
《Imperfect power》

"In a world where individuals possess extraordinary powers, Eric, a mysterious and powerful man, finds himself responsible for the rehabilitation of two notorious criminals, his main goal is to find other users of the power of absolute just like himself.

Oz_Orcus · SF
22 Chs

《Imperfect power》chapter 6

Eric's POV

Once I had disposed of the bombs in the apartment by sending them into outer space, I casually walked through the main door. With Philip guarding the room, I felt confident enough to venture through every floor of the building.

As I moved, I sensed the presence of two individuals waiting just around the corner. This was going to be interesting.


"Who are we waiting for?" I whispered as I crept up behind them.

Before they could react and pull the triggers, I managed to knock them out using my mind control abilities.

The elevator, one of the most useless things there could be. It was an obvious trap, but so were the stairs.

I decided to play a little trick. I sent the seemingly empty elevator down to the lowest floor, where they were waiting. Well, it wasn't entirely empty; I had put the two knocked-out guys inside, but they were as good as deadweight at the moment.

As the elevator began its descent, I wondered if I could keep knocking out everyone before it reached its destination.

Floor after floor, I moved quickly, using my abilities to teleport the knocked-out bodies into the elevator. I didn't want to resort to using time stop; that would feel like cheating.

As the elevator descended, I worked swiftly. When it was about to open on the lowest floor with all the unconscious bodies inside, the remaining assailants wasted no time in firing their weapons into it. Unbeknownst to them, they had just killed their own men.

I emerged from the staircase, whistling with amusement, as I watched the confusion and chaos unfold among the attackers.

Now it was showtime. I strolled toward them confidently, and yet they couldn't move, helpless in my domain.

"Bow before me." I commanded.

"Ready, Aim..." With my words, each of them obediently raised their guns to their own jaws, prepared to shoot through their own heads.





And so, in an instant, the gunfire erupted, sending the remains of their blown-up heads into the skies.

I couldn't help but laugh manically. "Ha ha ha! It's raining brains, Hallelujah!"

I knew I had to move the bodies before things got messy or, rather, messier. With a snap of my fingers, the bodies disappeared, leaving no trace of the chaos.

Just then, I heard a car accelerating suspiciously fast from where it had started, the sound of tires burning rubber in the process.


"NO ONE SAID SUCH A MONSTER WOULD BE HERE!" the driver shouted in terror.

"How could I know? There were supposed to be only two women to get rid of!" the other man exclaimed, his voice trembling.

"Yeah, you guys have shitty tactics, planning, and no information about the usual visitors and stuff," I taunted them with a mischievous smirk, enjoying the fear in their eyes as they realized I had teleported inside their car.

While they both screamed in terror, the car drifted off to the side, its speed and light weight causing it to flip over several times.

"Wheeeeeeee!" I couldn't help but find amusement in the chaotic situation, my amusement standing in stark contrast to their terror.

Just before the car crashed, I teleported outside to avoid any unnecessary injuries to the most important person in the situation—myself.

Once I reached the overturned car, I opened the door and yanked out the man who appeared to be responsible for the whole situation. I held him by the collar and hurled him against the side of the car with a forceful thud.

With my face close to his, I peered into his terrified eyes. His voice trembled as he asked, "Why do all of this?"

"Why?" I replied. "That's my question. Who will cover the damage you've dealt to our precious elevator?"

"Y-you're a monster." he stammered, tears streaming down his face.

I shook my head slowly, a twisted smile forming on my lips. "Nooo, no no no. I'm way worse. I'm a human."

With that statement, I released my grip on him, and he fell to the ground, losing consciousness.


"WHERE. IS. MY. SANDWICH?!" I shouted as I teleported back into the room.

"Who do you think we are?! Making you a sandwich! Are we your servants?!" Lauren approached me with a challenging glare.

"Actually... Lauren insisted she'd make you one, the way you like them..." Jade quickly chimed in, attempting to clarify the situation. However, her words only seemed to add to the confusion.

"I-i just... Shut up and eat!" Ren's statement finally ended the back-and-forth. I decided not to delve deeper into the sandwich mystery and simply enjoyed the meal.

"Aren't we back at square one?" Angie posed a strange question.

"What do you mean?" I responded with my mouth still full, savoring the delicious meal.

"Now we know nothing about Cassandra."

Oh shit, she was right. Our knowledge about Cassandra was practically non-existent. What should we do now? Perhaps if that guy contacted us again... Wait, how do I...

Suddenly, a thought struck me. I stood up, swallowed the last of my food, and shouted, "Absolute Knowledge! Tell us something we should know!"

Everyone in the room stared at me, their expressions ranging from confusion to disbelief. I felt a sudden wave of embarrassment wash over me when my phone began to vibrate.

I already knew who was calling as I answered with a playful tone

[Booty call center, how can we help you?]

[Quit that shit, Eric] the voice on the other end finally responded.

[So, will you answer my previous-...]


[...Aaah, ok, ok, I'll shut up...]

[Don't shout like an idiot you are. Second, Chloe is not the target. Third, there was a reason I didn't warn you about the mercenaries. Fourth, don't try to look for me; I'll contact you once I deem it necessary. And lastly, once you meet her, and you will... don't look.]

With that, his long sentence was etched into my memory.

[How should I call you?] I wondered aloud.

[I said don't try to look for me. You can call me Isaac.]

The phone call ended with his name hanging in the air.

