
《Imperfect power》

"In a world where individuals possess extraordinary powers, Eric, a mysterious and powerful man, finds himself responsible for the rehabilitation of two notorious criminals, his main goal is to find other users of the power of absolute just like himself.

Oz_Orcus · SF
22 Chs

《Imperfect power》

"Mister! Mister!"

Who the hell is interrupting my nap?

"W-wha... who's screaming?!"

"Mister you're gonna fall!" Said some man at the bottom of the building. Indeed a normal person would be concerned about the fact that he's at the edge of the roof of a tall building. But i'm me, i don't die. To proof that i'm gonna jump down and try to scare the gathering crowd.

"Listen, what i do is not to your concern!" After that i jump, some people fainted, seems like it's a good prank. As i'm falling i manage to see a promotion for chicken nuggets on digital billboard, gonna get them later, getting closer to the ground.POP! I teleport from inches away wrom the bricked sidewalk a bit higher with a standing position, losing all the speed.

"Wow i wanna do it again!" I said laughing but somehow crowd is not happy, were they actually hoping i'd die there?

"Mister that was reckless, and you didn't mention you had powers!"

"I don't remember saying i don't have any powers." Are you stupid? Why would i jump off the building without superpowers. I'm seriously disappointed in people, why they care?Humans kill each other and that's common, they get closer to each other to gain something.

"What was the reason you woke me up in the first place?"

"Just tried to save you mister." Ooh right, the self proclaimed civilian hero, do it for recognition. Let's see this man's story. Pretty average in everything, public schools, apprentice electric center worker, wife and two sons, low self esteem explaining a pseudo hero actions. All that from reading his mind, his appearance is... he should hit the gym, and maybe some shopping mall i mean, his belly is so big and t-shirt so small i see his hairy bellybutton, feel like it's gonna blink at me any time, it's giving me shivers. His face unshaved, red nose but he's not a drinker and his hair or what's left of it, all messed up.

"Mister are you a hero?" That question again? Well i do have powers and dress up rather... specifically, it's good to ask wether someone is a hero, i certainly look like a bad guy, i was even told that many times.

"No, but i'm not a bad guy, i'm just a bored man"

"What are your powers? I saw you teleport."

"That is rather private question?"

"I'm sorry i didn't mean it like that, h-have a nice day!" What was that about? Do i look that scary? Let's see... black coat, black sweater, black pants and black leather shoes, cane from time to time. I make the cane appear and disappear with my power simply storing it, yes as mentioned before i have powers, but unlike other people, who can only have one power at once, i have three powers, and not just some ordinary powers, mine are absolute. No it's not like that, all three of them are the powers of absolute, simply... wielder of such power have an absolute control over his speciality. No limits and i have three of them, it's god-like but it's not like i wanted it, to get the power of absolute is like winning a lottery, a wielder of power must die and the power goes to a random person, the reason i got three times lottery price is because three users clashed with each other causing an anomality i can't really explain, don't blame me i wasn't there. That's something you'd ask the witnesses and the absolute knowledge wielder, but he sure knows how to hide away from people. For my powers it's the time control, i simply stop time, see the future and stuff. Second one is space control, that is also why i didn't die from that fall, i transported myself at the same place i am at with just different position. The third power is mind control, that one is crazy, i can control every human's and animal's action, make them think it's their own decision, control everything a human brain is responsible for inside the body.Funny thing, i'm propably the strongest man alive, and people still don't believe me. It's not like i tell everyone about it, nobody knows about me but still it's hard to believe that the speedster and strongman are the strongest hero professions out there.There are many speedsters, strongmans, elementalists, espers and stuff. And i know many stronger than current esteemed strongest heroes, and they dont even have the powers of absolute which appear once per lifetime, there can always be only one wielder of certain power of absolute. Done with the powers, i need to find something to do, the curse of immortal - boredom. Why immortal, just because of time control, i could stop that, but i'm a good person, if there's a chance of someone getting three powers of absolute at once after i die, and that person is of evil will, i can't let myself to die. With such power you could rule the world, and that's not for me or anyone else.Let's see maybe i go meet with someone.

