

The next morning , he prepared himself to enter the palace ,but something was wrong he was a little confused , the voices asked,

* what happened ? what are you thinking now ? we have already helped you to come up with a plan to enter the place , so you should hurry , because you are the one, who wants to end it soon so why are you delaying it?*

*No , no I don't want to delay but I think, I cannot enter yet *, the man replied, looking down in a helpless tone.

*What ? and Why?* one voice speaked loudly.

*Aah , sister, you still don't understand , Ooh! how stupid you are* , the other voice replied in a taunt way.

*Hey , whom have you called stupid, you dead bone, even after death, you have no peace*, the first voice replied angrily.

*You , you called me dead bone, you evil witch,* the second voice shouted.

*Hey , you both,"keep quiet" , let him speak ,* the third voice said in a calming tone.

* I cannot enter the place,* the guy repeated again .

*Why ? *the third voice questioned.

*You told me, that I should dress up like a guard to enter the palace, but yesterday I saw the guards strictly checking each passenger, they searched their bags and even asked for their identities , they would know the other guards and if I entered as a guard , they would suspect me.*

*Yes, yes you're right, but I can help you , *the third voice replied.

*Here, take this piece of meat, it will attract the animals, I know ,that area is surrounded by forest ,where many wild animals live, it will help you, you just have to throw it near the gate and in a moment, the guards will be busy with them and then you can enter.*

*Aah, thank you.* The guy spoke in a relaxing tone.

*Wait ,don't thank me right now , Ooh my you are too stupid , why that oldy has chosen you , you forget after entering the city gate ,you still have to enter the palace, not just that, you have to be close to her , hmm , wait , here take this bottle it's one of my treasures , this bottle is special , if you have to hide your identity you have to change yourself, you just have to blow into the bottle and In other moment your appearance would be change.*

*Well , okay .* the guy answered hurriedly.

He took the stuff and turned away towards the door.

Suddenly voices shouted, *but don't forget you have to listen to us .*