
(18+) Wherever Imagination Takes

Immerse yourself in a world of lust and passion; a place where only desire rules. . . . Support this work on:  ko-fi.com/boostmaster007

BoostMaster · ファンタジー
66 Chs

C17 (1)

Thomas had just finished a report for an important client and was about to leave the office when his phone rang. It was Melanie, his colleague.

"Hey, Thomas! Can you come over to my office and take a look at the billing for the Jones account? I'm having trouble reconciling the numbers," she said, sounding a little frazzled.

Thomas hesitated for a moment, as he was eager to leave work and head home. The sun would soon bid farewell and he was hungry but he knew that Melanie wouldn't refuse to help him either, so he agreed.

"Sure, I'll be right over," he said, grabbing his bag and heading out the door.

As he walked to Melanie's office, he wondered what could be causing the problem with the billing. He had worked with Melanie for a while and knew that she was usually very meticulous with her work. Hopefully it was nothing crucial that they could easily fix together.

Arriving at her office, he found her hunched over her computer, looking frustrated. As she saw him from the corner of her eye, she waved for him to come over and look at the computer screen. Thomas approached her from the side and as he came closer, he noticed the low neckline of Melanie's blouse.

When he was finally standing next to her, her eyes were still glued to the screen as his were glued to her breasts. He got a good view from above and for a split second, he imagined how those wonderful breasts would look completely naked. Then he quickly looked over to the screen so she wouldn't notice him gawking.

After a few minutes of analyzing the data, he discovered the mistake, and together they were able to reconcile the billing. Melanie breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Thomas, smiling gratefully.

"Thank you so much for your help, Thomas. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Thomas smiled back, feeling a sense of satisfaction at being able to assist his colleague. He playfully brushed off his shoulder and said, "No problem. That's what colleagues are for."

Melanie grinned and nodded. Then they both gathered their things, ready to head home for the day. As they walked out of the office together, Melanie turned to Thomas and said, "Hey, Thomas, I was thinking. I wanna go on a short vacation to Turkey next month, and was wondering if you wanted to come along. Nothing special, just a chill vacation with beach, water and a cool hotel to relax."

Thomas felt a surge of excitement at the invitation. He had always wanted to visit Turkey and with Melanie's breasts still in front of his mental eye he couldn't deny her request.

"Wow, that sounds amazing, Melanie. I'd love to come along. Thank you for the invitation," he said, grinning from ear to ear.

Melanie smiled back, looking pleased. "Great, I'm glad you're up for it. But we'll have to start planning soon. Talk tomorrow?"

Thomas nodded and as they parted ways, he couldn't stop thinking about the unexpected invitation. He somehow drove home on autopilot, daydreaming about being with Melanie for a few days in private. Most likely having her around from breakfast until the night. Seeing her in a bikini, her perfect breasts with drops of sea water running over them as she's lying in the sun beside him.

The driver behind him harshly ended Thomas' fantasy as he was waiting for the light to turn greener than it was. He raised his hand apologetically and drove home, only then realizing the erection in his pants.

The next day, Melanie came over to Thomas' office to discuss their vacation plans in detail.

"Hey!" Thomas said, as he saw her.

"Good morning," she chirped jaunty, "I already have a selection of hotels. You wanna have a look?"

Thomas looked at the clock. He had a meeting in about fifteen minutes.

"You can squeeze that in," she reassured him, "it's also important!"

They both smiled at each other and Melanie reached over to the mouse on Thomas' desk, so she could visit one of the hotel's website. Thomas enjoyed the smell of her perfume and the fact that she was standing so close to him.

As she was clicking through the pictures of the first hotel, she explained a few things to him about how close the beach is and what they could do in a nearby city. Then she showed him the next hotel, which looked pretty similar to the first one.

"Have you ever been to one of those?" He asked her.

"Yeah, this one. Panorama Beach." She said, as she opened another website.

She showed some more photos and then looked at him, casually adding, "By the way, we can also share a room if you don't mind. It's probably not much that we can save but it will be enough for a nice day in the spa."

Thomas was dumbfounded. All the fantasies from the day before came back and he didn't know how to react. While Melanie was smiling at him shily, he shrugged and said, "Yeah sure, why not."

"But not if you're snoring," she added jokingly.

They both laughed and finally agreed on the hotel. Melanie offered to book the room later and then headed back to her office.

As the day of the flight approached, Thomas found himself growing increasingly nervous about the prospect of sharing a room with Melanie. He couldn't fully understand why she had suggested it in the first place, and he worried that it might lead to awkwardness or discomfort between them. But what he secretly hoped was the very opposite. He imagined any possible situation that could lead to both of them having sex.

And his imagination was truly explicit. Melanie riding him in bed, himself kneeling behind her and fucking her doggy-style. The sight of her sitting on the bed and looking up at him before she delightfully takes his dick into her mouth. She starts blowing him with a heavenly indulgence and then, as the slobbering sounds beneath him grow louder, he pulls his dick out and shoots his cum all over her pretty face.

Even if he got himself off from those images several times during the past weeks, he now forced himself to withhold them. He tried to keep a positive outlook on the trip and see Melanie as the good friend that she was for him.

On the day of their departure, Thomas arrived at the airport feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. He met Melanie at the gate, and they exchanged a warm hug before boarding the plane.

After the landing and a short bus ride they arrived at the hotel. The concierge explained to them that dinner was already over but he could show them their room and they could still have some salad from the buffet.

As the concierge brought them up to their room, Thomas and Melanie were quiet. They were both tired from the trip and agreed to have a quick snack and go to bed. They didn't want to be too exhausted the next day and explore the beautiful beaches and soak up the sun.

When they arrived at the room, the concierge opened the door and showed them inside. As Thomas and Melanie stepped into the room, they both froze in surprise. The room only had one large king-sized bed, taking up most of the space.

"Oh," Melanie murmured, looking uncertainly at Thomas. "That was not planned."

Thomas felt his face growing warm with embarrassment and surprise. He hadn't expected the room to only have one bed, and he wasn't sure how Melanie would react. Would she be uncomfortable? Would she want to switch rooms or find another solution?

Before he could say anything, the concierge spoke up. "Is everything okay?" he asked, looking between the two guests.

Melanie spoke up, a smile on her face. "It's fine," she said. "Thank you."

Thomas breathed a sigh of relief at her words, feeling his nerves begin to ease. Maybe this vacation would be better than he had imagined. As they unpacked and settled into their room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of spending time so close to her. And even closer while they were asleep.

After they finished unpacking, they decided to go to the hotel restaurant for a quick snack before calling it a night. The buffet was still open and they grabbed a few small items to eat before heading back to their room.

As they walked back, they chatted about their plans for the next few days. Thomas suggested they try out some local cuisine and visit some of the nearby historical sites, while Melanie suggested they spend some time lounging by the hotel pool.

Once they reached their room, Thomas realized he had forgotten to pack his pajamas. Feeling a bit shy, he asked Melanie if it was okay for him to sleep in just his boxers. Melanie chuckled and reassured him that it was fine, as long as he was wearing any pants at all. He smiled and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and change into his sleepwear.

He locked the bathroom door and heard Melanie say, "No need to lock, I won't peek."

Unsure of that statement, he still left the door locked and turned around to brush his teeth. His heart was beating rapidly. Not locking the door? Sleeping in the same bed? That alone laid the foundation for half of the sex scenes he imagined before the trip. It was overwhelming and the fact that he forgot his pajama pants didn't improve it. Melanie often spoke so ambiguous, yet so casually with him and he didn't know how to keep his cool right now.