
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · アニメ·コミックス
159 Chs

The day before the expedition(corrected)

'Haaa I understand the difficulty, but this seems impossible.' - Mark thought disconsolately, as he watched Aiz and Bell finish fighting.

These days he would repeat the usual routine, in the morning he would watch Bell's training, to get some inspiration on the aura, and the rest of the day he would spend it in the dungeon with Tiona, but the results obtained on the aura, were practically nothing.

He had tried everything he could to sense her aura, from meditation to being hit by monsters, but he seemed to have no affection.

"At least I can use the magic again." -He thought, when a magic circle formed on his hand, before making it disappear.

Having been 10 days since he recovered, he was finally able to use magic, but he was limited to simple spells, such as 'flashbang' and 'electric dart', if he tried to use a more powerful spell, he would begin to feel pain all over his body. Initially, he should have healed after a week, but it still gave him trouble casting even the simplest spell.

'Well at least tomorrow there is exploration, I hope to get some information on the location of the fragments.' - He thought, as he approached the duo who was talking.

These days Bell had grown at a speed that could be called monstrous. He had gone through constant blows from Aiz, until he was able to fight back, confirming to Mark that Bell also possessed a growth ability, otherwise he would not be able to explain this improvement.

"You've grown a lot these days." -Aiz said smiling.

In addition to Bell, Aiz had also changed these days. Usually, she would always have a serious expression, but since she started training Bell, she showed more and more often a cheerful expression.

"I still have a long way to go." - Bell said with embarrassment.

"With today our training ends here." -Aiz said, but you could hear a kind of sadness in her voice.

"Thank you for your help." -Said Bell making a quick bow. Thanks to Aiz, he was able to improve a lot, so he was grateful for her help.

"It seems that our princess will not be able to act as your pillow, it's a shame though, it seemed that you slept well enough." -Mark joked approaching them.

"W-What?! it's not like that! Well, they were soft and comfortable- wait! What are you making me say?! " -Said Bell as he turned red as a tomato, but even Aiz was no better off.

"C'mon I was joking. Anyway now we have to say goodbye, we have a meeting waiting for us. " - Mark said greeting him.

"I hope this training has helped you." -Aiz told him.

"Obviously and Aiz... good luck exploring." -Bell said smiling at her.

"Thank you." -She happily thanked and then headed towards Mark, who had already descended from the walls.

As they walked the streets, they attracted quite a bit of attention, being the most famous people in Orario. Mark, who broke the record for reaching level 2 so fast, and Aiz, the youngest level 6 ever.

By now Mark had gotten used to this scene, so he was directly ignoring it, while Aiz had never really paid attention to other people's looks.

"So, do you want to ask me something? Continuing to stare at a person is rude. " -Mark told her, as he continued to feel Aiz's gaze on him.

"I wanted to ask you, why did you keep watching Bell's training?" -Aiz asked confused.

She wanted to ask this question for a long time, but she never found the situation to ask it. She had seen how Mark fought and she knew he wouldn't learn much from those fights, but he kept watching them and every time she knocked out Bell, he would close his eyes and focus on something.

"...Let's say it was a form of training that didn't give many results." -Said Mark with a shrug.

"What did you want to train?" - She asked curiously.

"Secret." - Mark said smiling, as he entered the villa, together with a sulky Aiz.

Since the meeting would be held in an hour, he decided to go to his room, to think about his next actions for a moment.

'Guide, status.'



[NAME]: Mark Tormeto

[AGE]: 18

[LV]: 2


Strength: I 0 -> G 250 (1300)

Endurance: I 0 -> H 190 (1200)

Dexterity: I 0 -> G 200 (1250)

Agility: I 0 -> F 300 (1400)

Magic: I 0 -> I 50 (1600)


Falna perception (B)

Falna manipulation (B)

Monster percepetion (E) ->(C)

Abnormal resistance (I)


-electricity control: allows control over electric mana.

-electric dart O

-electric explosion O

-electric javelin O

-flashbang O


-Golem heart:

(active) Turns off your human side and increases your statistics (corruption risk) (when used in conjunction with 'limit break' double corruption) (Statistics increases by 50 points every 5% of corruption) (corruption 8%).

(passive) Makes it easier to distinguish the nature of people.

-Limit break (lv1):

(active) doubles the gains but you will suffer double the pain (it can only be activated before fighting if deactivated it will negate any kind of gain).


(active) you can convey your intent to others whether it is bloodlust or courage.


"Exactly how long does it take for corruption to heal?" -Mark asked confusedly.

[Initially, you had 14% corruption, when you absorbed the fragment it went to 13%. After that, it decreased by 1% every two days and by the time it reached 10% it began to decrease every day.]

"From what you described, it seems that every 5% doubles the healing time, for example, if I only had one fragment, it would take me two days to go from 6% to 5%" -Analysed Mark.

[This logic itself is not wrong, but neither is it right.]

"What do you mean?" - Mark asked not understanding.

[At some point the damage will not only be quantitative but also qualitative.]

"Simply put, if I crossed a certain threshold, could the healing time triple?" - Mark asked for confirmation.


