
'What's wrong with Mr. Kim'. Chapter 4

During the next few days Jungkook bottled his thoughts up and got down to business, studying hard for his finals to get his mind off one particular guy. He didn't want to tackle with Taehyung's absurd behaviour but mostly didn't have the will and energy to hear or see him, because honestly he was this close to strangle him!

Stretching his arms and legs, yawning, cracking his stiff fingers after hours of typing on the keyboard,he decided he needed a break. He plodded his bare feet to the kitchen, opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of banana milk and a piece of dark and white chocolate cake his papa had sent him yesterday and lazily ate. He needed something sweet to boost his energy levels.

The ringing of his phone and the beeping  left him unbothered. He knew who it was. Taehyung had literally bombed him with calls and messages and Jungkook stubbornly refused to answer and talk to him. If Taehyung had unresolved issues,he shouldn't lash them on others. Just fucken solve them! This weird duality of his character got him riled up.One minute he was spoiling him with trips and gifts and a mind-blowing orgasm and the next he was giving him the cold shoulder. Well Jungkook wasn't a toy!

After eating his cake he went back to studying. It was past eleven when he finished, switched off his computer, rubbing his eyes and hit the shower. He heard the phone ringing in the distance and ignored it again. Fuck Taehyung! Fuck him!

He dried his hair, finished his skincare routine,put on his favourite grey pyjamas and laid in bed face down, legs swinging back and forth. He answered some emails, chatted with friends, his brother and papa, switched off his phone and dozed off.

Around three he woke up in cold sweat and a pounding heart sitting on his butt, seriously pissed at himself for allowing that man to rule his dreams and at Taehyung for existing! He drank a few sips of water, laid back and tried to sleep again. No luck! Taehyung 's image was having a blast in his head.

Maybe a warm cup of milk would calm him down. While preparing it he resisted the temptation of reading his messages as he didn't know how to handle it or what to think. His bratty side wanted to tell him to fuck off and leave him at peace. His sensitive side wanted explanations! 

Eventually he decided to turn his back on both options and go on with his life as if he hadn't met him!


Next afternoon he went to the movies with two of his friends, a young gay couple and ended up having pizza and then dragged at a nightclub for drinks. 

They dropped him off at his house and drove off. As he was stepping foot inside his building a hand grabbed his wrist,swifting him around.


And he didn't look happy!

He was a bundle of nerves!

" Where were you this late? I was calling and texting you for days and I've been waiting here for over three hours!" He didn't let him talk. He was on fire pissed at the prospect of failure." While you were out having fun. Probably getting drunk at a bar not give a shit about me stuck out here in the fucken cold." 

" How the hell was I suppose to know you were stalking my building?" he asked ironically.

" You haven't answered me Jungkook. I've been stuck here for ages." Taehyung repeated looking seriously pissed.

" Good!" He faked a smile." A taste of  your own medicine! It sucks huh?" He pulled his hand away ,taking a few steps back for safety.

" What does that suppose to mean?" 

" Are you dumb? It sucks to be ignored. Not given a straight answer." Jungkook could have left. He should have. But I guess he wanted answers.

Taehyung seemed bogged down and kept questioning him like a criminal." Were you on a date? Is that why you're late? Who were those men dropping you off?"

"None of  your goddamn business.. And what if I was?" Bratty, sassy side on the loose.

" Have you found another man? Richer? Is he fucking you?" He mistook his flustered face from the booze assuming it was from having sex with a random guy.

Jungkook was fuming in anger and balled his fists ready to punch the bastard." I don't fuck around. And I don't answer to you. So if you don't want blood on your fancy designed suit I'd advise you to bog off." The nerve of that guy insulting him to his face! Implying he fucked around like a whore.And the worst part was his heart was aching at the thought of Taehyung's nasty opinion about him.

Taehyung wasn't used to people talking back at him. Not fear him and this guy didn't. Yet again he had no clue who he was..or what he was capable of doing to him and his entire family. Jungkook had the unique ability to appear innocent and honest and that was the ideal bait into luring his preys. Taehyung was used in dealing with people like him his whole life.

