
(18+) Wherever Imagination Takes

Immerse yourself in a world of lust and passion; a place where only desire rules. . . . Support this work on:  ko-fi.com/boostmaster007

BoostMaster · ファンタジー
66 Chs

C8 (2)

I'd had a few weeks to reflect on my very up and personal encounter with my hormone fuelled sister. I didn't, at that point in time, have a girlfriend nor did Cheryl have a regular man to provide her hormones with a suitable fix. When mum and dad weren't around Cheryl would intentionally walk around wearing scant clothing. I allowed her kisses, I allowed her to rub up against me. This was not, I hasten to add, for my benefit but to show her the love that a brother should be able to give. Shit. Ignore that, I needed it too. Hell, I'll be honest, I enjoyed it as much as she did.

The kisses, behind closed doors, became more meaningful and the kick we both got was real. We were becoming very close, confiding little secrets, making more and more small talk to the extent that mum thought we were colluding on some despicable act. We went for walks in local woodland, holding hands like we were a couple. I made subtle hints about seeing smooth hairless pussy but never saw Cheryl attempting to shave in the shower, indeed the bush thickened as if the hair itself was trying to hide what I loved to see.


I called in the magic shop when I was in town to see if Ted had anything new that I could afford.

"I certainly have," he said, "And I've got samples of some close-up tricks you can do that would easily fit in a shoulder bag should you want to try the holiday magic we discussed."

"I've been researching the hypno tricks you mentioned. There seems to be some really fast ways of getting women into a trance." 'Oh shit,' I thought, 'Did I just say women, not people? Ted must think I'd only one thing in mind.'

Ted chuckled. "I wondered how long a young lad like you could resist thinking about getting girls under your power."

"But it doesn't work like that, does it?" I knew Ted said they could be persuaded, but not forced.

"It depends how good you are. Some women are easily persuaded, especially if they're enjoying the experience."

"Like the tickle test?"

"That's one way," confirmed Ted.

The tickle test was when you told the woman she was being tickled all over, then allowed HER to decide where the tickles should be - her favourite place - then offer to get her to concentrate more and more.

"Look Chas, you've been a really good customer and really keen on magic, so I think I can trust you not to tell anyone." He reached under the counter, took out a dog-eared envelope and pulled out some creased old photos. "I haven't shown these to anyone for many years, and even then it was to men who had the same thoughts as me."

The first photo was of his wife, dressed as if in his stage show, except that the leotard or whatever costume was as skimpy as possible, clearly showing her nipples straining at the fabric and a very visible cameltoe down below.

"She wore this one time after I'd hypnotised her, as if - as I described to you - it was the levitation routine, and after I'd suggested to her some men in the audience were getting really aroused watching her, she found she was getting really horny too. That, as you might imagine, led to ... well I'll let you work that out for yourself."

"Wow, didn't she get annoyed with you for suggesting that?"

"My wife used to be a bit of a - how can I say - a bit of a show off. I knew that from when we first met. In her hypno-induced freedom of thought, I made it easy for her to express her true feelings."

"And you benefitted too. Yes, I can see how that would work." I paused, wondering if I should ask. "The other men you mentioned ..."

"I used to do magic at parties, mainly the close-up magic I've shown to you. Sleight of hand can really amaze people at parties and I made enough money to start up this shop."

"So where did the hypno stuff come in?" I was really curious.

"I was just coming to that. Having amazed them with the magic, I offered to do a bit of hypno stuff as well. It all started with the things you see on telly, but at some parties they wanted a bit more, something a bit more risqué." He took out the next photo. It was a picture of some lady, clothed, but with a look of intense pleasure on her face. "This is a photo someone gave me. One that he'd taken just as I'd made his girlfriend orgasm. No touches, just her mind running riot."

Ted hurriedly put the photos away as the tinkle of the shop's bell meant a customer was coming into the shop. Quietly he said to me, "I'll see you in the Badger, Friday, same time. OK?"

"Yes, fine. It's really good beer there too!"

I left the shop rather awkwardly, hoping that Ted's customer hadn't seen my tented trousers. I was a good way towards the bus station before my erection totally subsided.

I'd been to the ATM to make sure I'd enough cash to keep Ted supplied with the Devil's Nectar, a highly suitable name for the potent 5.5 ABV Real Ale at The Bearded Badger.