"...Haaa forget it, I hope at least that with 'Abnormal resistance' I will be able to keep more 'golem heart' without increasing corruption. Now having seen the corruption, let's move on to the other data. " -Said Mark, while reading the various values.

His stats had increased quite quickly, thanks to the hunt between the 13th and 14th floors that he had been exploring with Tiona for a few days. Of course, the lowest stat was magic, which he couldn't train at all.

"Even though I said I don't want to rely too heavily on magic, it doesn't mean I want to give it up." -Mark thought as he rubbed his chin.

Mark knew that magic was of vital importance to him, it allowed him to perform various attacks of different types, but he no longer wanted to exaggerate like last time. He felt that if he had tried to exaggerate again, his magical circuit would not have resisted, so he had to increase his mastery with the sword and the aura, but there was a problem...

"How do I learn something that isn't written anywhere. All that meditation has indeed helped me, but I'm still stuck. " -Said Mark, as he let himself fall on the bed.

Thanks to the hours of mediation he did to perceive the aura, helped him to broaden his senses, which was why he was able to improve 'Monster percepetion' up to grade C, but he lacked inspiration on the aura.

[It's normal host, if it was that simple, everyone in this universe would be able to use it.]

"I know, mine is just frustration. Now I understand what scholars of the past felt as they tried to do experiments for the first time. " - Mark said ironically, as he got up to take the sword and watch it carefully.

As he had seen in the last few days, this sword was able to hold the Falna and the greater the concentration, the greater the weight would become. Now, this would not have been noticed by other people for two reasons, the first was that it absorbs the Falna very slowly, and the second, each time it was swung, it released the Falna. But what would happen if it were held in the hand of a person capable of controlling the Falna? The answer was simple, it would become a monstrous weapon.

"I am more and more satisfied with this weapon, especially with this trick." -Said Mark smiling, while the blade was covered with lightning.

If it were like normal weapons, he would have to continuously supply the Falna, to maintain this state, but being able to absorb the Falna in the air, it could keep that state for some time, without Mark doing anything.

[It is an interesting weapon, if it had a soul, it could have become similar to that boy's dagger.]

"It's a shame, but for the moment, I couldn't have a better weapon. Who knows maybe in the future I will be able to ask someone to forge it. " -Said Mark relaxed.

'knock knock'

"Mark are you ready? The meeting starts soon." -Tiona told him while knocking on the door.

"Ok." -Said Mark as he got up, heading to open the door.

After leaving, he walked off with Tiona, who was cheerful as always.

"Then Prince, ready for this exploration?" - Tiona asked him curiously.

"I don't deny being interested, my limit was the 18th floor, and let's just say it wasn't a good experience." -Said Mark, with a complicated laugh.

"...Yeah, it wasn't as good as a first experience, but don't worry, this time nothing will go wrong." - Tiona said with a thumbs up.

'Am I wrong or did you just raise a flag?' - Mark thought worriedly, as he arrived at the great hall, where almost everyone had gathered.

"Well, it looks like we're all there." -Said Finn, who stood in front of every one, along with Riveria, Gareth, and Loki, who seemed to have a tired expression.

Being the day before the exploration, many asked Loki to update their status, so she had to spend all day updating the status of all members.

"As you know, tomorrow morning at dawn, we will head towards the dungeon and our target is the 59th floor." - He said seriously.

Hearing his words, the rest of the people also became serious. During their stay on the 50th floor, they were attacked by those monsters with acid attacks, which gave them many problems to continue the exploration.

"I know you're worried about those monsters, but we've found a way to manage them. First, we will be accompanied by the Hephaestus Familia, who will take care of any repairs, while the main group, will attack the acid monsters, thanks to our weapons with the Durandal property, made by Tsubaki of the Hephaestus Familia. " -Explained Finn, making people relax slightly, with his calm voice.

'Durandal property?' - Mark thought confusedly.

[Allows weapons to be nearly indestructible.]

'Oh, it looks like I found a good blacksmith if she can make such weapons.' - Mark thought with interest.

"Even with these preparations, the descent will not be easy. As you know in recent times, the Evilus has been more active, so we don't know what we might find. So I ask you are you afraid? " - Asked everyone.

"NO!" (everyone)

"That's right, we are the Loki Familia, we can meet enemies stronger than us, but we will not give up. We will explore the unknown! We will reach the bottom of the dungeon! We will become the most famous Familia that will be known in history and our names will be remembered for future generations! So are you with ME ?! " - Finn shouted.

"OHHHHH!" (All)

'What can I say, he knows how to do with words.' - Mark thought with interest.

With simple words, he could see the trust that all people had in him. Finn the brave, the hero of his race, and captain of the Loki Familia, it was amazing how one person, could achieve so much, but he wanted even more. He had what it took to be a good captain, a mind capable of analyzing the situation well, and the strength to defend himself against the unexpected.

'I can see your ambition Finn and I am happy about it because it will be thanks to that, that I will be able to find the rest of the fragments.' -Mark thought with a smile, as he looked at the rest of the people cheering.