" I'm not going anywhere till I get some answers." Firm and steady as usual.

" Suit yourself.. I'm going." Jungkook turned around , walking to the elevator, pressed his button of his floor and waited with his hands shoved in his black leather pants.

" Not so fast Jungkook.I want answers!" he demanded again, more sternly this time.

" Tough luck! So did I when I asked you why you were acting so distant and cold but all I got was a 'see you'." he reminded him, poking his tongue. The door opened widely, Jungkook got in and Taehyung followed him.

" I didn't invite you."

" We gotta talk and I refuse to do it in plain sight." 

" Your problem not mine! I don't want to talk to you!" Jungkook insisted with a certainty that surprised him and pressing his floor button.

Taehyung slumped forward and the younger slanted back to avoid him . Mainly because he didn't trust himself and the affect Taehyung had on him.

" You can't escape me..Kookie..even If you try but you won't because you want me ..you need me.." 

" You're so full of yourself.." 

" I thought you liked that about me." 

Jungkook,with his heart racing and mouth dry, leaned against the cold wall, playing with the key card in his fingers and boiling inside for his weakness. Suddenly the lift shook and made an abrupt stop.Taehyung had pressed the emergency stop button and had trapped them inside.

Taehyung plucked up, gathering it together and his voice toned down ,taking two steps towards the younger." I didn't mean to offend or upset you but I got worried about you. You didn't answer any of my calls and messages and I kind of messed up last time we met." he started explaining calmly,the corner of his mouth quirked up.

" Yeah you did!" Jungkook agreed without hesitation and feeling uncomfortable having him so close in such a confined space,his breathing could barely be heard. He wasn't breathing at all.

" I had too much in my mind. A deal I was expecting to close sooner met an unexpected obstacle and then..that afternoon at the park..you and me..I was mad at myself for going too fast too soon, pressuring you and got scared of giving the wrong impression. I shut down.. I'm sorry.." His voice sounded harsh saying sorry. V never asked for forgiveness. People usually begged for his to spare their lives. A huge blow for his gigantic ego!

The younger stared at him in question. Having second thoughts about trusting his words which sounded genuine but his facial expressions seemed cunning  and  dishonest. He needed more..he wouldn't fall for that crap!

" And that gave you the right to push me away and be rude? Like it was my fault? You were moving too fast ,not me. You couldn't get your hands off me!" he reminded him ,raising his hand to stop him when Taehyung came up to him." Taking me on fancy trips, buying me expensive jewellery, giving me all your attention and when we became more intimate you..you were cold as an iceberg acting like I did something wrong! It was you who started it Taehyung not me!"

" You're right. This whole situation is way out of my character Kookie. It's impossible to be around you and not wanna hold,kiss you and do everything to you. Can we.. please erase the last days and start over? " 

Jungkook's eyes were scanning him to find proof of his honesty and decide what to do next. People make mistakes, take the wrong turns in life, mess up but don't they deserve second chances? Jungkook chose to see the good in people, putting  aside their flaws and weaknesses and was often into trouble as some didn't deserve his sympathy and compassion.

He liked Taehyung. 

He liked him a lot. More than he should.

More than any man he had gone out with. And it wasn't about the expensive gifts or luxurious lifestyle he offered him. It was because deep in those dour, cold eyes he saw..pain and loss.. perhaps it was just his imagination and wishful thinking but..

He walked to his side, cropped up his head looking straight into those hypnotic eyes, that kept him awake at night and his finger pressed the floor button of his flat and the elevator was working again. He then moved down his shoulder in front of the silver door waiting, with his back turned to him.

Taehyung cursed in his head. Had he lost? Was Jungkook rejecting him? Him? V? Every woman's dream? Was that even possible?

" Jungkook?"

The younger kept still and silent not giving any signs of his next move. The door opened widely and Jungkook stepped out, hoping he wouldn't follow him. He didn't.

Slowly he turned around, frowning and gazing at the man. The man's hands were stuffed in his rear pockets in the middle of the elevator. Just as the door was about to close, causing Taehyung 's first and painful defeat, Jungkook stopped it with his hands.

