
(18+) Wherever Imagination Takes

Immerse yourself in a world of lust and passion; a place where only desire rules. . . . Support this work on:  ko-fi.com/boostmaster007

BoostMaster · ファンタジー
66 Chs

C21 (3-End)

"Yes, I realised that. Pablo sometimes provides girls to be used on freight ships. Hopefully there are a few in this week that can take her."

Rob led Dorcas into the room, who observing Naomi bound and kneeling, shuddered at the prospect. He quickly hand-cuffed and gagged her, forcing her down on her knees. Both women looked at each other, increasingly terrified. The noises and screams emanating out of the wet room indicated that Alicia was getting a final workout

"He'll have to deal with these two," contributed Rob, realising what needed to be done.

Nodding Marcus moved into the wet room to retrieve the final slut, laughing as he saw her being taken by both men, one in the arse, the other in her pussy.

"Don't fucking cum in her, I don't want to have the merchandise cleaned again," he exclaimed.

Both men mock protested but simultaneously pulled out, Marcus took hold of her lead and put her under the shower, turning on the cold. She squealed at the shock of the cold but Marcus held the lead tightly, turning her slowly round under the harsh jets. Once he was satisfied, he led her into the lounge.

Concerned, she asked Marcus, "What's going on, I thought you were taking me home, and why are Naomi and Dorcas gagged and cuffed."

Before she received an answer, Nigel grasped her arms and cuffed her in the same fashion as the two other women. She was just about to shout but Rob pushed to ball-gag firmly in her mouth and tightened around her head. She struggled as she was forced to kneel next to the two other naked sluts. She looked around desperately, pleadingly with anyone whose eye she could catch. However, the men were starting to leave and avoided contact, although a few could not resist a final grope or feel of her flesh. She felt like she had suddenly fallen from being a desirable bitch to be fucked to a beast at a cattle auction.

Only Nigel and Marcus remained when Pablo returned.

"Hi, hi, what is the problem, I thought you would have enjoyed the young maidens I left you tonight. Did they not fuck well?"

"No, they were amongst the best we've had, cherries ripe to be taken. Bit disappointed we will have to let them go. However, we have a problem," Marcus said, as he looked down and stroked Alicia's hair.

"We can't let anyone find out about our arrangement, so we need to discreetly dispose of all three items of merchandise, and not in your establishment before you ask. It must be done tonight and with the minimum of fuss, we can't have a scandal. I have heard there are some appropriate ships in tonight."

Alicia strained at her bounds and tried to object but the gag muffled her attempts. Dorcas and Naomi simply stared at the floor, tears cascading down their cheeks again. Pablo moved toward her, and harshly slapped her face with two rapid blows.

"Be still you fucking whore and stop your whining, or I will have to take my belt to you."

Shocked all three sluts stilled themselves, not moving and tears abated.

"It's good to see you control them so effectively," Nigel commented.

"Normally, I would take them back to my hotel," Pablo euphemistically described his brothel, "to prepare them for sale, but given the situation we have I need to do it here and now. Have you got any oils, and I don't support you have make-ups?"

"Actually, my wife left some of hers before she went on leave. I will go and fetch them."

Marcus handed the oils and the make-up to Pablo, but he handed the oils to Marcus and Nigel, and told them to oil Alicia and Naomi. He concentrated on applying eyeline, lipstick and blusher to Dorcas. Dorcas was careful to remain silent as the gag was removed and a bright scarlet lipstick applied.

"Make sure you oil inside the cunt and anus as well. Buyers always need to sample the merchandise."

Pablo finished Dorcas, both Marcus and Nigel admired the effect, still slutty, whore-like but definitely sensuously attractive. The eye-shadow and lipstick contrasting strongly with the light brown of her skin, and the eye line accentuated the almond shape of her eyes.

