"Am I...dead?" asked Xiao Ying with a slightly confused face before fully accepting the fact that he has died. "so...am I going to get a system or something?" Xiao Ying said while expecting something. As soon as he was about to lose hope of not getting a system. Ding! [Hello host, my name is MeiMei] [I am the Genie System 6969] ______________________________
When the OG Qin Yan got his scholarship, he had moved his sister to a better hospital called Shēntǐ jiànkāng, he wanted his sister to have the best, so even though the hospital was pricey, he still endured and continue to try his very best for his sister.
Jian Yizhi's (the second ML) mother is in this hospital, his mother had gotten into a car accident two weeks ago, and has been in a coma ever since.
This was used as a way for this world's protagonist to get close to Jian Yizhi.
After being in a coma for 4 years the doctors have all started to give up any hope they had of Jian Yizhi's mother's survival.
The male protagonist comforted Jian Yizhi during this hard time and has been his strong source of support. A month later when they were about to pull the plug, they were all surprised his (JYZ) mother actually woke up, which brought great joy to Jian Yizhi and the male protagonist.
[How the two met: Jian Yizhi met the male protagonist at a gathering for the rich, even though he (ML protag) wasn't as rich as the others, the male protagonist still somehow got invited to it. When Jian Yizhi laid eyes on the male protag, he approached him (mainly because of his looks, and with the thoughts of bedding him), When the male protag saw him (JYZ) he talked to him (JYZ) normally, he wasn't sucking up to him like others would, which, of course, made Jian Yizhi interested in him, he asked for the male protag's number and they became friends. It's only been two months since they met and became friends.]
The original Qin Yan met Jian Yizhi only once, but never really talked to him.
Qin Yan left the door half-open on purpose, he had MeiMei keep a lookout for Jian Yizhi so that the moment he passed by this room, he will see Qin Yan.
Jian Yizhi just walked out of the room his mother was residing in; he was walking down the hallway when he saw one of the patients' room door half-open, he was about to close it when he suddenly heard someone speak in a desperate voice:
"Please...wake up soon..."
Curious, Jian Yizhi went into the room, he wanted to see who the owner of that desperate voice was.
what he saw when he walked in was Qin Yan sitting by the bedside holding unto a delicate looking hand, the owner of that delicate hand looked as if she was just sleeping peacefully,
Qin Yan on the other hand had tears rolling down his face, he was desperate, desperate for his only family to wake up.
"Please... I- I can't do this anymore... it's so hard... please wake up... I'm begging you..."
With that Qin Yan leaned his head against the edge of the bed, silently crying.
Jian Yizhi was shocked at this sight, he never thought Qin Yan was going through something like this, he heard rumors but... seeing it with his own eyes that Qin Yan is going through something he, Jian Yizhi, is personally experiencing, he feels heart broken, Qin Yan was probably going through this longer than himself!
Jian Yizhi at that moment felt that if there was someone he could talk to and tell his feelings too, it would be Qin Yan, they're both experiencing the same thing and would hence understand each other better than anyone else.
Qin Yan got up from the chair and wiped away his tears; he was walking towards the door when his head accidentally bumped into something hard.
With extended arms, Jian Yizhi quickly caught Qin Yan before he fell.
"Who-" before he could finish what he was saying Jian Yizhi cut him off.
"Are you okay?"
When Qin Yan looked up and saw who it was, he quickly let go of Jian Yizhi, his face turning bright red, "I- I'm sorry"
As he said that he quickly ran out of the room, he called a Didi, he waited for a little while before he got a notification telling him that his Didi has arrived.
[A/N: according to brother google, Didi is a very weird way to call an Uber (in China, of course), sounds like a kind of nickname or something, or a way to call a system! Whatever, who am I to judge.]
Jian Yizhi turned and looked at the retreating back of Qin Yan, 'cute' he thought before walking off.
Unknown to him that the whole time in the hospital, a tall handsome man was watching the whole show as it played out; when the man saw how Qin Yan blushed when he was in his nephews' arms, for an unknown reason he felt... angry, he wanted to take him all for himself, and lock him up in a place where only he could see him, only he could see his blushing face, only he could see him cry, only HE see his smile, Only HE! [A/N: Okay! Okay! We get I already!! and Chill the fck down dude! he's just 16!]
Qin Yan was on his way to a cafe near his school, he had work to do...
When he arrived at the cafe, he paid the Didi 100 Yuan before walking into the Cafe.