"J'emmerde cette merde, je sors." Lauren exclaimed, clearly fed up with the situation. "I'm sleepy anyway, so I'll head to bed, if you don't mind me."

Angie and Jade exchanged confused glances, with Angie whispering, "The hell did she say?" Jade merely shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, equally baffled.

Yawns began to spread like a contagious virus in the room, and I couldn't help but agree. It seemed like a good time for all of us to take a break.

Jade's POV

With that, Lauren went to the other room, most likely ours, to sleep peacefully. I was thinking about taking Eric there, but it seems he decided to stay on the couch, while Philip lay on another one in another part of the room. They both got pillows and blankets, so it should be fine. Now it's time to take Christine on her wheelchair and... Eh? It won't budge?

"Heh, funny... it's as if the wheels are frooozzzzeee-..." Oh shit, they are indeed frozen. That means.

"C-christine?" Angie asked with a whisper, her voice slightly shivering.

Her cold expression didn't change.

"I kinda think I know what she wants, but we can't let her sleep with Eric." I continued whispering to Angie.

"Jade, your hands." Angie exclaimed, sounding shocked at the sight of my...

"My hands!" They're frozen to the handles of the wheelchair.

"Christie, I know what you want, but still, it's a bit-" Angie tried to argue with her, but Christine proved that she's not someone you can order around. Angie's lips got frozen together. Did Christine know that Angie can regenerate from that, or did she just decide to do it anyway?

"This girl is too much trouble it seems." I muttered as I carried Angie to the couch and placed her next to Eric. Seconds later, he moved in his sleep, embracing her tightly.

"You planned this, you cheater!" I whispered with my teeth clenched.

The only response I got was Christine's stare, followed by a smug grin, as she let Eric cuddle her.

"Dang, it's as if she's saying 'you're not that girl.' I mean, to both of us." Angie observed, making me want to punch her for being right. It certainly looked like that.

"Angie, pour me one last glass. I feel like I need something for better sleep."

"Two glasses coming." Ah, so she's drinking too.

"You know what? Pour me two." Maybe one might not be quite enough.

"Five glasses coming." Wait, f- well, whatever.

Once we gulped them down, we went to our room where the chibi redhead, Lauren, was sleeping.

If she wasn't so short, she'd be taking the whole bed.

"Move ya' ass, Lauren." Pushing her buttocks, I whispered to the sleeping semi-loli.

"Eeeh? Ok, ok... Where's the witch?" Of course, she had to ask!

"Shut the fuck up and goodnight!" With Angie's not-so-delicate tone, we went to sleep.

"W-what? Christine?" His reaction is not what I expected. He's a bit too calm, though he just woke up.

"Why did you put Christine here? That's an inappropriate prank." Trust me, if it was a prank, you'd wake up angrier.

"Ah, we just thought it will be funny...?" Angie tries to hide the fact that it wasn't our intention at all.

"Uhhh, at least you shouldn't have taken off her clothes and sliding mine."

That one particular sentence made my eyes open so wide as if I witnessed the world ending.


"J-Jade... we got cucked." Angie... stop... I'm crying internally, you know?

How can this be? I mean, we had our share of fun with Eric, but this situation somehow makes it feel less romantic than it used to. Damn it.

"Waaah, what's all the commotion about? Why so... loud...?" Lauren entered the room, still yawning.

"Aaahh! Eric! You cheater!" You too, Lauren? Well, it's no surprise given that you live with him.

"Why cheater? What's going on? And why is she holding onto me so tightly?"

"After all those intimate nights we've spent together..." Angie put on a dramatic act, complete with fake tears. She's quite convincing.

"You were literally just sleeping." But that still doesn't quite soothe the sting in my heart.

"So now it's turned into a foursome... or maybe four and a half with Lauren..." Angie remarked in a hushed tone.

"Heeey! I heard that!" To our surprise, Lauren had some keen hearing.

"Let's be honest, Lauren. You're like 4'9" in shoes." I couldn't resist poking fun at her, thinking 'daaaamn, who let that kid out of school?'

"Girls, stop roasting Ren, it's not her fault she's vertically challenged." Eric's attempt to defend Lauren just added to the laughter in the room.

Oh no, she curled down and crying, or just... curled and crying...

"Lauren, should i lift you up for a kiss?" Oh no, oh no no no.

"Here, come here, stand up, i'll kneel" Aaaaaahhhh shit! That's good!

"Leave her alone! She only gave down-to-earth a different meaning." Eric, stop! I'm gonna pee!

I can't hold my laughter! This is insane. 

"Stop crying, grow up." Naaaaah! Angie, that's crazy! Oh no, she tip-toed out of here! Ah, nevermind, that was her running.

"Seems like you're having fun in the morning," Philip commented as he woke up to our dwarf-roasting shenanigans.

"Fun? I woke up with a naked lady in my bed, and I went to bed alone as I remember," Eric replied with a hint of frustration in his voice.

"That seems like more than a lot of fun," Philip remarked, clearly amused by the situation.

Meanwhile, our sleeping princess, Christine, finally decided to open her eyes.

"H-hello, Christine," Eric stammered as he greeted her awkwardly.

She was staring right into his eyes, blue zircon against the diamond. Her arms wrapped around his neck. Her exposed boobs were visible to everyone, yet she seemed unperturbed. But girl, you're in for a battle you might not win. I think.

My sincerest apologies to all the short people reading this. It's not that I don't notice you or look down on you.

Oz_Orcuscreators' thoughts