget to comment, review and vote and let's reach top 100 Yes!!