
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · ファンタジー
283 Chs

Chapter 160

Sure enough, those monsters are back!

Moreover, judging by the commotion, there are quite a few monsters returning, most likely another wave of monster tide!

The faces of the members of the Source Shaman Department turned green. The previous monster tide had just passed, and now another one was coming. This hadn't happened for centuries—why was it occurring one after another now?

They had already lost many people in the previous wave, and this time...

"Hurry, embed the spirit stones into the array eyes," reminded the voice of Yu Su.

The Source Shaman members holding the spirit stones snapped back to attention and quickly embedded the stones into the array eyes on the wall. In an instant, a blue light lit up as the reinforcing and defensive formation activated.



The sounds on the other side of the wall were getting very close. Soon, they heard the banging sounds of something hitting the wall with a loud thud.

If it weren't for the formation, the wall might have cracked open, but now, with the array in place, the wall remained intact, though the blue light of the formation flickered for a moment.

The Source Shaman people realized what was happening. They climbed onto the high wall, stood atop it, and shot arrows towards the outside. The arrows, capable of piercing stones from a great distance, whizzed out, and occasional roars of pain from the monsters outside could be heard.

However, the number of monsters hitting the wall kept increasing.

The chief shaman of the Source Shaman Department's face darkened. "The monsters that came this time are more formidable than the ones last time."

The Source Shaman members, upon hearing this, looked heavy-hearted and worried.

Yu Su said, "I'll go take a look."

Summoning his magic sword, he leaped into the air and flew up. Seeing this, Lu Yan also soared on his sword, following suit.

The Source Shaman chiefs were astonished, "They can actually fly!"

"Do cultivators possess such power?"

The chief shaman of the Source Shaman Department was also surprised. Although she knew about cultivators in the world, the specifics of the power of Foundation Establishment cultivators were unclear to her.

Because her understanding was limited to fragments of information passed down through generations of Source Shaman chiefs. Seeing Yu Su and Lu Yan effortlessly flying, she was deeply shocked.

At this moment, Yu Su and Lu Yan had reached the barrier's outer limits, witnessing the extent of the incoming monsters—

Hundreds of them.

Most were land-based monsters, but there were also some capable of flying.

Their goal was clear: to destroy the barrier blocking their entry into human territory. They threw themselves at the wall one by one, sacrificing themselves for the cause.

The flying monsters included eagles and large-sized flying birds. They blew powerful winds towards the shaman warriors on the high wall, attempting to blow them off.

They also aimed to fly over the wall and attack the Source Shaman people behind the wall.

Yu Su quickly understood why the shaman runes on the wall were not completely destroyed, yet the Source Shaman suffered heavy losses. These flying monsters posed a significant threat.

Without further observation, he and Lu Yan acted together to deal with the airborne monsters.


Sharp cries echoed as the flying birds and other airborne monsters, sensing the threat from Yu Su and Lu Yan, charged at them.

Lu Yan had a bow in his hands, though without arrows visible. When he placed his hand on the bow, arrows made of flames appeared on it and shot out rapidly.

The arrows, imbued with potent fire spirit energy, pierced through the monsters. The leading bird, a wind bird, was pierced through the eye and skull, letting out a miserable cry before crashing to the ground with a thud, raising a cloud of dust upon impact.

Lu Yan didn't stop; he quickly shot a second and third arrow...

His bow was a newly crafted magical tool, similar to Yu Su's magic sword. It bore five runes, combining to unleash immense power. Lu Yan could even shoot five flame arrows simultaneously, each arrow containing formidable fire spirit energy. Struck monsters not only died instantly but were also reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the birds in the sky, Yu Su realized that Lu Yan could handle them alone. He turned his attention to the monsters attacking the wall, wielding his sword with a glinting cold light, driving the low-level monsters away from the wall.

Observing the auras emitted by these monsters, Yu Su noticed that most were first or second-level monsters, meaning their strength was in the Foundation Establishment stage, not yet reaching the Building Foundation stage.

With no hesitation, they engaged in battle. As Foundation Establishment cultivators, facing these monsters at the Foundation Establishment stage presented no challenge; however, the sheer number of monsters required considerable effort to eliminate.

"Oh heavens!"


"They're coming again!"

More and more shaman warriors climbed onto the wall. As Yu Su and Lu Yan fought off the monsters, these warriors, fueled by the sight of their victory, jumped down, brandishing their weapons against the monster horde. They were not cultivators, but their strength exceeded that of the barbarian tribes, able to overpower low-level monsters even in small groups.

By this time, the number of monsters rushing towards them had significantly decreased.

The sun had risen.

The sunlight on the corpses and bloodstains of the monsters created a powerful aura, reminiscent of the potent force observed in warriors influenced by the shamanic battle songs.

Lu Yan reminded, "Those soldiers from Fengcheng affected by the shamanic war song."

Yu Su recalled.

The power emanating from these shaman warriors was similar to the strength unleashed in those warriors influenced by the shamanic war song. However, these shaman warriors could evoke this power without the need for the war song, perhaps due to the flow of the ancient shamanic bloodline in their veins.



As the last monster was surrounded and killed, the ground behind the high wall was covered with monster corpses.

The shaman warriors, who had fought tirelessly all morning, were covered in blood, sitting down exhausted, catching their breath.

"We can finally consider it clean."

"The strength of the monsters this time is a bit stronger than the last."

"What's going on? Why did a sudden surge of monsters appear?"

Wiping sweat away, the shaman warriors looked at the monster corpses scattered on the ground, angrily cursing.

Yu Su and Lu Yan had already put away their weapons and approached to see them.

"How are you all?"

"We're fine, just a bit exhausted."

Seeing that they were injured but not severely, Yu Su said, "You go back; we'll go deeper into the monster forest to investigate."

Struggling to stand, the shaman warriors replied, "Let us go with you."

Yu Su shook his head, "You'll slow us down."

Shaman warriors: "..."

Lu Yan glanced at them, "Go back and report the situation to the chief shaman."

Under Lu Yan's gaze, the shaman warriors dared not say anything more. They quickly used the hooks on their bodies to climb back up the wall.

"Be careful," spoke the young leader who had guided Yu Su and others in yesterday.

Yu Su nodded.

After they all returned to the other side of the wall, Yu Su looked at Lu Yan, "Burn these monster corpses to prevent the bloody smell from attracting other monsters."

Lu Yan nodded and set fire to the corpses covering the ground.

After the monster corpses were completely burned, Yu Su extinguished the flames. Together with Lu Yan, they walked towards the depths of the forest.

"These monsters wouldn't attack the barrier without reason; they're likely being compelled."

"I think so too, probably by higher-level monsters."

"According to the Source Shaman Department, such incidents haven't occurred here for centuries. I speculate that there were no higher-level monsters capable of controlling other monsters in this forest before, or perhaps they are newly appeared."

"It could also be a recent breakthrough. It's not satisfied with this monster forest and wants to reach the plains, posing a threat to the people living there. We need to find a way to eliminate it."

As they walked deeper into the forest, both released their spiritual awareness to scan the surroundings.

The little black bird also emerged from Yu Su's backp ack, perching on his shoulder, observing the forest.