POP [restaurant]

Now we're at MIshell's, seafood and fastfood restaurant that belongs to my friend Michelle Archambeau, oh i see her in the kitchen, two customers at such late hours, strange but it's good, meaning i can interrupt her job since she doesn't do much right now. I sneak up behind her and put my jaw on her left arm whispering.

"Hi, Ma chérie!"

"GYAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" That's the spirit, she still can get so loud, old times in my memories.

"Eric! Stop scaring me like that!" Another funny thing i forgot to mention, i have a really bad memory... that's all, i think...

"I'm sorry, but i wanted to surprise you."

"You're the only person i know to visit someone just to scare them, and the only one to call me Ma Chérie despite being just friends." It's your fault, 31 and no husband, i'm not here anymore to hold you down, or push you down. Try meeting someone.

"I got bored and i got a sudden feeling that i miss ma chérie, anyway what's with the crowd?""Oh? I'm surprised you didn't know, i'm closing the restaurant."

"But it's only 18pm?"

"For good"

"No waaaaay" Seriously, no way, why? I have so many memories in here! For example on that table, or there on the floor, and that chair over there! And it's not just with the owner, why?!

"Why must you close one of my core memories?!"


"So you finally got yourself some rich man, i knew you had it in you!"

"No, i'm still single, and i'm poor"

"Eeeh? Really, i was about to go get some champagne." What a waste, she's a good girl but she's now poor, she's pretty boring so she only has her beauty left. So bad, her restaurant is closing, i tought since she's so easy she'd quickly get into some boy's pocket and support the restaurant. Well there's nothing i can do about it, or is there.

"Don't worry Michelle, i'm here to support you, not financially, i'm also poor, but you can cry in my arms whenever you want."

"No, i'm fine and i already got a new job i'm after so there's no need to feel pity."


"I don't need you, and you can go now, i'm working" Said Michelle after which she focused on not burning the fish. So yet again i got nothing to do.

"Ah by the way, Angie called, she was looking for you." Really? That girl, Angie is my... my partner in crime. Angeline Ingannamorte. She's chaotic, and mean to people other than me and her few friends. She's the type to kill and then ask questions the witnesses.Also she got some feeling for me, because. . . Why not, as if my life wasn't tough enough. Angie got a powerful ability of controlling her body molecules, meaning: she got super regeneration and can break in places by her own will. She can go back into one piece after being shattered into a state of goo in seconds and she does not age, wich makes her my good partner.

"Then see ya next time!"

"Don't scare me next time."

POP [Angeline's hotel room]


"Eric! Where have you been?"

"In France" I see a long white haired girl with purely white porcelain like skin and red eyes. She's wearing a towel wrapped around her chest. Holding a phone she's propably playing honkai again.

"You didn't hear the news?"

"What bout em?" Is the world ending? Anything else is not that interesting.

"People made an award for strongest people on the planet"

"And why would i be interested in that?"

"You might find the wereabouts of the absolute knowledge wielder" Now that's interesting, i'm more than sure, the absolute knowledge will never step into such mess, that is the last place he'd show up at, he's all about safety, not that i'm not. My style is a coward style, dodge what's thrown at you, see it with foresight, stop time before attacking, teleport the enemy away from you.

"I think i might go there, the wielder of absolute physical might be there as well" I might be looking for absolute power wielders, but absolute physical is a garbage, i mean it's the lowest in hierarchy and can be defeated by nearly every other absolute wielder, not that i know every power of absolute, i know there's time, space, mind, knowledge, physical, some kinetic shit, soul, and one i forgot the name of... had it at the back of my tongue. Nevermind, the strongest on the planet contest, i wonder if it's a competition type or it's all about other people's calculations.

"Would be nice to go there and check out what's the fuss about, wanna go with me?" Going alone would be much more safe, i would do a good silent infiltration, but that would be boring and it seems that it's being held on some festival.

"By the way where's Jade?" You might ask who's Jade, well she's my other partner in crime, Jade Adamas, her ability rivals that of an absolute, it's invincibility, the downside of her ability is that she does not feel anything at all, wich is why she's sticking close to me. With the power of mind i might be the only one to be able to satisfy her desire to feel things. I can make her release dopamine and oxitocine at my will, she's a pervert that would drink from the same cup as Angie.

