
Ch 6 Feasting on Trout Tears . xl chap

Me and lily followed Hoster and his group into the large main hall where I sat down and pulled lily onto my lap.

she squealed a bit at first but I told her it was her job to feed me and i guess she remembered what would happen as punishment if she behaved poorly so she calmed down quickly.

as lily began to spoon small bites of roast pork and bread into both of our mouths the people around the table looked at us strangely I'm sure they had never seen such a thing during a meeting between lords it was common at feasts but this was no celebration.

After an awkward moment passed before lord Hoster broke the silence.

"So Lord Cathicus where do you hail from if you don't mind my asking?"

i waited for lily to bring a cup of wine to my mouth before taking a sip and leaning back in my chair .

"I hail from Aedirn where I was one of the princes in competition for the throne...before i was exiled. it is beyond what you Westerosi would call the sunset sea. now I come here because fate has deemed it so, I come to westeros to claim my first bride"

"For what reason we're you exiled if you don't mind me asking."

"My uncle the duke attempted to seduce my mother so I put him, his 3 wives, and 11 children on stakes."

"what about the your father the king? was he not happy you killed the man who tried to seduce his wife?"

"my mother conceived me through a magic ritual using the blood of Sanguinius the despoiler, she couldn't find a man worthy in order to bear me so she just turned to blood magic.... my mother is not the kings wife but the kings sister.....since she is the last kings daughter it put me in line for the throne.

"I never knew a man could be born of blood 'magic', very interesting. Do you ever plan on returning to Aedirn Lord Cathicus?"

" I cannot, magic separates our two lands I will be able to return when my mother arrives but I'd rather stay in westeros if I go back I'll be forced to kill most of my cousins for the throne and that's far too tedious."

the roar of Ancalagon was heard in the distance and I saw most of the family tremble as they remembered what brought me to their home.

Tully nodded his head while the rest of the family looked down at their meals I'm fear.

"So you said you are looking for your first bride might you be interested in my daughter Lysa she is as of now unbetrothed."

he asked..... it really pissed me off he was trying to pass on some used goods. I knew he didn't know that baelish had spoiled her pussy but it was still an insult.

I saw Lysa blush a bit but she still seemed sad that baelish might not be her husband in the future.

"I'm sorry Lord Tully but my first bride is already decided by the goddess of Fate, I'm on my way to pick her up tomorrow and goddess protect whoever tries to stop me."

Tully nodded and asked "Who will be the lucky woman my Lord?"

I could see his scheming eyes I don't know what he was thinking but I could feel the cunningness from him. he was an older man but his mind was sharp.

"Her name is Rhaella of house Targeryen I received her name through a vision and now I am here to make it so."

I spoke as Lily fed me a spoonful of mince pie and followed it with a sip of dornish red.

"Ah so you're the one...the one from the dragon dreams... I never believed in those dreams I thought it was an excuse to keep her unmarried. you are in luck as well, tomorrow is her 30th name day you will make it just in time for the celebration, and the tourney held in her honor. we didn't go this year because I'm feeling sick so I sent my brother in my stead. there will be many lords there and many who will wish to pass their daughter on to you My Lord"

Tully spoke with a sigh

"What dragon dreams" I asked using compulsion magic to get the truth out of him. Hoster Tully's eyes glazed over as he spoke emotionlessly.

"Near twenty years ago most of the Targeryen family had a dream, something about Rhaella needing to remain unwed until her chosen one came, or all of westeros would face a calamity...I see now that you're the calamity and we're in luck because she remains unwed and from what I've heard she detests being around men...'the princess who waits' is what some call her. there have been many suitors over the years but all are turned away."

"Good." was all I said. Then I noticed Baelish taking glances at lily who was feeding me and it pissed me off, it was time to put him in his place.

so I unleashed a bit of magic that would shut off a person's mind.

in an instant Hoster, Lysa and Fredrick the Master of arms eyes Glazed over and they stopped moving as if frozen.

Then I cast a sound barrier around the room Catelyn noticed what happened and tried to stand but found that she couldn't even speak and her body wouldn't move.

Petyr didn't realize what had happened until stared him dead in the eyes.

"So little man I see you were looking at my little maid with lustful eyes.... I don't like it when someone wants to take what's mine." he shook his head as if to deny before he froze again

"You are in love with Catelyn here aren't you... then...WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY GIRL!"

I yelled at him and he just trembled Then I spoke

" Since you want to take something of mine don't you think it's fair that I take something of yours?"

he looked at me in confusion before I glanced at Catelyn and he understood my meaning so did she as I saw a tear fall from her eye.

I let him move his mouth for a moment

"Please Please I didn't mean it I swear it she just reminded me of an old friend of mine that's all I wasn't lusting after her I swear it!!!"

his voice was shaky and panicked but his acting was good.

without my Vampiric senses I'm sure I would have believed him. 'this fucking cunt tried to lie so outright hehe' I thought.

I stood up and placed lily back in the seat then told her to stay and observe.

I walked towards baelish who was sitting across from Catelyn and whispered In his ear.

"I know you lied boy this is what happens when someone commits a slight against me."

the I slowly made my way to Catelyn and when I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her on her feet then bent her over the table they both began to shed fountains of tears but I didn't let them talk to each other or try and resist.

Catelyn knew what was coming and tried to close her eyes but with a quick spell I forced her to open them and look directly into baelish's little weeping rat face.

as I lifted her dress I was pleasantly surprised her long pale legs contrasted well with her green dress and red underwear, her skin was soft and supple and she smelled like she had recently bathed, perfect....like a flower ready to be plucked.