" One last chance. If you blow it..if you repeat the same mistake it's over." he announced calmly but firmly not knowing the immense satisfaction he had just given to V.

" I won't.. Promise." The older's mind was  jumping in joy. Nothing was lost. He was back in the game and this time he had to play his cards right.

" I hope you mean it Taehyung." 

" Aren't you going to invite me in?" 

Jungkook's brows wrinkled playfully, shaking his head." No." 

" Why? We could spend some time together..do interesting things." 

" You've been a really bad boy Kim. This is your punishment. You won't come into my flat unless I invite you.. and I won't.." he smirked in a domineering tone, flauntingly waving goodnight with his right hand as the elevator door was closing.

Taehyung's mouth dropped, eyes widened in shock not because of Jungkook 's refusal but because he got hard at the words ' bad boy' and ' punishment '. Those were his lines, ( bad girl to be exact) his attitude and for the first time in his life he got a boner with something besides his favourite toys..the control and submission of his slaves..for a brief moment his mind was flooded with the image of Jungkook, stripped naked, tied to the bed, gagged and  a huge dildo plunged in his ass.

Hell no! He wouldn't go that far! Definitely not! Missing almost a month of his ' sessions ' was fucking up his mind. He would never..ever fuck a guy. Especially that guy! 

He rubbed his temples, got out of the elevator, into his car and drove to the nearest bar. He needed a drink badly!


Since that night Taehyung transformed into the perfect gentleman, returning to his discreet flirting over the phone and messages ,flooding him in gifts. Stuffed animals, baskets of snacks and sweets, dozens of flowers turning Jungkook's flat into a flower shop but from a safe distance because he was still under suspension.

Jungkook had rejected all his offers for dates saying he had to study , which wasn't a lie. Taehyung had devoted his time working , dealing with major company issues, handling the casinos in Vegas and hanging out with Hobi and Bogum. 

Jungkook on the other hand was enjoying his undivided attention and cute gifts, finishing his assignments , finals for the semester and going back to his part time work at the gallery. He tried not to overthink and overanalyze his feelings and Taehyung's change.

Until one Friday afternoon when returning home from work , he texted Taehyung.

    ' Meet me at my place at nine. Dress casually.' 

    ' Are you asking me out Kookie?' 

    ' Don't have time for this. Take it or leave it.' 

    ' Ok..see you at nine.' 

And there it was again..he got a boner from a guy in the middle of a meeting with a bunch of people talking nonstop about numbers and drafts and balances just because he got an order.

Taehyung got pissed and in desperate need of air to fill his lungs. Was he losing it? Was that guy so manipulative? Acting innocent, play hard to get and ready to jump at anyone who insults him and then give orders like he was some kind of a king? Was this how he lured his victims into falling madly in love with him? 

He was sick to his stomach,gizzy and wanted to puke up! But V was no pussy. He had a mission and wouldn't fail! He could just shoot him in the head, make him disappear and be done with it but this wasn't Vegas and was in no mood to risk his business in Korea for the likes of him! There were other..ways to wipe him off the face of the earth without..blood! That thought pleased and turned him on!( I know he's so fucked up.🤭🤭)


At exactly nine he was outside Jungkook 's building, dressed in blue jeans, T-shirt, borrowed from Hobi because it wasn't his style, brown leather jacket and sneakers. God he looked like an idiot!

Jungkook came out wearing black biker's clothes , holding two black helmets walking his way.

" Good..you look..presentable." he shook his head inspecting him from head to toe. 

He took one good look at the man's perfectly combed hair and smirked.

I think Taehyung was slightly offended by the remark." Thanks I guess?" He was handed one helmet which he stared frowning.

" You do know how to use it, don't you?" he pointed out sarcastically causing Taehyung 's blood to boil. He didn't answer so Jungkook explained further." You put your head in it. I hope it fits cause you have a..big head." 

The older felt the strong need to place his hands around his neck and choke him for his audacity. He simmered down thinking of his mission, taking deep breaths through his nose." So..where are we going?" 

