

作者: 宁不见
完結 · 23.7K ビュー
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What is 修仙从读档开始

WebNovel で公開されている、宁不见 の作者が書いた 修仙从读档开始 の小説を読んでください。新书《我只想安静的烤仙鹤》已发沈峰穿越了,而且得到了一个卷轴,美艳师妹问他卷轴里看到了什么,沈峰照实说了,随后死于告密。读档重来之后,美艳师妹又问他,大师兄,你在卷轴里看到了什么?沈峰摇了摇头,谎称自己什么都没看到。没想到这一次,沈峰死于美艳师妹杀人夺宝。第三次读档重生,美艳师妹再次问他,大师兄,你在卷轴里看到了什么?沈峰一咬牙,说师妹,要不这卷轴我送你了可好?美艳师妹点了点头,说好啊,那你先把卷...


新书《我只想安静的烤仙鹤》已发 沈峰穿越了,而且得到了一个卷轴,美艳师妹问他卷轴里看到了什么,沈峰照实说了,随后死于告密。 读档重来之后,美艳师妹又问他,大师兄,你在卷轴里看到了什么? 沈峰摇了摇头,谎称自己什么都没看到。 没想到这一次,沈峰死于美艳师妹杀人夺宝。 第三次读档重生,美艳师妹再次问他,大师兄,你在卷轴里看到了什么? 沈峰一咬牙,说师妹,要不这卷轴我送你了可好? 美艳师妹点了点头,说好啊,那你先把卷轴的滴血认主解除了吧? 沈峰一脸懵逼,老子才穿越过来,什么法诀都不会,解除个屁! …… (PS:抄书评算什么,老子简介都是抄的,哼。) 【书友群:934653045】


One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis]

The new rework of this story is called: » One Piece: Crimson Tides » However I will leave this story for those who might want to read this old version. Hence ... focus your support on the new project and I await your comments and reviews. OLD SYNOPSIS: A warlord, someone who brought only nightmarish visions for his enemy in an era where life and death were just at a flicker distance. The warlord was one who stood above the rest, but even with this grace, he slowly descended, falling abruptly in life, losing his power, reputation, and prestige. In his decadence, he, who was abandoned by life, woke himself in a mysterious realm, some people would call Limbo, a realm, between the realm of death, Tartarus, and the realm of the living. A place where all damned souls, unredeemable who lost faith in God, were gathered. ‘Vlad, oh great leader, after so many years of fighting the enemy, you have fallen so low that even God doesn’t want embrace to you and let you to his realm.’ Yet, salvation came in a more sinister way, having only one choice to escape this prison of souls, accept his gift or remain forevermore trapped into this realm, where souls can’t escape. With only one choice, he shook the hands of the devil and journeyed out into the unknown, freed of his soul constraints, in a new world out of the world governors' jurisdictions. In such a new realm, world, his starts would be unlike what he experienced in his first life, but not far away from what he lived through. Nevertheless, every struggle he would experience would make him stronger, slowly climbing the ladder of the world's power structure until he would acclaim the title no one since that past world era had.

Vostarian · アニメ·コミックス
179 Chs

Within The Soul: Supremacy

After a series of unexpected and traumatic events, Matthew, a physicist from futuristic earth, found himself transmigrated into a new world. In this world, humans practice cultivation in order to gain power and survive against the beasts and demons that plague the lands. Now in the body of a youngster, Matthew uses his inquisitive mind to reconcile with this new reality soon discovering the potential his scientific knowledge holds. Follow him on his journey to power and immortality, answering old and new questions about the nature of the universe while he strives for unrestrained freedom. Notes 1: It is my first attempt at writing anything so any constructive advice is more than welcome. if your comment will be just to insult, don't do it, you will waste time typing and I will waste time reading it and not giving a damn about it. 2: To make it worse English is not my mother language. I'm still learning, reading and talking is not a problem for me, but writing is my weak spot. Though not the only one and not the most important, this is one of the reasons I decided to start writing this novel. 3: I do not own the artwork used as a cover, I found it on google, I liked it A LOT and decided to use it. At the time I tried to contact the creator but received no answer and if he wants me to remove it, I will. 4: I changed the cover because the cover I used on royalroad was not good here. Every time I cut it or fixed its size it ended distorted. But yeah, I'm the same guy. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy it and sorry if you don't :P.

DriftingCloud123 · 東方
43 Chs
Latest Update
2 :第九宗
3 :苍月行


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