"She's taking a shower right now, should be out soon." Minute later the door to corridor leading to the other rooms and bathroom opened, i see a beautiful picture of short green haired beauty walking into the room completely naked and semi wet, i can see the droplets of water falling down her arms, slim torso and thighs, her pale skin shine in the late light orange sunlight falling through the windows, her roundy c+ cups with pinkish small... Ekheemm... i'd like to lick her all ove- EKHEEHEEEEMMM.... Nooo no no no no no! I must focus, don't give into temptation of lust, girls are temporary, the holy lands are eternal.

"What's that Angie, i heard you talk to someo- . . . ERIC!♡" Oh no, she rushed at me like that, jumped into my arms to give me that naked hug. Don't get me wrong i could've dodged this infinite amount of times, i just choosed not to.

"Hi, Jade did you perhabs miss me?"

"I miss you even if you're here silly" Jade and Angie got rather sensual way of talking, for Jade it's more of sexual way of talking, anyway i've got to invite her too.

"We're going on a trip!" That's all for the invitation. She agrees to everything i say, there is no dog more loyal than that girl.

"I'm going!" Easy, now when and where is that festival.

"Angie, about the time of the awards?"

"Oh, the festival just started and awards are in 3 hours" So we still got time.

"I'm taking a quick shower and we can go"

"In that case..."

"Alone" I responded quickly, i had to since that would lead to us skipping a festival. I prepared some fresh clothes for change, by fresh clothes i mean i'll be wearing the same style, just cleaner clothes. I strip naked and get into a shower, i had to check out two times whether i locked the door, we have two locks and blurred glass door supported with steel ornaments just in case. Last time the wooden door just didn't make it when it came to Jade's energy, that was a long day. That's why we need strong locks. After a shower i wipe and change into my clothes, girls should be ready too. I walk into the living room to check out the situation Jade's wearing her casual clothes, tight jeans dark grey tanktop with purple word vibe on it and some accessories like her clipped earrings with borts, she does not wear any piercing since her skin is inpenetrable, similar with Angie, she says that they would fall off in a battle, it's not like you fight every day but it makes some sense. Angie is in the kitchen wearing her white sweater with grey whatever it is around her neck and arms connected to sweater i know nothing about fashion it looks like what nuns have, strange way to put that but that's how i see it. Unusually she got some light grey leggins that go well with the sweater, most of the time she wear long skirts of the same color as the top, but i like the new style.

"Let's go, Jade, Angie!"

"Hmph!" Angie answered swallowing the bite of sandwitch she just made and fried in microwafe. You little b*tch, why didn't you ask me wether i want some, you know i like them. Angie grabbed my wrist with one hand and my arm with her other hand, on the other side Jade wrapped her arm tightly around mine that was to be expected.

"You girls know that moving like that would be hard to take for other people?" Not that i don't like it, it's enemy territory, festival or not it is better to be prepared.

"That way you're safe" Well technically Jade is a bulletproof shield, but Angie is... whatever won't go through her body, counts as protection.

"We're gonna be stared at"

"Doesn't matter, i could do it in public"

"Do what? We're just going on a festival"

"For now" I like what she says, but i must stay focused, the strongest heroes are going to appear and i don't want them to accidently get into a fight with girls wich would result in them fighting me and probably dying... i never get injured and there is no one to land a hit on me.

POP [Festival]

Aaand here we are, not what i imagined. I tought it would be like some japanese style new year or stuff, but we got a whole mall involved. I'm impressed, it's like some convent. From the start i feel people staring at us, damn i feel like sugar daddy. Got two never aging beauties by my arms, i should've wore something more casual. I do wear hoodies on some ocasions and i feel like that's the moment.

"We got two hours left before the main thing" Said Angie. I'm pretty sure we can get some cool snack to eat." Let's go grab something to eat, i wonder if they got some kebab in here

"I got a sudden mood for a kebab, if we don't find it then it'll be okay since we're just killing time, we also can look for the strongest people to show up on our way, it would be... kinda disastrous if they were to fight us.