Jungkook signalled him to follow him, walking a few metres into an underground garage, stopping in front of a.. bike..a big, black Harley Davidson! 

His finger pointed at the motorbike." Is this our ride?" 

" Yeah! Didn't I tell you? That's my baby doll..my pride and joy..I rarely use it but tonight I'll show you around Seoul. Tonight you'll get a taste of my world." 

Jungkook put on his helmet and got on his bike, turning his head around." What are you waiting for? Special invitation? Hop on!"

The older scrunched his lips, blowing fumes , cursing his luck , on the inside because on the outside he remained calm and relaxed. He put on the stupid helmet, removing some stays of hair from his eyes blocking his vision and got behind Jungkook, trying to get comfortable.

" Put your hands around my waist." A clean-cut order and Taehyung obeyed wounded up." Hold on tight!" He pressed the start button with his thumb, allowing the engine to fire and then released it.

" Ready?" 

" I was born ready." he retorted with overconfidence.

Jungkook to distract his attention from Taehyung's dick poking his ass, concentrated on the road. Riding through the vast, busy roads of Seoul he could feel the cold air smashing against his face,hearing the roar of the engine. Smelling the road dust, the oil, fumes.

An addictive experience where your senses are violently assaulted and brought to life. The thrill of adrenaline, fueling excitement perfectly combined with the blessed serenity of a cleared mind. The bike was rumbling and vibrating beneath him, moving like it was a part of him. The most powerful fix.

Along with Taehyung's strong hands circling his waist and his jaw resting on his shoulder giving him shivers..the man's touches were stimulating his entire body more than the fixation of the ride.

They reached a dingy road somewhere along the parks and alleys at the river Han. Jungkook turned left at a junction,kept going till they reached a narrow street filled with food stools. He found a nice spot and parked the bike.

" We're here. Get off. " Jungkook asked Taehyung. The man moved his leg over the back of the Harley and touched ground! He got rid of his fucken helmet and his hands were running through his scruffy hair in an attempt to tame them.

His head was throbbing from the combustion and the cold air. Sticking needles stabbing his eyes. He winced, brows furrowed with pain but kept it well hidden because Jungkook was just getting off the bike seat. 

" This is my favourite place. Simple and cozy." Jungkook informed the man, taking off his helmet and placing it on top of the bike." Come on!" He grabbed his hand rushing him to a small stool at the side of the road.

Jungkook smiled at the young lady behind the stool." Hi noona! How've you been?" 

" Hi Kook! I'm doing ok. It's been a long time since you last visited." the young woman replied joyfully." Who is your friend? " 

" Oh this is Taehyung hyung. And this is JeenHo. She runs the place with her mum ." 

" Nice to meet you Taehyung. Any friend of Kook's is welcomed here." JeenHo bowed and gave him a beaming smile.

" Nice meeting you." He unsuccessfully tried to sound sweet but it was more of a squeak.

Jungkook's gaze searched around to find her mother." Where is your mum?"

JeenHo's face saddened at his question." She had a little accident a week ago. She slipped and fell and broke her arm and leg. The doctor said she must stay in bed for at least two months. So it's me for now." She shrugged her shoulders, taking a wok out of the fire and placing the noodles in a bowl.

" I hope she feels better soon. I can come and help you..you know how much I enjoy cooking!" 

" You're a sweetheart Kook. Between studying and working you want to help me.. anyway go have a seat and I'll bring you food. The usual?" 

" Yeah but make for two." He glanced at Taehyung who was simply standing there mute , rubbing his neck." Do you fancy spicy food?" 

" No.. I've got a stomach condition." 

" Make his less spicy noona." He again gripped Taehyung's hand , leading him to one of the seats." Beer for hyung and juice for me.. I'm driving."

Thank God he ordered juice cause if he got drunk Taehyung would have to drive that..monster..of a transportation..

The chair was too uncomfortable for Taehyung, the table too small and the air reeked of pork and spices. Jungkook looked accustomed to the place." You're a regular here." he noted trying to cross his legs but hit his knee on the table.