Pablo moved on to Naomi, and both the other men concentrated on Dorcas, enjoying her body more slowly. Alicia could only watch stupefied at her and the women being prepared. He finished with Naomi, and Dorcas was now responding to both Nigel and Marcus as they both massaged her cunt, playfully fighting over access to her clit. Dorcas was climaxing as Pablo then moved over to remove Alicia's gag.

"Not a word, I don't want to mark you but I will if I have to."

He pinched her nipple hard, almost drawing blood until she acquiesced. Alicia nodded and replied yes sir. He then applied a light blue eye-shadow, some mascara and a similar blue lipstick to provide a more exotic look. Then he re-applied the gag. Happy that he made at least a half decent job, he went outside to retrieve some large rugs from his van. He laid one of rugs flat on the floor, then pulled Naomi over to the centre of it, lying her flat. With some ties he bound her feet, then rolled the rug around her, then applying ties to the top, middle and bottom to bind the rug closed. Rolling Dorcas to the side, he then repeated the exercise with Naomi and Alicia. Marcus and Nigel helped him carry the three packages to the van.

"I will see what I can do, but I can't promise anything."

"I know you will try your best, but if you can't sell them, give me a call and we'll have to think of a separate strategy," Marcus reassured him.

Quickly driving to the freight port, Pablo with his usual contacts at the security and customs, was quickly able to gain access to the wharves. He knew exactly which freighter to go to, as he had already negotiated an agreement with the captain to supply entertainment when he had available girls. He called up to the deckhands to give him a hand, and within minutes, he was standing in the captain's stateroom with the three rugs laid out in front of him.


"Yes, I know it's more than your usual take, but I can sure we can agree a special discount. I have one piece of merchandise you may be particularly interested in."

The Captain, the Chief Engineer and Purser watched as Pablo cut open the ties, revealing Naomi, then Dorcas. All three admired the nubile young women., Pablo instructed them both to kneel and spread their legs to give ample display of their attributes.

"Very nice, I assume you've already sold their cherries but they look very good, on par with the usual quality. How long are they available for?"

"Well actually all three for your voyage, and we don't want them returned, if you know what I mean. The third whore is a little bit different, but I am sure you will be interested."

"Well, if it's as well stacked as these two, I think we all will be. Take it this next one will have had her cherry popped as well," the captain asked disappointedly.

As Pablo cut the third rug open, he replied, "Afraid so but I don't think that will disappoint you too much."

Pablo opened the rug, cut Alicia's leg ties and spread her legs so the three Officers could get a clear view of her pussy. He raised her up to kneeling position and cupped her breast to emphasise their size and firmness.

"What do you think Captain, have I not excelled myself?"

The Chief Engineer responded, "fuck Pablo, what we supposed to do with her, you setting up a white slave trade operation?"

"No, it's a one-off, to help a friend, only found her today but she seems to be a high-class whore but she's seen too much tonight," Alicia was stunned unable to look at the three she was intended to be sold to.

"Not a problem, but I hope that will be reflected in the price, have them stand up and present. What do you think guys, the two locals can be given to the crew after we sail and we can have the blonde to our own personal use? How much then?"

The Purser intervened, "Yep that sounds and excellent solution, what currency do you want?" as the three men walked around each of the girls, testing the firmness of breasts and tightness of holes.

"US Dollars of course. Normally it would be 2,000 each for the locals and 8,000 for the blonde, but tonight as I need your help, 1,000 and 5,000."

"Not like you to be so inexpensive, but yes that sounds reasonable, Pursuer sort out the money with Pablo on the way out."

Each woman was trembling in fear and trepidation, all three looked nervously to the floor. The women's gags were removed, the Chief Engineer fingered the woman's mouth, playing with her tongue and testing her throat, asking her name as he removed his finger.

"Dorcas, Sir."

"Naomi, Sir," she replied to the Purser who had removed her gag, as she looked up.

"And your name is Alicia, I would guess?" stated the captain.

There was a stunned silence in the room as everyone, including Alicia, looked to the captain.

"You know her?"

"Yes, I went to school with her."

