
(18+) Wherever Imagination Takes

Immerse yourself in a world of lust and passion; a place where only desire rules. . . . Support this work on:  ko-fi.com/boostmaster007

BoostMaster · ファンタジー
66 Chs

C7 (2-End)

In a momentary lapse back to reality, I thought I could hear the tenant breathing deeply, sounding somewhat labored, but her pussy didn't appear to give any indication that she had cum, giving me little choice but to press on. I licked my finger and rimmed her asshole as my tongue had before. I started lightly kissing her pussy in random spots, avoiding her clit, goosebumps puckering where my lips had touched.

Pushing my finger just a touch into her ass, I went from gentle puckering kisses on her pussy to practically making out with it, burying my lips into her pussy as if her sex was the only source of air left in that room. The warm waters and nectar of her well erupted onto my lips and chin, coating and saturating my skin. I pushed my finger deeper into her ass, and consumed her pussy like I was devouring watermelon. Her legs tried to fight me again, and I could swear I was hearing her screaming, but my focused on devouring her pussy seemed to drown out anything I might hear.

I pulled away and looked at her pussy with my finger buried in her asshole. Her clit sat along the edge of her lips, like a tiny woman sitting in a bathtub just waiting. It seemed to demand attention, but I was somewhat reluctant to give in, half afraid of what the reaction would be. Her pussy had already erupted over her lips, glazing them even more than my tongue had done earlier, overflowing down to her asshole and coating what was exposed of my finger.

And aside from a few momentarily glances, I had not touched her clit. Would I even need to? Given appearances, probably not, but if I did not, would she scream out for me to do so anyway?

I calmly extracted my finger from her ass. Rinsing and coating it in the river that washed down from her pussy, I rimmed and coated her asshole before easing it back in, letting it loiter momentarily before leisurely fucking her ass with it. I gently kissed around her pussy, in select but random places, still avoiding her clit, saving it for the last kiss.

I resisted the call of her clit until it's demands were too strong. And when I gave in, puckering my lips around it and giving it a gentle kiss, her ass gripped tight around my finger and her legs fought against me and almost won. I persisted, holding her legs back and trailing my tongue all around her pussy and giving her clit the attention it had been deprived. I wrapped my lips around it and sucked first soft then hard, as if I was trying to pull a cherry from a bowl using only my lips to grab hold of it and my tongue to ensure I had it.

Her ass evicted my finger completely -- one heck of a reflex indeed given I had my finger quite a ways in. The washbasin of her pussy turned into an effective means of coating my mouth and the skin around it with the waters of her sex churning from below. A loud scream caught my attention and brought me back to reality as her body went somewhat limp. I pulled away and stood up from the couch.

Breathing hard, eyes closed, the tenant's body shined with the brightness of the sun with her orgasmic ecstasy. I let her legs down, letting them rest elevated on the arm of the couch and walked to the side table.

The tenant managed to speak, although with breaths interrupting her words, "Get your ass... over here and... fuck me."

I had every intention of doing so. It would've been cruel to not, and though I can be evil at times, I wasn't going to be that evil. I grabbed one of the packets and walked back over. I undid my shorts and dropped them and my boxers to the floor, digging my feet out of them, leaving my shoes on.

The tenant opened her eyes and glanced over at me in my half-naked glory with my cock rock hard in the open. She outstretched her arm toward my cock which was just out of reach. I took two steps forward and let her warm hand wrap, stroke, and lightly tug at it as she sat herself up.

I moved forward another step, my cock pointing at her face. Stroking it a couple more times, she licked her lips and surveyed my cock with her tongue, seeming to form a mental picture of it in her mind. Then she wrapped her lips around my cock and took its length into her mouth.

With the focus and fervor she put into sucking my cock had me wondering if she thought I stole energy from her body through her pussy and clit and was keeping it in some cache she could tap and drain by sucking my cock. Indeed she didn't waver for a moment, even when she took the condom packet from my hand and opened it without looking. The tenant waved off my cock only long enough to slip the condom a little onto it, but she followed with her lips and mouth as she unrolled the condom down my length, warming the condom and my cock with a few passes of her mouth before breaking away entirely.

The tenant looked up at me with those big eyes. She seemed to recover some of her strength sucking on my cock as well. She stood up in front of the couch, forcing me back a step, and turned around and kneeled on the couch, presenting her ass to me as she had presented it previously. She looked over her shoulder and across her body to me, her eyes all but saying "Fuck me".

I dropped to my knees behind her ass. Her engorged pussy was glazed with her juices, appearing so appetizing I couldn't resist running my tongue around her pussy, wanting to take in as much as I could. I channeled my tongue between her lips as well, trying to get as much of her nectar as I could manage. In a momentary glance when I took a breath, I noticed the glass dildo nearby on the couch and grabbed it.

I stood to my feet. The tenant peered over her shoulder at me, her eyes almost desperate in their desire for a hard fuck. I held the dildo in her line of sight and her eyes went wide, then even more so as she inhaled sharply when I placed it so her pussy's lips puckered around end of it. I slid the dildo around her pussy, coating it in her juices, then easily slid it through into her cunt. Her moans and light screams echoed off the wall behind the couch as I churned and fucked her pussy, a white creamy liquid oozing from her lips and coating the dildo.

I don't think I fucked her with it enough for her to cum, as when I pulled it from her pussy, she looked back at me, longing and yearning still coating her eyes. Her juices gave a slick and translucent coating to the glass. I lightly touched the end of the dildo to her puckered asshole, then slowly pushed it into her. With each passing inch, she took a deep inhale and held it, keeping her breathing slow and deep until it was about its full length in.