I ripped the underwear off balled it up, shoved it in her mouth then released a bit of my magic hold to allow her to moan, I needed to give this little rat some trauma after all, to educate him on why it's not good to covet the possessions of others.

I looked at her little pink pussy and felt giddy that the honorable Eddard Stark from a eight thousand year old house will be marrying a sullied woman who has a used pussy already shaped to my cock. adding the fact that the man who loved her enough to bring an entire kingdom to war was watching made everything so much more pleasurable.

I pulled my cock out of my pants and slapped it down on Catelyn's ass to which she tried screaming through the panty gag.

peter on the other hand had turned completely red with tears in his eyes but was unable to move and protect his love.

lily just blushed and covered her eyes with her hands but she was still peeking through her fingers... I was right in taking in this little maid.

I called lily over and told her to get her spit on my cock to which she spit all over her hands and rubbed it on my cock when she was done she gave her hands a little lick and ran back to our chair.

I proceeded to place the tip of my eleven inch long monster cock at her entrance and pushed forwards.

her hymen blocked the path but I soon broke through and slammed into her cervix.

I knew it was painful for her but I did not care, I needed to take the haughtiness out of this little Trout as soon as possible.

I would adjust her pleasure levels later but that was only after I taught Baelish a lesson.

I repeatedly slammed into her cervix as she tried to scream and resist but the more she would fight the more her pussy could contract and squirm so I started spanking her ass to get more of the sensation.

Her fresh pussy was definitely top tier just as i expected of nobility.


after about ten minutes of pounding her virgin cervix into oblivion I decided to let loose of baelish's voice to see what he would say.


he pleaded but his wailing fell on deaf ears as I just smiled at his begging.

then I stopped his voice and kept pounding Catelyn's tight hole which was lubricated by blood and spit for half an hour before I released deep inside of her and caused her stomach to bulge slightly with the massive amounts of thick cum i poured inside her womb.

Then I leaned towards to Catelyn whispered so only she could hear

"I think Petyr has had his punishment don't you think, we should enjoy ourselves now."

before turning her pleasure levels to x4 and reduced her pain to almost nothing.

as I started pounding again she began to moan seductively which confused Petyr as he was just witnessing her suffering I continued to mercilessly pound this little Trout for half an hour before I got and idea to torment Petyr.

"Now that she has my cum inside of her she is really starting to enjoy herself Peter surely it's because she can't wait to bear my little bastard children isn't that right little Cat.

(not true i turned off impregnation mode...for now)"

he teased and Catelyn only responded with a squeal of delight as I broke into her womb and came a giant load inside of her again leaving her tear stained, drooling aheago face to forevermore haunt Petyrs nightmares.

then I grabbed a rubber plug from my dimensional store then swapped my cock out with it to keep all the semen inside of Catelyn.

then I healed her a bit as the damage I did inside her cervix was quite severe.

I had Catelyn lick and clean my cock off with her mouth before I then put her face on the floor so she could slurp up all the cum that had spilled out of her which was about two cups worth.

After she was done slurping my semen from the floor I used magic to clean up the various smells and stains before putting Catelyn back in her seat.

her belly now looked as if she was two months pregnant.

then I cleaned up baelish's tear and snot covered face and clothes before using compel magic on them.

"you both will remember what happened and will never forget but you will never be able to let anyone know what happened.

you will also never be able to plot against me or my household due to your hatred.

if anyone asks we had a pleasant first encounter."

"and Cat you are forbidden from removing that cum plug until tomorrow at sunrise, you are also forbidden from taking moon tea"

I didn't want to get her pregnant I just wanted her and Petyr to be even more stressed than before that way the suffering lasts longer

I quickly cast a simple semi impotence spell on Petyr so he could only get hard from Lysa. that should keep his dirty fingers off of Catelyn and he should still be kicked out for impregnating that crazy bitch next year.

I Waltzed back to my chair and sat lily back on my lap.

after she fed me some wine I clapped my hands twice and restarted the minds of the other people who were a bit confused but thought nothing of it.

Petyr and Catelyn both were trembling but I even stopped their tears from coming out so they wouldn't be able to alert anyone. then Hoster Tully asked

"Where were we lord Cathicus...i lost my train of thought."

"we were just about finishing up on supper it's a bit late after all, I and girl here have a long day of flying tomorrow after all."

"yes yes of course.....MARTHA!!!!! please show Lord Cathicus and his handmaid to their rooms or room if they intend to share."

within ten seconds a fat lady ran inside and bowed

"this way my lord, my lady"

and we both excused ourselves for the night. when we got to our chamber I could see that lily was twiddling her thumbs and looked like she was hesitating to ask something.

"you wish to ask something Girl?"

She Blushed more red than I had ever seen her and stuttered out

"M..M....My Lord....When will you do 'That' with me...is it to...tonight?"

she asked while looking at her feet which caused me to smile a bit.

"when you gain three stone and are at a healthy weight I'll fuck you silly not before that."

"Umu okay master...do you have any more of that magic food so I can eat I'm actually not full from supper."

she asked innocently and I pulled a box of pizza from the dimensional storage then removed my armor and laid down.

I didn't need sleep but it was good for the mind and I loved to dream so why not.

'all in all it was a good day' I thought as I drifted off to lala land while lily was munching on a large pepperoni pizza


[what do you all think should lemon be longer or was this long enough?

also there were plenty of warnings so don't complain this far in the story about the graphic content pls you'll make author chan cry if you do.]