"My party tricks meant that I'd enough part time income to quit my office job," Ted continued from our interrupted earlier chat. He had more dog-eared photos. "Sometimes my wife came with me to the parties, so she knew what was going on. I think she wanted to convince people that I wasn't just some pervert getting my kicks, by getting involved too."

"So did you still do the magic?" I asked. I was starting to enjoy looking at his photos too, almost always taken by others, not him.

"Oh yes. I'll always be a magician at heart, but getting paid a much higher fee for the sexy stuff and repeat parties, I was doing very well for myself from the hypno tricks. I learned what worked and what didn't and I became very highly recommended."

"But surely you didn't dabble in the wife swapping stuff?"

"Hell no. I wouldn't have even if my wife wasn't there. But people enjoyed themselves and I reckon I made many couples very happy."

"Would you teach me a bit more? I asked.

Ted laughed. "So that's why you're keeping me in drinks?"

"No, no. Not at all."

"I was joking. Look, I'll have a word with my wife. She already knows I've got great admiration for you being so interested in magic."


"I'll ask her if she'll let me teach you, using her as a subject. That is if it's OK with you."

Honestly I could have kissed old Ted. This was beyond my wildest dreams.


The weekend proved to be very special. I'd started confiding in Cheryl much more and we were out walking in the woods the day after I'd been talking to Ted.

"You know how much I've enjoyed doing magic," I began as we walked along the footpath. "Well I called on the shop he owns and we were talking." I didn't mention the boozy chat in The Badger. "And I've decided to concentrate on close-up magic."

"That's a great idea, what you do is brilliant." Cheryl smiled the big smile she does so well.

"As well as that, Ted was talking about some hypno tricks that are great for parties if you can get people to volunteer."

Cheryl stopped in her tracks suddenly, causing our hands to jerk. "REALLY? Wow, that would be great."


Cheryl beamed another of her famous smiles. "The girls used to talk about it at college, a friend of one of my best friends knew a guy who did stage shows. It sounds great."

"A friend of a friend of whoever? A bit random."

"But she knew all about it and had it done to her one time. She said she felt fantastic."

"So did he get her doing silly things?"

"Well kind of. He got her to bark like a dog whenever he said 'walkies' and he got her to march on the spot faster and faster."

"Did she say anything about being tickled?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Lucky guess!"

Cheryl squeezed my hand hard. "How did you know?"

"Just something Ted mentioned, though he didn't say much."

"Neither did my friend, though I got the idea it was embarrassing."

I hardly dare ask why, but I did. "The tickling was so real she slightly peed herself."

I guessed that was some inherent female thing so I didn't ask further. I went quiet as we walked on.

"Hey, Chas," she prompted, "Go on, do tell me more."

"Hopefully I'm going round to see him and his wife. She was his assistant some while ago and he hypnotised her so she'd stay real still when he did the levitation trick."

"Is that all?"

"Well no. There were like mind reading illusions and other stuff. I'll know more after I go."

We walked on some more, Cheryl thinking and me trying to suss out what she was thinking about. Finally she stopped me, gave me a tug and backed me up to a tree trunk.

"Chas," she began, lowering her voice so that it was so sexy and sultry, "You will fill me in how you get on, won't you. About the hypno stuff."

"You're really hooked on this, aren't you?"

"Answer me."

"OK, but only if you tell me why."

"Not yet, but I will."

Before I'd chance to ask any more, Cheryl kissed me. Now this was no ordinary kiss, it was a lover's kiss, a deep and meaningful kiss, a kiss that sent urgent messages to my love pole. Her hips, her clothing-hidden pubis ground against my swelling making it feel as if it would burst. She murmured sounds that didn't need explanation. Her perfume divulged secret pheromones to my brain and my erection swelled further. I could taste her, I could smell her, I could sense the heat inside her and I could feel her oh so persistently moving against my fullness, a motion that never stopped, never even paused as we kissed for what seemed like forever.

And then ... and then suddenly came that very familiar pumping of my semen escaping in the only way it could. It was a waking wet dream, it was an unexpected but exhilarating, pleasant but embarrassing, uncontrollable wetness in my underpants.

"Oh shit," I exclaimed, pushing Cheryl away.

"What?" asked my sister.

"You've just made me cum in my pants," I said.

"You haven't, surely."

"I fucking well have."