"Oh i'm sorry i wasn't paying attention!" Suddenly we bumped onto a young boy in dark tracksuit wearing a hood. He has some tired gloomy face, but he seems nice from the character.

"Watch your steps boy. You bumped at us as if we're some trash, you'll have to apologise properly on all fours" Angie said some unnecessary things.

"No, it's ok you don't have to. Everyone's fine." I heavily grabbed Angie by arm to inform her we're dealing with strong opponent. This guy i read his mind, he also have the power of absolute, on top of that it's one that rivals mine, absolute soul control.

"Boy why were you in such a hurry?"

"Hmm you don't know? The strongest man alive is at the entrance!" But i'm here though. . . I wonder who's that sTrOnGeSt mAn aLiVe. If the guy can't destroy a planet effortlessly, enslave the human race, or bend laws of reality then he's just some weakling with status, but why the boy with soul control that when leaving me aside could deserve the title of the strongest be so interested in meeting some liar... No way! Is the strongy also the power of absolute? If there's currently at least three of us i'd better keep the low profile.

"May we accompany you? It so happens that we also came with hopes of meeting the s-strongest man alive." Damn what a long weak title, he shall be called S.M.A. . . . It still sounds bad...

"It would be nice, but i'm afraid we may not be able to see him after all, look!" we walked closer to the entrance and there's already a crowd gathering around the guy. That won't be a problem, i'll just simply invade the minds of the crowd with the idea of moving a bit aside.

"I think we're lucky, people moved and there's some space to get closer" We both walked in the crowd, the girls stayed out at the back, guess i can leave them for now.

"There he is!" Boy said that and i looked at the tall muscular macho man. Daaaamn look at this, it's a weakling after all. What is this boy so happy about, well i might as well reveal myself to him since there's only the two of us after all.

"So, boy why were you so excited for this guy?"

"Well, i'm a fan?"

"That's a lie"

"What do you mean"

"You're stronger than that man"

"Mister i don't understand what you're saying, i'm just a weak boy, there's nothing special about me, really"

"Listen, you possess the power of absolute, i know because i also have it." Boy changed his expression into a bit more serious.

"Hey, easy, i met you by accident and i mean no harm" I said.

"Why are you here?!"

"Same reason as you, i'm looking for more absolute holders, i expected the knowledge to be here, but it was just a wrong assumption." All cards on the table, i'm not sure how his soul power work against my time power, better gain his trust and have another strong ally.

"Then we can say we're both disappointed in some way, but what now?" Well that's a good question. If a knowledge is still somewhere here it would be nice to get him.

"How about we exchange numbers? If you happen to meet anyone out of ordinary, call me."

"Great idea, thank you." For what, i just manipulated you, and it was easy to see. After exchange we decided to split up, i went back to girls and see them in an argument with some bulky man. You're not stealing my girls. Not when they're conscious and might most likely kill you if i don't stop them.

"Well hello, is there a problem?" I started a conversation with that man.

"F*ck off worm, a real man is taking care of these girls" Yes, and you butt in.

"We didn't agree to anything!" Answered angry Jade.

"Mister, please do not try to act tough when being a weakling, that's not so smart." Eat this, shithead.

"Did you just insult me you trash?!" Who you're calling trash, b*tch?

"I'm not insulting you, your face does the job just fine, i'm merely pointing out your lack of digits in iq, unbelievable it doesn't reach even two." Haha now cry like a bitch you are. Man took a swing to hit me, not so smart again, i can slow time and dodge this. What he sees is a super fast guy dodging his attacks, what i see is a meathead who's too slow for me when i'm not even trying much.

"What's wrong big man?"

"You're a speedster are you?" Well, if i wanted i can imitate a speedster, but I don't like playing someone weaker than i am when i'm already flexin.

"You're wrong, i'm just better than you in every aspect." After that i hear some people.

"Look here one of the nominated to the strongest heroes is fighting some guy in black!" Wait! He means us?! HE'S the strong guy?!?!?! Huuuuh?! How is it? Is the contest only for physical strength?

"Wait a minute, mister, are all nominated the physical powers?"