" I come almost every week for the last five years but it's been a while..studying and working, visiting the family, helping my stupid brother." 

" You don't seem the kind of guy who would eat at a place like this." he blantantly commented in a quarrelsome and biased tone.

" What kind of place? It's nice, cosy and has excellent food. Noona and her mum are great cooks."Kook unzipped his leather jacket, stretching his legs under the table.

" I thought you liked more luxurious restaurants with more sophisticated food and elegance." 

" You assumed..you didn't ask."he corrected him." It was your choice to take me there." 

" Maybe I should have asked your preferences.."

"I can eat just about everywhere but I prefer places like these. It reminds me of home and papa's cooking."

Taehyung was exactly the opposite. He often indulged himself in dining at the finest, most expensive restaurants, taking pleasure at people serving him hand and foot. Jungkook's particular preference confused him. He looked genuinely happy being there. Something that contradicted the impression of  the greedy, man-eater the older had of him so far.

" I certainly didn't imagine you as an easy rider."

Jungkook googled his eyes and chuckled." My baby is my life! I love speed, the freedom it gives you, the excitement,making your adrenaline rush..They say 'Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.' I've done everything to get it. Saving money since sixteen, doing all sorts of jobs..well I had a little help. Sponsors!" His fingers toying with the napkin to relieve the stress this man was giving him. His eyes were literally penetrating every pore of his boby making him somehow feel.. violated.

The older's eyes turned shadowy, his hands into fists pressing his thighs.He tamped down his rage by digging his nails in his flesh and diverting his gaze from Jungkook. Sponsors! The faggot had sponsors! And had zero problem admitting it. He was boasting about it.If only they were alone! If only he had his gun!

Taehyung was so engrossed he neglected to see JeenHo bringing a tray of food, setting down the bowls." Enjoy your meal boys." When she was leaving she glanced at Kook giving him thumbs up for his choice of man and made him blush.

Japchae, chinese noodles, pork ramen,kimchi and Mayak eggs. Taehyung hadn't seen this type of food in a really long time not since he left Korea seventeen years ago. It felt so familiar but distant and if he was given the chance he'd skip it.

" Eat before it gets cold." Jungkook urged him and began slurping the noodles.

Taehyung reluctantly held the chopsticks ,stirring the noodles in his bowl feeling a weird disgustion. Slurping the noodles he was stunned to realise they tasted like his mother's and he timidly smiled with his head hanged low. He ate everything and surprisingly he rather enjoyed it. Beer on the other hand wasn't his taste but drunk it anyway. Some booze was all he needed to make it through the night.

Finishing their dinner JeenHo brought them home made ice cream. Strawberry vanilla and chocolate mint. He hadn't had that since he was a kid and..' Don't go soft on me now Kim' he said in his head.

" JeenHo mentioned you're working."

Jungkook licked the ice cream from the corner of his mouth with his tongue. " I work part-time at a gallery downtown. I had a month off to study and I went back yesterday."

" I'm sure your job doesn't cover your expenses. Life is expensive in Seoul. Flats are high priced especially in your area."

" Oh yeah but I own the place. I don't pay rent."

The revelation fueled Taehyung 's anger. His ' profession' was lucrative." I see.."

" I mean I have help but I try to be as independent as possible." he shrugged his shoulders, continuing to cram his dessert, clueless to the man's visible rage.

" Your plans for the future? You're graduating and it's important to have a career plan." 

" I want to open my own gallery some day. Exhibit my work. Discover new talents and I'd like to travel." 

Taehyung rolled his eyes to the back, feeling suffocated even out in the open." You're ambitious. I like that in a man. I bet you'll everything to succeed."he pointed out sarcastically but the younger too absorbed in eating missed the hint.

" That goes without saying. Who wouldn't?" 

"The means justify the ends." he emphasized and the veins in his neck panged.

" I suppose. People do whatever they can to have a better life. " He sounded blant and ruthless. He had no idea he was giving all the wrong answers or at least he wasn't explaining properly. He slumped backwards, rubbing his full stomach." I ate too much again." he commented wiggling his brows.