Cheryl burst out laughing, nearly pissing herself, almost doubled in laughter. "Oops!"

"It's not funny."

"Couldn't you hold back?"

"You didn't give me much chance."

Cheryl finally stopped laughing, "Sorry!"

The walk back home was uncomfortable. Once there I got changed, the cause of the wetness still vividly invading my mind

Ted rang me the following day and we arranged a suitable evening for me to go round.


"Come in," said Ted. He introduced his wife, Heather, who seemed younger than him and probably less stressed than her husband, who had a business to run. The house was smaller than I expected given Ted's success with the shop, but the furniture and decor were good quality. Heather seemed a little shy and quiet at first, but Ted had already told her about my genuine and long term interest in magic.

"Thank you," I said, accepting Heather's home made cake which accompanied a large mug of tea. The cake was good.

"I've been telling Heather that you want to try some hypnosis to accompany your magic act," began Ted, "And that I'd mentioned our success at parties. She's agreed to let me demonstrate to you some of what we'd talked about." Heather smiled for the first time since greeting me. "And while she was a bit reluctant at first, I agreed I'd double check with her once she was in trance."

"What Ted hasn't said is that it's been quite a while since the magic parties," Heather added, "To be honest I've quite forgotten how good I felt afterwards. My main concern is that you don't take any photos."

It hadn't even entered my head, "No, I won't," I confirmed.

To begin with Ted put Heather in a deep trance, while explaining each part of the process. "It's much easier if your subject is willing and open minded," he added. I smiled as Ted applied imaginary tickles to Heather's tummy, arms, ribs, toes and feet, making the tickles sometimes very gentle, some times very intense.

"Heather, Chas is here and I need your permission, as you know, to teach him what we did at those parties. Are you OK?"

As if in a dream, Heather nodded, "Yes, I like Chas."

"Will you be willing to please Chas?"

"Yes OK, nice boy."

Apparently this had been similar to code phrases they'd used at parties.

"Now the tickles are slowly working up your legs, up your thighs, up to the secret places you like the best. Gentle tickles, persistent tickles. Increasing more and more. On your breasts too, over your breasts, around the sides, across and on your nipples, such perfectly pleasurable tickles." This, of course, hadn't been one rushed phrase. Ted had paused and repeated some words several times.

I could see the expressions on Heather's face, gently biting her bottom lip, then her mouth opening as she gasped at the effect the hypno aided messages her pleasure brain was sending.

"Softer tickles now, but still persistent and reminding you of all that pleasure you used to get."

Ted was letting time slowly pass, watching each expression of remembered pleasure on Heather's face. He explained to me that watching body language was important so the subject's arousal could also be in their control. "Between your legs, up inside your knickers, making that love juice flow gently between your pussy lips. Gently, persistently, feeling so relaxed, so utterly sexy." More time passed. Ted knew his wife very well and this was prolonged foreplay. He hardly ever stopped talking to her and with each word I could see her moving as if someone was actually touching in very intimate places. The words not only kept her deeply relaxed, but the imagined touches could be so very gentle it might be an angel or a ghost, a very friendly ghost, who was arousing her very gently.

"Can Chas take control?"

"Yes. Hand."

"So, Heather, every time Chas touches your hand your pleasure will double. If you want to finish, squeeze his hand." More codes, again giving Heather some choice.


At that point Ted's directions were simple, just to hold Heather's hand gently, let go, hold, until she squeezed. Each time, Heather's pleasure visibly increased and her face was a picture of bliss. Bit by bit her breathing deepened, her muscles began to tense, her throaty noises became louder. Then she gripped my hand and there could be nobody in the world who couldn't notice that she was building

She was tensing

She was buzzing inside

She was ohmygod

She exploded, in a stream of sounds no-one could interpret, in a huge shudder of pleasure, in the grip of one hell of an orgasm. Not releasing my hand but squeezing tighter until every pulse of pleasure had ceased.

"We'll leave her there," said Ted, "I've one or two more photos to show you."

They were Polaroid photos of mostly women and some men, of all ages, twenties to seventies, who were in the throes of orgasm, taken by either Ted or Heather or given to them afterwards.

Ted laughed, "The younger guys often came to a sticky end, the older guys not so much. All our volunteers ended the party with a smile on their faces, the spectators with a promise of happy time when they arrived home."