I eased it back out of her ass, listening to each breath and moan with which she responded. After popping the tip through her asshole, I watched for the brief moment it took for her asshole to close up after it was completely out. I touched the dildo to her asshole again, sliding it back through and into her ass.

The tenant reached behind and grabbed hold of the glass rod and pulled it almost all the way out of her ass, stopping short before pushing it back in. Watching her fuck her ass with the dildo had me as captivated as watching her fuck her pussy with it while teasing us. With each pass she moaned, her head tilted back so it filled the room instead of echoing off the wall.

She paused momentarily to glance over her shoulder and look me in the eye. I knew what she was going to say before she even said it, as her eyes had been saying it for her, "Fuck me."

All morning I wanted this, hoping that her teasing would not leave me hanging with a leaning tower in my pants and an unparalleled need to wank one off. Her eyes, her lips, her body practically screamed for my cock after I finished eating her like I was dying of starvation. Her ass presented to me for the hard fuck she desired -- no, demanded -- a step forward was all it took before my cock was at her cunt, washing itself in the juices oozing from her pussy.

I slid between her lips and deep into her pussy smoother than a fork through the perfect pot roast, but the feeling of her pussy finally wrapped around my cock was many factors more satisfying. Pussy sates a completely different, more nagging hunger, one she had been teasing all morning. I was thanking God she preferred the thin condoms as the heat of her pussy soaked into my cock.

My instincts took over. My cock seemed on its own to want every corner of her pussy it could reach. It was the fork plowing through the pot roast of her pussy, and I could only moan and groan in satisfaction. Occasionally I caught what I believe sounded like colorful words being uttered, but from which of us I couldn't really tell. I was too busy sating my need for her pussy to care really about anything else, except holding back on what her cunt was trying to milk from me. And I had no intention of giving in until I'd had my fill of her.

Or that's what I thought, but the twang in my body grew stronger, almost to that point of not being able to control it. I wasn't ready to cum yet; I had not satisfied my need. I pulled out of her pussy, giving my cock that moment it needed to calm itself. The tenant's displeasure was plainly evident in the pout on her lips and expression in her eyes.

The dildo was still deep in her ass, her hand holding it in place. I pulled it out of her and dove my face to her ass, burrowing my tongue and eating around her asshole long enough for the twang in my cock to fade. Her eyes still had that "fuck me" look to them when I came up from her ass.

I touched my cock to her asshole. Spreading her cheeks wide, her breathing went still as I pushed into her ass. I could swear she uttered a "holy shit!" as I pushed in and her ass muscles closed around my cock. I could have cum at that moment, and pausing a moment kept me from cumming so soon after getting into her ass, and also allowed her to regain some semblance of normal breathing.

If her pussy was warm, her ass was like lava. And with the natural tightness of her ass muscles closed around my cock, I knew it wouldn't take long before I was not going to be able to hold back. I leaned forward over her, grabbing onto the back of the couch next to her shoulders as she leaned into it. Each thrust counted down to that point of no return as I pulled my cock nearly all the way back out of her ass and drove back in as far as I could.

When that point hit, I pushed as deep into her as I could and stirred around, enticing my cock to release what had been penned up inside me when the tenant's teases began. With a load groan from deep in my chest and a heavy feeling in my loins, several jets of hot spunk shot from my cock into its confines.

I loitered in her ass for a short bit. She lifted her head and looked around at me, not saying a word. I held the rim of the condom as I pulled out of her ass, then collapsed onto the couch next to her, just staring out the patio door, my cock still hard in its cocoon and resting against my body. From the corner of my eye, I saw her merely collapse onto her side.

For several moments, there was nothing but silence save the sounds of labored or heavy breathing, with the occasional "Fuck!" riding an exhale to its expression. A few moments later, I glanced over at her. She was staring back at me, smiling wide. She didn't say anything and neither did I. I got up from the couch, gathered my clothes, and went to the bathroom where the tenant had earlier pointed Jim and cleaned up.

When I got back out to the living room, the tenant was sitting sideways on the couch, clothed in a t-shirt and jean shorts, reading her book, seeming as if nothing had even happened. Jim was standing next to the newly installed back door, leaning against it as it sat open.

"Took you long enough," he said. I just looked at him with this seemingly confused look on my face. He stared back at me with a similar confused glance, "Have you been daydreaming or something? You look like you fell asleep in there." I did feel a little lightheaded, but given it was about lunchtime, I guess it was out of hunger.

"Well we'll be out of your hair, now," Jim said to the tenant as I glanced back to the couch.

The tenant looked up from her book. "Take care boys."

Jim and I gathered everything up and took everything back out to the patio. With a final glance in the living room, ensuring we had everything we brought in including the trash, I glanced over to the tenant, "Take care."

She looked up from her book and smiled and winked. She then slowly slid almost all of her finger between her lips and closed her eyes, letting it linger several moments too long before pulling it out and turning the page in her book. She glanced over at me again and smiled wide, winking again.

I turned around and closed the door behind me, feeling even more confused than before. Only one question ran through my mind: what the hell just happened?

"Lucky bastard," Jim groaned.

I just glanced at him, "What? What makes you say that?"

He went for a rope and kneeled down to tie it to the bucket handle. "I saw you diving on her cunt." He slid the bucket off the side of the balcony and started lowering it down, "Had her screaming so much I thought you were eating her soul out through her pussy."

"It sounds like you missed the best part. And it sounds like you're jealous."

"Don't make me throw you from this balcony. Now give me a hand with the rest of this crap."

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