After finding himself a place to sit, he took out his computer and started searching, he was searching for all the different media and entertainment industries so that he could compare them and find which one is the best choice for him.
After almost 2 hours of searching, he finally found the right one, Star Entertainment.
After another hour Qin Yan finally left for the dorm, on his way he contacted his new agent Jiang XaoYi.
Qin Yan picked her because after a few researches and investigations, he deemed her trust worthy and reliable.
Jiang XaoYi was the one dealing with all the paper works to get Qin Yan signed to Star Entertainment.
1 month later
Qin Yan has just recently been signed to Star Entertainment.
Star Entertainment not only has actors, but Idols and models too, Qin Yan signed as an actor and model, he wasn't too sure if he should add model too the list.
Before signing the contract, Qin Yan checked all the details to make sure that they weren't any hidden details, after looking over the:
The term must be defined in any contract. The parties need to know how long the deal will last and how the time is defined. For instance, in a record deal the term might be defined by the number of records released. However, a management contract might stipulate terms in the form of number of years the agreement lasts. Both examples are terms of a contract, but it is essential to know how long the contracting parties are tied to any deal.
2: Royalty Distribution
What is the division of assets or royalties? What percentage of the material or income will be split off? Professor Mulraine says you would typically see a royalty clause within the contract that determines the distribution of royalties and the division of assets. Typical record deal contracts would provide 12% or more. Artists should be careful of when the contract falls outside of a traditional deal.
3: Ownership
The previous essential element of an entertainment contract is directly related to Professor Mulraine's next essential: ownership. Professor Mulraine says, "Long term you want to know who has the control." Control becomes a major point in a contract. Every contract will mention control, but the essential points govern who has the control to make decisions. From an artistic perspective, the artist will want to maintain control over everything from the marketing of their appearance to the look, sound and feel of their music. However, a record label will most likely not grant 100% control to a brand new artist. He says it comes down to clout and which side of the deal has the most negotiating leverage at the time of signing the contract.
4: Creative Control
The fourth essential element Professor Mulraine points out is creative control. Professor Mulraine recently watched 'Behind the Music: NE-YO' (which you can watch online here) and refers to NE-YO's story of dealing with being molded into a certain image. "The label had a hardcore approach as to how he was going to be marketed. They wanted him to be a hip-hop artist, but he wanted to be an R&B artist." NE-YO went on to lose his record deal because he knew who he was and he didn't want to be the style 'the machine' wanted him to be. Professor Mulraine says, "You need to have some creative control over your image if that is important to you."
5: '360' Contributions
What are '360 deals' and why have they become the industry standard? 360 deals require an artist to share all of their profits (from record sales to touring to book rights to movie contracts) with the entertainment company they sign with in return for financial backing. (For more, see this recent NY Times article) Professor Mulraine points out the importance of understanding exactly what is going to be done by each part for the duration of a 360 deal. "You want to make sure the record [or entertainment] company actually does something to generate the income they are taking a piece of," he says. It is important to not just "let them take a piece of the pie without contributing. Your viewpoint should be, 'If you're going to take a piece of the pie, you need to bring some apples!"
(A/N: I got all this from brother google, I dont know if it applies to this, but whatever)
After looking over the contract, Qin Yan hired a very expensive attorney to re-look over the contract before really signing it.
Qin Yan is currently getting ready for a photo shoot he has in 2 hours, he exchange 100 E points for ¥990,000 from the System so he doesn't waist anymore on clothes that he could buy at the mall or a clothing store.
Qin Yan wore a slightly big black and grey long sleeved T-shirt with black jeans, his hair was tied in a loose ponytail, and he wore no makeup.
Jiang XaoYi parked her car in front of the school and texted Qin Yan, not long after Qin Yan came out of the school building and got in the car, he told his agent "when I'm done with my first shoot, I'll buy a little apartment to live in, coming all the way to school is too inconvenient" with a bright smile on his face.
A/N: Pls tell me if their is any Grammer mistakes, I typed this on my phone, due to a certain reason, I'm not using my laptop.
Thank you those who waited for me! I really appreciate it 😊
Turns out I had covid! Good thing it wasn't severe or I wouldn't have known what to do! A little home remedy and all good!
My mom also caught covid, it was really bad, she almost died, we didn't take her to the hospital though, since my grandma was still here (she's from Belize), she made natural medicines for my mom, after nearly a month she finally got better.
She was Shaking like crazy! We had to hold her so she wouldn't fall, and she was also feeling hot and cold.