"So you didn't get in trouble with the law, or have losers hijacking the parties?"

"Everything was hush hush, circles of people who invited trusted friends."

"So how did it all start?"

"Like many good things, by accident. At a magic party, we tried one of the stage 'mind reading' acts and somebody, though I can't remember who, asked if, well, if I ever tried anything else with Heather. And, well ... "

"The rest just evolved," I added, "So what did you get out of it?"

"Put simply," he smiled, "The same as with you. Though occasionally ... I'd better not say. You might find out later." He was casting his eyes in the direction of my pleasure, my obvious swollen pleasure. I pretended not not notice, though my flushed face told all.

As we chatted I became more and more aware that there was more to old Ted than I thought, something he was not telling me.

"I think Heather has had a good rest," said Ted at last, and he counted Heater out of her trance.

She stretched and yawned, "Wow," she said, a big cheesy grin on her face, just like the proverbial cat that got the cream, "I'd really forgotten what that was like. You did well at the end Chas," she said, "And you didn't rush me,which was very thoughtful. When I wanted to cum, you let me. Sorry Chas if I squeezed too tightly."

I noticed that even in trance, Heather was aware of what was happening.

"And I know Chas enjoyed watching you, didn't you Chas?" added Ted.

What was the score here? Did old Ted want to embarrass me? I played along.

"Well yes, very much, but it was kind of frustrating."

Heather laughed, "You're young. I remember when I was young - all those hormones racing around. These days the hormones just crawl and have days off."

Whatever shyness Heather had when I arrived seemed to vanish. I just smiled.

"I'll understand if you say no, but, how can I put it? Ted's little session just now has left me missing what I used to get at our parties, you see Ted has a little difficulty, following an accident he had some years ago, and he can't properly make love to me. You're young and horny and it would please me so much if ... if ..."

I could tell this was awkward for Heather and I had a good idea what she was trying to ask. In the end my faithful pocket friend made the decision for me. "You want me inside you?"

Heather beamed a big, big smile. "It would mean a lot to me."

"And Ted?"

"Ted knows you well and wouldn't have asked you here if he didn't trust you."

"So I make love to you here?"

"You fuck me, no love involved; it's purely for pleasure. And if Ted could watch ... please?"

I knew I owed a lot to old Ted, his help, his encouragement. "OK." There, the one word was out; a small word that meant a lot.

"But maybe you're not fully ready, and you were so patient with me. Come, sit here."

Heather stood, patted the seat of the very comfortable recliner she'd occupied. The next few minutes passed far too quickly and I wished they'd lasted forever. Heather did a very sexy striptease and despite trying to get it out of my mind, I couldn't. Heather was a similar age and build to mum and I know I'd had thoughts about mum which I'm sure go through many teenage boys minds. Her body, like mum's, was fit and still shapely - in fact probably more so - and her general looks could still turn heads. As she teasingly stripped I began to firm up and, nestled inside a comfortable but stylish bra was a pair of small to medium sized breasts that hadn't sagged as much as larger breasts would do.

I allowed Heather to remove my jeans and underpants, to a gasp of delight.

"My," she said, "Wow, you're certainly blessed young man."

As my baby-making pole sprang fully to attention and ready for action Heather gently caressed it. Obviously well practised and Heather seemed as if she wanted to fully worship it.

"This, young man, is the largest, plumpest cock I've ever seen and I want it fully inside me." She spent several minutes of gently stroking and keeping it to its fullest capacity and, believe me, I could have laid back and enjoyed it all evening. All the while old Ted was watching, his minimal member now exposed through his fly. Small it may have been, but Ted was working it as if it was many times bigger. By now Heather had coaxed quite an amount of pre-cum and she slipped my foreskin easily back and forth. With the head fully exposed she began to gently move her finger on the slippery pre-cum, something which felt both good but at the same time very tender. The sensitivity of the uncovered head was far too much and she sensed that I wasn't enjoying it.

It seemed most practical that she presented herself, doggy like, on the carpet. Heather drew in her breath as I eased inside. From what I'd heard I expected very little resistance from an older woman, but although Heather's love tube was well greased, she was quite tight. OK, OK, so I'm not going to bang on about being hung like a horse as it would be an exaggeration but my relatively few experiences had brought compliments rather than complaints and, from the reaction of Heather, it seemed she would be happy too.