" It shows how much you appreciate good living."

It wasn't a compliment but Jungkook mistakenly took it as one." Thanks.. I do actually." And he was referring to food!

The man stirred in his seat. He wanted to leave. Go as far away from him because he didn't trust himself around this pathetic fool." Could we leave? I need to stretch my legs." he suggested abruptly standing up.

" Ok.. wait here." He also stood up, went to the stool, paid the bill, gave JeenHo a kiss on the cheek and returned to Taehyung." Let's go." 

They ended up having a slow stroll along the river,small talking about this and that. Well, Jungkook did most of the talking. Taehyung was simply humming. He couldn't wait for the night to be over and go back home, have a long shower and get the stink out of his body.

" You never talk about your family." Jungkook suddenly asked and the man was taken aback.

" There's nothing to tell. My parents are dead and buried. End of story." They stopped at the side next to a bench.

" No brothers or sisters? No relatives here?" 

" No. Just me." He diversed his eyes, gazing at how the silvery currents were dancing over the sides, reflecting and capturing the brightness of the moon. 

" I'm sorry." 

" Why? I'm fine by myself." He hid his fisted hands in his jeans pockets, feeling the frustration and rage overflowing him. He obviously wanted to see if they were other beneficiaries to his estate. I suppose he detested sharing.

" A family gives you stability and affection and a shoulder to cry on when life disappoints you. When everything falls apart you can always go home." The softness and sweetness of his voice gave him shivers. His muscles were throbbing, his bulging veins were hard to detect under the night sky. He was biting his head off.

" I have everything I need. Successful career. Money. Power. That's all that matters." 

Taehyung hadn't grasped the bitterness and sorrow in his voice but Jungkook did. This man was deeply hurting. Perhaps from losing his family or being betrayed by a loved one. A lover.. someone he adored and lost and his open wounds turned to scars. His heart ached for him and he wanted to hug and kiss him taking away his pain.

" Friends? Do you have friends at least?" 

The older smirked. This boy, obscure and sharp-witted, was such an easy prey leading the conversation to where Taehyung wanted." I have you.. aren't we friends Jungkook? Or more than that?" 

The younger gulped at his question realising the hidden meaning behind it. That wasn't his intention. He wanted to get to know him better. Learn about his life." What do you think Taehyung?" He stood beside him , his gaze browsing on the river.

" Was hoping we were more than that.." 

" The future will tell." he replied avoiding to give a straight answer.

" As we spent time together I realise there are parts of you I don't know and would like too. You're a revelation to me Kookie.. a true revelation."

Jungkook chuckled." I'm an open book. What you see is what you get. Although I wish I could have a mysterious aura surrounding me. Like you have."

" For what it's worth I find you mysterious..and charming and enchanting and I would very much loved to taste your lips..again.." That damn erotic, deep voice caused a rush of adrenaline penetrating him, feeling like he had a high fever.

The younger turned to him, hooked his jacket and captured his lips. The kiss was soft and slow at first but when Taehyung gripped his waist, colliding their bodies, emitting the familiar musky scent the kiss turned passionate and aggressive. Tongues wrestling, mouths crashing , sucking the air, hands ravenously stroking and gripping every inch of their clothed skin in a frenzy kiss made of yearning and heartfelt lust and scornful menace.

Taehyung was the one interrupting the kiss as Jungkook whined." I like this side of you doll..so fiery and steamy..I can only imagine how it will be when I finally have you at my mercy.." he whispered, brushing the younger 's hair and removing the naughty strays from his forehead.

Jungkook bit his lips making his tiny mole under his mouth visible. Taehyung 's tongue licked the spot and the younger moaned in bliss." That mole is inspiring doll.." He let go off Jungkook and offered his hand." I better get you home or else we'll get arrested for indecent exposure." 

They went back to where Jungkook had parked his bike and headed home. 

Taehyung at the safety of his penthouse got rid of his clothes ,hit the shower and spent an hour washing away the stinky smell of pork, spices and Jungkook's sweet fragrance.