
First Immortal

On top of the highest mountain sat an old man. He has wrinkled skin and looks very weak. Suddenly his body glows up. It seems that he has attained the power of immortality.

"I've reached the realm of immortal! With this, I will not die of old age anymore!" The old man was agitated in joy.

At the same time, his heart was beating continuously of his agitation causing a heart attack.

'Shit! I shouldn't have let my guard down.' The old man regretted his action but it was too late.

The pain hits him hard, his leg also weakens up as he slowly knelt on the cold snowy ground.

His chest tightens up and it's getting hard to breathe. The pain on the chest continues on as he felt that energy is leaving him.

'Am I dying? But I'm Immortal.'

With the slippery snow, He slips down from the hill.

You can imagine what's happening right now. Yes, he's turning into a giant snowball and bumped into a tree and finally turned into flesh of heap.

The cell of the flesh is still fresh and is still working but they're not putting together themselves.

The flesh of immortal will remain fresh forever. The old man still feels the pain for eternity.

The end.