

don't know better sypnosis since this is a fanfic

allhailsiomai · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Tutorial Begins

//A/N: There might be guys wondering why I didn't go to the path of "abandoning his family and closed ones after transmigration". Hmm.. You see, the mc(Nex) i created no, me I believe in Karma, so if you can't clear off your karma that is unfinished, it will backfire. And Karma will always hit you hard. Don't be emo Sasuke like guy.

And Fate, Destiny and Karma exist in this world so all I'm saying is, if I do that, it will be unnecessary to the future, you all understand the concept of the fate etc. Right? The inevitable will always happen. Anyway, that's all, don't mind this if you want. But just clarifying. Thanks for reading. Here another chapter.~


The Tutorial day finally arrive. March 16. It is still the same in the original.

-small flashback-

"Don't you try to fail there, huh?! Or I'll get every bones and blood from you to pay me back! Remember that golden stamp is my life! If you fail, would you believe me i won't skin you?"


He still shivers at his threat. Imagine you are getting skinned and she started separating your blood and bones by a psychotic woman.


Plans formulated inside his mind. Yun Seora,

Kang Seok, The Yi siblings, Maria, Agnes....

A gleam shine in his dragon like eyes.

He then looked at the mirror.

[Seol Jihu]

Peak Athlete



He is more refined than before, there is some kind of sharp object in his eyes if you look at him. But he quickly hide it away. Like a sword ready to be drawn and tore their enemies apart.

"It is time..."

He unhurriedly open the envelope and then..


We'd like to sincerely thank you for accepting the invitation to enter the 'another world connected to ours' the Lost Paradise.

The Lost Paradise is a world just for the number of chosen people.

A world full of heart-pounding adventure and blindingly bountiful treasures! A world where the living, breathing legendary artifacts and fierce competition for them still exists!

This invitation letter is only issued....




He was still in his apartment. This looks like the original place. He glanced everywhere and an information popped up in front of my eye.

[Divine reconstruction]

A place construct with the memories of the souls.

Paradise Tutorial Land

Divine authority


His body greedily sucked the ambient mana. "Hoh. So this is what felt like with a good mana environment" he muttered.

My circuits and mana cores sucked mana. Spinning wildly till it is satisfied.

"Hm.. my mana reserves has gone up a lot, by around 2 and half? And my awakening too.. 28%. I will hoard everything that is in here." His eyes gleam with golden light before disappearing.

He took a deep breath and-


A vibrate a felt at my pocket. My phone. At the same time. A robotic voice echoed in my ears.

"The message from the Guide has arrived. We recommend that all the Contracted and Invited guests and confirm the message."

I pulled out the phone out of my pocket then-

"Identity confirmed User registration complete."

"Oh, interesting...."

A message alert flash upon the screen, tapping it and the messages from the so-called "The Guide"

[Arrive at the Nakwon High school's assembly hall before time runs out.]

[Remaining time- 00:09:37]

There is a map attached atop at his screen showing the location of the school.

Jihu searched at his drawer if there is an available weapon, fortunately there is. A butterfly knife, he bought this a few weeks ago, thinking it will be useful.

"Well, the prepared will always have an additional lifesaving grace while the others did not." He spin it a few times through his fingers. "I miss playing apex and warzone..."

(A/N: bro was obsessed with octane playing butterfly knife skin in Apex)

He walk out calmly at his room and walk unhurriedly with steady steps toward the school.

The walk isn't that much far away. He reached it in a couple of minutes, he eyed the this fancy looking school. With a tall gate and eye-catching golden plaque. A typical setting for a highschool horror movie setting.

[Training Ground 1]

'Warning! Your gaze has been noticed by the divine beings!'

He felt their gazes lingering on him. They look at him curiously while the others look at him like an ant. The pride of almighty dragons won't allow that-

[A divine presence appeared]


Remnant will



In their realm.

He- no, Kalatus reveal his presence at the gods. The gods immediately tensed up.

"Who are you?" Luxuria brace herself and asked.

"Me? You don't need to know. But... Don't interfere too much, or you might force my claws to gnaw all of you." He threatened them and the seven Gods shrink their neck and shook their head repeatedly.

