
(18+) Wherever Imagination Takes

Immerse yourself in a world of lust and passion; a place where only desire rules. . . . Support this work on:  ko-fi.com/boostmaster007

BoostMaster · ファンタジー
66 Chs

C17 (3)

But he knew he needed to take things slow. He didn't want to rush into anything and risk ruining what they had. He turned over and closed his eyes, letting the sound of the waves outside lull him to sleep.

The next morning, Thomas was the first one to wake up. He urgently needed to pee, so he carefully left the bed, not to wake Melanie. As soon as he closed the bathroom door, he rushed to open the toilet lid and immediately the jet of pee resounded throughout the room. A few moments later, he heard Melanie knocking at the door.

"Please hurry," she pleaded.

Thomas quickly finished up, flushing the toilet and washing his hands. He opened the bathroom door to find Melanie waiting outside, her legs crossed. He smiled at her and gestured for her to enter the bathroom. "All yours," he said, stepping out of her way.

Melanie hurried inside and closed the door behind her. Thomas went back to bed to check his phone for any messages and the latest news. After a few minutes, Melanie emerged from the bathroom, looking relieved.

"Thanks for being so quick," she said with a smile, raising both eyebrows. "I really had to go."

Thomas grinned. "No problem. You know I'm always happy to accommodate."

Melanie rolled her eyes playfully and joined him in bed with her phone.

"So, when do you wanna go to the hammam? I don't think it will be full but we should ask in the lobby first to make an appointment."

Thomas glanced at her and then at the clock on his phone screen. "How about we have breakfast first and then head to the lobby to inquire about the hammam?" he suggested.

Melanie nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. I'm getting hungry anyways."

With a smile, Thomas got out of bed and grabbed his clothes from the chair to get dressed in the bathroom. Just as he came out, he saw Melanie standing beside the bed, quickly pulling up her jeans. Her spectacular ass, scarcely covered by a black thong, was only briefly visible. But that sight made him shiver with excitement.

"Oh, I thought you'd take longer," Melanie said, as she noticed him behind her.

Thomas cleared his throat and averted his gaze, feeling a bit awkward for interrupting her while she was getting dressed. "Sorry about that," he said, still avoiding eye contact. "I'll wait for you outside."

As he was waiting in the hotel lobby, the image of her perfectly round ass didn't want to vanish in front of his mental eye. The way that she bent forward, showcasing it to him and then the innocent expression in her eyes when she saw him.

Thomas shook his head, trying to clear his mind. A few minutes later, Melanie joined him in the lobby, and they headed towards the hotel restaurant for breakfast. As they walked, Thomas couldn't help but steal glances at her, admiring her beauty and the way her hips swayed with each step.

Once they reached the restaurant, they were greeted by the aroma of freshly baked pastries and the sound of sizzling bacon. They both grabbed a plate and strolled along the buffet. Melanie loaded her plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, and a croissant, while Thomas opted for some fresh fruit, yogurt, and a bagel. They both poured themselves a cup of coffee and found a table near the window overlooking the beach.

Thomas couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to spend time with Melanie, and he was enjoying every moment of their conversation. As they finished their breakfast, they headed towards the hotel lobby to inquire about the hammam.

They approached the reception desk and the receptionist told them they'd have availability around noon or the late afternoon. Melanie and Thomas decided to visit the beach first and then go to the hammam later. They also booked a premium massage and went back to their hotel room to pick up their stuff for the beach.

Once they were back in their room, Melanie entered the bathroom with a purple bikini in her hand. Thomas decided to take the risk and put on his swim shorts right away. He undressed his boxers and felt an unfamiliar thrill to be standing there, naked, with the possibility in mind that Melanie could come out of the bathroom any second. He quickly pulled up the swim shorts and then packed their towels, sunscreen, and Melanie's book.

When she emerged from the bathroom, Thomas grabbed his bag and they went to the beach. As they walked along the shore and enjoyed the warm sun on their skin, they shared some stories from their travels. They found a spot to lay their towels and settled down to read and relax.

After a few minutes, Thomas pulled out the sunscreen and squirted a heap into his hand. He applied most of it on his body but he still had much left.

Melanie noticed and said, "Hey, why don't you put some on my back?"

Thomas felt his heart race at the thought of touching her bare skin again, but he tried to play it cool. "Sure, no problem," he replied, trying to hide his excitement.

Melanie turned around and he gently began to rub it onto her back. The feel of her soft skin beneath his hands sent a shiver down his spine. He couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same thrill. As he continued to apply the sunscreen, he let his hands linger a bit longer than necessary, enjoying the sensation of touching her.

He didn't want it to end yet, so he decided to apply some more on her shoulders, gently massaging her and then slid his hands down along her side and stopped just before he touched her hips. When he was done, Melanie looked around and gave him a warm smile.

"Thanks, that felt great," she said.

Thomas felt a wave of relief wash over him, realizing that he had managed to keep his emotions in check. He smiled back at her, trying to act casual.

"Anytime," he said, still feeling a bit nervous.

They spent the rest of the morning lounging on the beach and swimming in the ocean. As the afternoon approached, they headed back to the hotel to prepare for their visit to the hammam.

Thomas felt a mix of excitement and nerves as they walked towards the spa. He had never been to a hammam before, but he had heard that it was a unique and relaxing experience. As they entered the spa, they were greeted by a friendly staff member who showed them to the changing rooms.

With their swimwear on, they changed into the robes provided and followed the staff member to the hammam room. The room was dimly lit and filled with steam, creating a soothing and tranquil atmosphere. The lady collected their robes and ordered Thomas and Melanie to lay down on the marble slabs.

As they laid down, Thomas closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, feeling the warmth of the marble seeping into his body. Melanie laid down next to him, and he could sense her presence even though his eyes were still closed.

The lady poured warm water over their bodies, and then began to scrub their skin with a loofah. Thomas could feel the rough texture of the loofah against his skin, but it wasn't uncomfortable. In fact, it was quite refreshing, and he could feel the dead skin being sloughed off his body.

After the scrub, the lady rinsed them off with warm water, and then applied a clay mask to their faces. Thomas could feel the coolness of the mask as it was applied, and he tried to relax as it dried on his skin.

As they waited for the mask to dry, they were given a small cup of mint tea, which they sipped slowly, enjoying the refreshing taste. After about 10 minutes, the lady returned and rinsed off the mask with warm water.

Finally, it was time for their massage. They were led to a private room where they were greeted by their massage therapists. The room was dimly lit, and soft music played in the background. Thomas climbed on a massage table on the opposite site of the room and they both closed their eyes.