Alicia tried to respond but he had yet to remove her gag. She looked at him, recognising him and tried to smile. He toyed with her breast and nipples and appraised her body, still as fuckable as ever he thought. She waited for the gag to be removed, but he made no effort to do so. Pablo had already uncuffed Naomi and Dorcas, but the captain declined his offer to unlock his former schoolmate.

"Does that mean the deal is off?"

"No, we agreed a deal, and it's such a pleasant surprise to know without a doubt you're going to screw the arse off a sexual fantasy from your youth," the captain laughed.

Alicia's emotions plummeted from the euphoria of rescue to the despair of capture. The captain instructed the Chief to get the engine room ready to move off, and instructed the Pursuer to put Naomi and Dorcas in the "brig" until they were in international waters. The Pursuer with Pablo, took the two women out.

The Chief acknowledged the captain and went to prepare for sailing. The captain reconnoitred Alicia's body, testing her pussy, probing her anus and squeezing breasts he had lusted over for years. Bewildered she tried to ask to have the gag removed but to no avail. He raised he chin and looked deeply into her eyes.

"It's been a very long time, and I never in a thousand wanks imagined meeting you like this. If anything, you're more beautiful than when I first knew you, and if you're a whore as Pablo introduced you it will at least be an enjoyable voyage. It takes us about 11-15 weeks to get back to Britain, depending on how many ports we have to call into, so we have lots of time to reacquaint ourselves, and I am sure the Chief and Purser will want some of the action. Now I am going to remove the gag, but I only want you to answer the questions I ask, any screaming or shouting and I will put the gag back on and send you to the "brig. Understand?"

Alicia nodded and he removed the gag.

"So how come you're here, in this mode of dress," he asked sarcastically, "and on this particular ship?"

She explained the events of the day, struggling to comprehend it had been a little over 12 hours since she decided to take a walk, and no she wasn't a whore but living as an expatriate wife of Phil who he should know from school."

"Well, if you weren't a whore, you are now, as I have bought you. You're my merchandise now."

She was about to protest, but he admonished her with a withering look that stopped her in her tracks.

"Quiet, you're a whore now and you're my whore. I don't know, or want to know, what trouble you've caused to have to be disappeared but here are my rules. While you're on this ship, you'll enthusiastically service myself and the two officers you met before. Failure to perform adequately and once we are at sea; I can either give you to the wider crew or throw you overboard or probably both. When we dock, I will probably sell you on, as there is no way I can let you back in Britain, but your performance will determine where you disembark so to speak. The longer you're on here, the relatively more salubrious the ports get. The choices are yours."

"Yes," she was about to use his name but reconsidered quickly, "yes, Captain, I understand."

"Good, I'm glad we understand. You were in 3 or 4 years below me at school, weren't you? That makes you about 22? Which means I should be able to make a profit."

The juxtaposition between when they had been at school together, albeit distanced by years when he had been a sixth former and her a fourth year and what he was proposing was stark, but aware of his rules, answered quickly.

"Yes, Captain."

"Good, now we have about half-an-hour before the Pilot comes on-board, so let's see how good you're at blow-jobs. I seem to remember you had a decent reputation for such skills and swallowed."

Alicia sank to her knees utterly defeated.

The freighter had set sail during the night and with mission accomplished Pablo went to the government offices to inform Marcus and give him his share of the sale. In his office Pablo was explaining to Marcus their success and profit, when the Secretary came in announcing there was a rather distraught expatriate outside. She was told to bring him in.

"Phil, how can I help you?" Marcus exclaimed.

"It's my partner, Alicia, she's been missing since yesterday afternoon and I getting concerned about where she is."

"Well, she is a very sexy girl, you sure she wasn't just invited to a late-night party and will turn up later this morning?"

"No, definitely no, she's not like that at all."

At that precise moment, now well out at sea, she was screaming encouragement at the Chief Engineer to fuck her cum-slut's arse harder.

"Well, I will see what I can do and get the Police to look around wherever she might have got to."


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