"Most of them, that's the best power after speed" That's the weakest power! Or at least one of the weakest, this guy is holding back but he could destroy a building at best. I can do that too, even the whole city but faster than you.

"Then how is it you're losing a fight with me even though it's such a great power and i'm not even a speedster?"

"I don't know, you must be cheating!" Huuuuh? Well you can call it cheating but i can't really agree, i was just lucky to have my power, and smart to be able to use it. Let's switch tactics, no slowmo, now i'll use foresight.

"Guess i'll go a little slower so you have a chance."First swing, second swing, and a few more. All dodged perfectly, i do get sweaty from this, let's stop time and take a break.

. . . An hour passed i calmed down, looked around the place and found no kebab shops or such in the area, but we can get some taco, there's a lot of it and i've never tried it. What was i supposed to do? Oh right i was fighting some dumbass. I don't wannaaaaa. . . But wait, i don't have to. Let's teleport him like... a mile above the ground, he should survive this, i think. And i'll take girls for taco, then unpause time.

POP [The taco stand]

"...was thinking that this- Hey! I enjoyed that fight, why did you stop?" Jade with angry face shouted at me.

"I might have time, but i don't like bullying." Well, not quite true but i just don't like opponents like that. They can be all high and mighty, but at least please be strong! Anyway let's order somethin.. . .Everyone got some taco, ate and we're heading to main hall where the strongest... that thing is gonna happen, we meet our boi... {reads mind} ...Philip, good name.

"Met anyone out of ordinary?"

"No sir, everything normal" So everything's boring huh?

"Come to think of it, Angie, Jade why don't you participate in nominations?" I asked, they would certainly win with those losers, if you're the best you usually don't show yourself, like me or Philip.

"I don't like attention" Yet you dressed up like you usually do, Jade.

"And i have enough attention, i'm pretty rich and happy in life, i don't need some stupid title, people's gonna think i'm a hero or something, and i'm not into that (helping) stuff." Said Angie, wouldn't hurt to actually show yourself, you can move any of your body cells at will.

"By the way boy, what's your name? It's rude to not introduce yourself by now" Oh Jade, you're right, but you could make it sound better.

"Aah i'm sorry, my name is Philip."

"Angie, and this is Jade, consider us taken" Stop it Angie! This is embarassing! Don't give me that look!

"Ekhem... I'm Eric, and as i've told you i'm the user of power of absolute just like you, also i'm a psychotherapist for criminals, and i have a lot of influence here and there, feel free to call if you get in some trouble." Good impression, ready to help, friend from the start, just to make sure that the only guy to kill me, won't kill me.

"Wow how does that work, with criminals, you visit prisons or something?"

"Haha, no. My place of living currently contains two of the most wanted criminals, and I'm tasked with rehabilitating them."

"Won't they escape when you're gone?"

"Well, one is chained up, and the other is mentally disabled from shock and can't do anything by herself, including walking or moving her wheelchair."

"That's sad, but what about the chained one? Isn't it against some laws?"

"The chained one can manipulate anyone by a mere touch, and I'm the only one with resistance to her power." It's a necessary evil, and mind control is saving me. However, I do not intend to rehabilitate anyone with mind control. They need to do it by themselves. Well, the disabled witch is already healthy, but I pretend not to know. She's just empty and scared to move on. I won't write down that her health has recovered since she got one long sentence in prison – she's a criminal after all. I believe she knows that, and that might be stopping her, or she might just be lazy and staying in a comfy housing where I cook for her, feed her, and walk her.

The party – as I already know, there's no other user of the power of absolute here, so... I have nothing to do here.

"Where are you going?" Jade asked with a troubled face.

"Well, I have nothing to do here since the only strongest people are us."

"Mister Eric, by the way, what is your ability?" Ah right, I didn't tell him. I usually don't tell people' I see it as a weakness. Also, if someone knows about it, I pretend that I have weaknesses, like having to wait some time to use my power or something. It's a lie, but if someone were to betray me, I would surprise them.

"Actually, I have more than one power."

"You're saying you have something other than the power of absolute!?"

"Tone down a bit, I don't want unnecessary attention." That was reckless of him. I don't understand how he survived until now with this recklessness.