"Remember, I'll always be watching."

While, Seol Jihu, didn't know what is happening, he only knows that Kalatus is here, his shadow. Their gaze immediately change from belittling to shock and wariness.

'Kalatus really exist here, even though he is just a remnant but that is enough. It is just my theory but now...Even if he is just a remnant now, he is still strong enough to trash the Nine kings in the novel.

He opened his two abilities.

'Draconic eyes, Nine Eyes'

He gaze at them back, some had displeasure and others look proud, that there is a brave mortal that can do that.

He look at himself and-

[Seol Jihu]

Watched by the gods.




The assembly hall isn't that far. He reaches it quickly. He walk at the maid waiting there.

He gave her his invitation and once he opened the letter.

She widened her eyes, she stand there frozen from shock. "Hello?~" I wave my hand at her a few times and she compose herself in a few seconds folded the letter carefully, put it in her chest with her and bow to me with 180 degrees bow.

Most of all people have been there already. So when they saw the maid bowing. They immediately quiet up. They stared at him with envy, confusion and wariness.

He looked at them calmly before the maid get my attention again. She then beckoned me to follow her.

The maid led me to the left side of hall, she offer me a chair so I did sit. And bowed again before she left. There were people sitting there already, six men and two women.

After deciding to relax a bit, a voice resounded in the hall.

"It must be fate, meeting in a place like this. Why don't we introduce ourselves bro each other?"

His loud and manly voice attracted their attention. Above average looks, slick hair, nice fashion sense

'Kang seok'

I glance at him and closed my eyes.

'a snake like guy, acted like a leader so you can order the others around huh. Smart.'

He then proceed to introduce himself and his other two lackeys.

Kang Seok then shifted his gaze to the woman wearing a hoodie. While the woman in a hoodie didn't even respond. This turn the situation awkward real quick.

'Yun Seora, hmm, useful, I'll use you to destroy Sinyoung. A small kindness is enough for a seed to grow, it only needs time before it sprout and grow to a large tree.'

(A/N: laughs in a villain manner* bgm playing SWAN LAKE, OP.20 ACT II)

His lackeys chimed in and start blaberring on and on.

Then the man with green cap didn't also participate in the introduction. He is listening to whatever while chewing a gum and tapping his shoes on the floor.

'heh~ i know you...shin..shin... Whatever'

The Yi siblings introduced themselves, talk about naive and pure teens. They embodied the word itself.

I glanced at them

[Yi Seol-ah]


Wants someone to rely on

Jack of all trades

[Yi Sungjin]



'pitiful guys, i have plans for the two of you don't worry.'

A gleam pass through his eyes as he think about it. Quick calculation and-

My thinking were stopped, Kang Seok called out to me. I open my eyes and stare at him before closing it again.

"E-ehem, looks like the VIP don't want to join the fun then, how about you then." He changes his topic and choose another guy. 'there's definitely wrong with that guy! If he stare at me a few more minutes, I think I'll be swallowed!' he gulped hard, trying to ease his uneasy feeling.

Kang Seok is really talented, unfortunately, he is killed in the original, but in the first timeline, he is a formidable enemy.

'what should i do with you..'

"It's time." A voice echoed in the hall.

My thoughts were cut off again, anyway. I opened my eyes and- they are shock. A man was standing there, wearing a tuxedo with a monocle. I chuckled, remembering ylkve in the slr novel.

'did he just appeared? Hm..'

He raised his hand and ask the maid. "Is this everyone?"

The maid shook her head, and brought 5 fingers up.

Then the man nodded. "Five people huh? No matter, we can't wait any longer, close the door and unleash it."

The maid, showed a hesitating expression.

"I'm the guide, it's not even to get here. Which means, those who can't adhere to the schedule, aren't needed here."

In the end, the maid obediently lowered her head and quietly closed the door shut. She then proceed to tap with her phone for a while.

Meanwhile the man clap his hands twice to draw the attention towards himself.

