

A man known for his intelligence in technology one day stumbled upon an anime called sword art online and wanted to make that nerve gear a reality. He became so obsessed that he went crazy, recreating every little detail to match his fantasy about Sao. But not only that, he made the life of thousands of other gamers a living hell just to fulfill his desire to recreate the Sao franchise. Note: it's a love triangle and I'll give a daily update as long as I get your support. Arigato. join the discord channel ://discord.gg/s8v2zEVR2e

Kirito_K5 · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Akihiko Kirigaya

Aiko suddenly appeared inside the Sao world, she found herself on the first floor called the town of beginnings.

The first thing she saw was, *Welcome to Aincrad* A system notification that showed up in front of her.

"Wow, this looks so real" Aiko uttered, she walked into the town and saw that there were a lot of shops and buildings.

"Wow, check it, it's a mob!"

She suddenly heard the sounds of other gamers coming from the other street, so she walked there in search of Kazuya.

Upon getting there, she saw a girl and a boy, who had surrounded a red boar with a hp level of 15.

The boy took a stance as his sword lit up, "Come on just like Sao, Go!" He dashed forward and sliced the boar.

The boar fell to the ground and its body disappeared into pieces, "Yes I did it!" The boy yelled, falling to the ground to see the system notification.

A notification showed up, showing him the stats he had earned after defeating the mob.

Level 1

Coll ¢: 300

Item: Boar husk

Exp 12/200 ∆

"What items did you get?" The girl standing next to him asked, she was holding a long wand which indicated that she was a mage.

"Oh, let me see, a boar husk, it's apparently used to strengthen equipments" The boy smiled.

"Nice one Jerry, you really are strong" The girl hugged him.

The boy laughed, "It, it was nothing".

Aiko signed, "I doubt I'd even recognize him, he wouldn't use his real face in a VR game" She walked away.

More players started falling in, every player spawning in different areas of the first floor, Aiko still continued her search for Kazuya but it got nowhere.

It was already nightfall in the game, Aiko sat down on one of the stairs at the corner of the road, resting her head on her knee.

"Where the hell is he?" She thought to herself, a thought suddenly hit her, she tapped open her menu and moved to her friend list.

She checked if she could see any search bar but none was there. She sighed aggressively, "I'm done for today".

She scrolled over to the main menu and clicked the logout button but nothing happened, "What's going on?" She muttered.

She kept on pressing the button continuously but it just gave no response, "The log out button isn't working, does that mean?".

In an instant, she was suddenly teleported to the middle of the town, where other players were also standing.

So many different players, each one carrying different names that assist with the anime, Kirito, Asuna, Shio, etc.

One of the players whispered excitedly, "It's really happening, talk about anime portals, I'll be damned if I don't become the mc here".

The other players joined in, shoving their swords to the sky as they kept laughing.

Aiko immediately looked away from the group, "How can they be so calm about this? What if, what if we actually don't leave this game?".

A system alert suddenly showed up, covering the entire place in a red hexagon pixel, written with the warning signal that covered the whole place.

The place became dim, red sticky like Guo started dropping from the lines in the pixel until it was big enough to form a human figure wearing a black hooded coat.

They all looked up at it, while some had fear in their eyes, others were excited, mostly the gamers who had always dreamt of it.

"Players, welcome to Sword art online" The huge human figure floating above them spoke.

"My name is, Akihiko Kiri-"

"Akihiko Kayabe, yeah yeah, we've seen the anime, we're not stupid… are we trapped here or what?" One of the players with a red hair avatar interrupted.

"If we are stuck in this game, no need to start dropping a rep-" All of a sudden the player felt a pain in his chest, he fell to his knees screaming, and blood started dripping from his mouth and nose, after a few more minutes his body shattered and disappeared.

Every player around him started running away from the scene, screaming, "He's dead!".

"That's impossible, you shouldn't be able to feel pain in a VR, even if it were possible, why would the developers add one," Another player thought aloud.

"I assure you this is not a drill, if you die here you die in the real world" The giant figure uttered.

"We have over 10,000 players here, which is more than enough, every store in Tokyo has been sold out… I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to call my bluff, I've informed the government that if anyone should try disconnecting the game from the outside, it will kill the player".

"No way, we…die?" A female player screamed.

"Now, I know most of you already know which characters appeared in the anime, I'm giving you a little present. '' The figure tapped his fingers and everybody's form began changing.

Everybody started having their real physicals on the real-world show in the game, except for a few players who looked exactly like the characters in the anime.

Like Aiko for example, who looked exactly like Asuna, having both her hairstyle and face, even her voice was the same.

"Climb the floor and defeat the bosses, that's the only way to leave this game, get to the 100th floor and clear the game… I wish you good luck on your journey.. and son be the best protagonist a father could wish for". The giant figure uttered before disappearing.

All the alert notification pixels disappeared alongside him.

Aiko, still feeling scared, was able to recognize Seka's voice and his greeting to his son just gave her the reassurance she needed to know that Kazuya was in the game too.

Someone among the players started laughing, "So Seka, no Akihiko even dragged his son into this, we know your here come out, Kirito" The man yelled.

There was a bit of silence in the crowd, until someone shouted, "We're all gonna die!" Everybody panicked and started running.

Aiko, climbed a table and started observing everybody, 'Where are you?' She got down and climbed a higher Stone.

'Please….' She took a breath, "Kazuya!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, tears almost dropping from her eyes, "Kazuya!!!".

Kazuya, who was among the crowd wearing his hooded coat, heard her voice and wanted to turn to check but he couldn't, the people running for their lives kept on blocking his path.

Aiko fell to her knees, holding her chest, "Kazuya!!!".

. . . . .

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