"I'm sorry. So, what powers do you have?" Philip asked again, this time whispering. I gave him a confused look.

"It's absolute time control, absolute mind control, and absolute space control."

"Three of absolute?!" Philip switched to a louder whisper. Indeed, it must be surprising since having three powers at once is already a rare thing.

"Shh, boy. Yeah, I have three of them, and you have absolute soul control."

"H-how did you know that?"

"Mind reading."

"Oh, right." So, soul control is literally killing without a trace with just a thought. Pretty badass and dangerous. If I didn't have foresight and time didn't stop every time I'm in danger, he could easily kill me before I knew it. That's scary. However, I'm also scary. I can tell people what to do without speaking to them, and they think it's their idea. I can stop and reverse time, and I can also go anywhere instantly, as well as transport things at will. My strongest move is sending things to a black hole far away from here. Teleporting things into space is convenient; I don't have to go to the bathroom unless I need to take a shower.

"Girls, are you going with me?"

"Nah, I think I'd hang out around here and get myself something nice," said Jade. Well, your choice.


"I'll stay with Jade. It's still close to our apartment." Hmm, then I'll be going home.

POP [In front of my house]

It's a mid-sized log cabin at the side of the forest, far away from human houses in case of a scenario where one of my roomies escapes. As I entered, I saw the kitchen on the right, which is closest to the entrance. On the left, we have doors to the bathroom, a bit bigger than the kitchen. There is no corridor, so you pass the bathroom in front of the kitchen. On the left is the dining room. Then we have the main room, as well as the bedroom separated by an arched wall passage with two thin columns and two shelves at the sides. In the bedroom, we see four small beds, but only three of them are currently in use. One bed belongs to me, one to the witch, and the other to that runt chained to the wall in front of me.

"Hi Ren, hi Christi!"

"Hi Eric, unchain me, please."


"Whyyyy?! At least take that straitjacket off of me!" No way. You'd touch Christina and make her attack me.

"It's for your and our good." I wonder if they behaved when I wasn't around. I left the TV on so Ren wouldn't get bored; she gets bored pretty easily. Lauren Rousseau, a criminal responsible for riots and suspected of terrorism, escaped prison two times. She was sent to me by the higher-ups for rehabilitation. The reasons: the prisoner was too much of a threat, but couldn't be put to sleep because of the new law about death sentences – they're now forbidden, thanks to my influence. However, the real reason she's here is because the expenses to keep one prisoner locked up in a separate wing of the prison, to keep her away from anyone, are high. Plus, guards with higher salaries have to look out for such a prisoner. It's not like it's something irregular, it happens pretty often. And since this one wasn't causing damage to the building, it was more profitable for them to send her to me. As for the witch... Christine Hagel, guilty of terrorism, genocide, arson, demolition of public property, public disturbance and natural disasters. Good i took care of the death sentence. The reason she's here is more complicated, i helped in capturing her which caused in her mental damage caused by shock of some sort. She's a highly intelligent woman and understood her position as well as the crimes she committed. The death sentence removal was not known for everyone at the time of her arrest and she feels guilty for everything she's done. Internaly she thinks that the death sentence is what she deserves to pay for her crimes, that it would be her redemption, but i saw something in her and with my authority exceeding that of a president i pleaded for her rehabilitation. Ren is a shorty, has long dark-ginger hair, and red eyes, she's wearing her straitjacket and has a collar on her neck with a chain pinned to the wall, short enough to not reach Christine. Chris is a pale girl with white hair, has light blue eyes with very long eyelashes. She wears a light blue dress with dark blue and grey sweater on top. That dead look in her eyes is somewhat frightening. Her ability is control over elements. Can create fire out of nowhere, cause floods, freeze cities, make earthquake and tornado. She also manipulates temperatures, one second and your limbs fall of from freezing damage. But it's been a while since she used her power. I'm lucky she can at least sit on her own.

"Are you hungry?"

"Of course we are, where have you been, you can't just go around sleeping with other girls while i'm so vulnerable, submissive and breedable in your house!"