"Welcome. I am called Han, tasked with guiding all of you this time around. You can call me 'the Guide'"

He then proceed to talk about blah blah. How many there are. He disregard the contractors and tightly held the invitation letters in his hand. Han then said to us to say status or status window in our mind or simply yell it.

What would my status would be? A person at the peak on earth?


The same as my eyes, it give information.

[Your Status Window]

[1. General Information]

Summoned date: March 16th, 2017

Marking grade: Gold

Sex/Age: Male/26

Height/weight: 187.5 cm/85.6

Current condition: Beyond Healthy

Job: Lv.0 (invited)

Nationality: N/A




- confident

- prideful

- calculative


- Beyond high(Talent in magic is immense because of the dragon blood and because of the soul devouring.)

- Spear Talent

- Insightful

[3. Physical Level]

Strength: Intermediate - Intermediate

Endurance: Intermediate - High

Agility: Intermediate - Low

Stamina: Intermediate - Intermediate

Magic: High - Intermediate

Luck: High - Low

Remaining ability points:0

[4. Abilities]

1. Innate Abilities(3)

- Future Vision(Unknown Grade)

- ???(Unknown Grade)

- Draconic Physique (Unknown Grade)

(Incomplete dragon body)


- Heaven-Wing Mana Control(Unknown Grade)

2. Job Related Abilities (0)

3. Other Abilities (0)

[5. Level of Cognition.]

My stats... It is to be expected, even though it seem high, it is normal, with my training, excercising, dragon factor, and the repair of magic circuits and the existence of magic cores.

These kind of stats, you can only see that in the ranker or high ranker but oh well, he is an anomaly to begin with, if the original Seol Jihu didn't fall into the pit of gambling, his stats will only be below 1 level of his current stats.

With advantages he got, if his stat is lower than this he will be the most stupid person ever.

And there is this aptitude, spear talent and the insightful. 'maybe this is my original talent before o transmigrated?'

Seol's talent is very average, even Jang Maldong said it before. But he's different from before. While he is still Seol Jihu, physically yes. Spiritually and Mentally no. Talent comes from the depth of the soul.

My surroundings were noisy, they gasp from confusion or shock, or even disbelief. They can't believe what is happening.

'what would their expression would be if they know they'll die in a few seconds?'


And then this question quickly filled my head. 'what if you use the Nine eyes to the status window?'

[Status Window]

A record of one's existence provided by the authority by the seven Gods.

Attempting to peer more.

I focused more and then-

'the seven Gods block your attempt to peer into their authority.'

"Heh~, interesting." I smirked.

"What is interesting?"

Someone interrupt my thoughts again. Kang Seok. This guy, I'm planning to use as a pawn and let you live but you're getting in my nerves.

I tilted my head, opened my draconic eyes and nine eyes and said to him. "Does it matter?"

"No! No. It doesn't, i won't disturb you anymore."

I blinked and my draconic eyes went off. He is emitting yellow. Attention required huh?


'fuck, i-'

"Well then, let's stop being surprised for the time being. Please reveal your markings, just like before, just think about it or yell it. Do not worry, I won't be able to see further, only those what have been revealed."

He continued. "Let's- Oh?! Gold?! Am I seeing things?" He look at the maid and she smiled at him, finding him amusing.

"Ehem, it seems we have a special guest this time, no in all history, there is only one that have received a gold mark and that's in all history."

The crowds noise came to a halt, their eyes lock on him, Jihu.

"So? What's next?"

"Oh.. i got overexcited, pardon my behavior. Okay for the the gold marking you'll receive....." His jaw dropped, shocked by what he will receive.


His lips twitch uncontrollably.

He then use his monocle and it shines a bit.

He then start blaberring on.

'is he talking to Kim Hannah?'

The maid ignores his talks and gracefully bought him the golden bag.

He look at the bag and there are six items just like in the original.

- necessary box x3

- Survival points, 5,000 points

- Mark of Survival x1

- Diary of the unknown student

"Please open the and apply your bonuses here." His voice is much more respectful than before even though he is a feeling a bit complex.

[5000 Survival points has been accredited to you.]

[You have secured (1) Mark of Survival]

[The student of unknown student is currently being updated.]