"I would never do anything to my patient." Ren always tries to get on my nerves to make me lose it, she thinks i'd unchain her and she would escape. That crazy bitch would do anything to escape, which is why she wears straitjacket instead of handcuffs, she would most likely break her hands to take them off and run away.

"I'm making pancakes with cream"

"Now we're talking!"

"Vanilla cream"

"Oh..." Seriously, this girl... pfff... let's make dinner already.

. . .Took some time, but dinner's ready now it's time to feed them. There's no reason to think back how to make pancakes, i mean whothe hell doesn't know how to make pancakes. First goes toooo... Ren so she can shut up, i'm angry at her so without hesitation i shove a pancake roll up her mouth, of course i'm still a gentleman. I blew at it so it wasn't too hot. "ABGWHHHBB!!"

"What are you saying? Don't speak with your mouth full, i can't understand you."

"You shonofa bchh!"

"Love you too" Now Christine, i lift her up... yeah, like a princess, put her on the chair and move it closer to the table. Now i sit next to her, slowly put a pancake to touch her beaut- akhem... her lips. Christine closed her eyes, opened her mouth and took a small bite, slowly chewing it and swallowing the bite. Feeding Christine takes a bit longer but i somehow feel weak around her and can't really do anything to make her take bigger bites. After she ate i use a tissue to gently wipe her mouth. Then she looked at me, her deep penetrating soul gaze made me feel something... I lean my head closer. I... no! I shouldn't i nearly went for a kiss. I can't make a move on a defenseless girl. Moreover she's a terrorist, no! She's my patient. Just because she was evil wouldn't stop me. I turned my face away, then she looked at the table, i don't wanna read her mind, but i'm curious what she feels.

"Hey, what's with that lovey dovey atmosphere around you guys? You shove it forcefully in my mouth and leave cream all over my face, then go treat the other girl like a queen in front of me?!"

"I wasn't-"

"Should i turn around while you're making out with that disabled, paraplegic b*tch?! At least wipe my face too, i ate already!"

"Ok ok, i'll wipe you."

"That sounded wrong." One more word and i don't care she's my patient, i have ways to dispose of the corpse. Though she's somewhat right i have to step back from Chris a bit. However... it's late and it's time for a bath. Ren can wash herself, i just have to move her to the bathroom and... strip her from the straitjacket, then make sure she won't try anything. Damn my life is tough. Now it's time for Chris, that's more difficult. I have to take off her clothes, which would be difficult for one person to do, i teleport them next to her, revealing her snow white skin and seductive figure. Before anything i have to pin her hair at the back, today's not hair day. I lift the girl and put her in the bathtub, yeah this is where it gets troublesome, i need to wash her, i use those gloves for washing body, i gently rub all over her naked body, leaving traces of shine on her skin and foam here and there. It gets awkward, she has those times when she turns her head my way and glances at me as if she wants to tell me something. Damn this is embarassing as hell. Oh yeah, there's also washing her back and what's below... yeah for her buttcheeks i got a delicate sponge, the problem is her, area between her legs. I remember tips from Angie that i should be using a different kind of soap she recommended. The thing is the way I wash her there. I put that soap on her hands and by grabbing her wrists i try doing it like it's her washing herself. First month i tried washing her there, she was breathing heavly. She's one of the reasons i take long walks and take naps in isolated places, as well i visit Jade and Angie so often. My stress is overwhelming, no naked girl ever made me blush but then there's Christine! I take her out, and wipe her body with a towel, at least the towel is thick so idon't have the same trouble. While i'm washing and wiping Christine i am shirtless to not get wet, except for my pants, can't help getting wet while holding up a wet girl. Damn my mind, i really need that walk. There was time when i would stop time and then wash her, but then i felt more guilty. She would look at me with those empty eyes, but it felt somewhat different. After we finished our baths it was time to put them to sleep. As we went out of the bathroom, i already hear Ren complaining.

"What took you so long?! I bet you enjoyed that girl's body while i was stuck here!" That again

"I didn't do anything to that girl, i never do"

"Then why is she smiling?!"

"What do you mean, she can't smile..." I take a look at Christine at the wheelchair i put her on, and see that same dull expression as she always has.

"Stop joking, for a moment i tought she's getting better" That wasn't nice, i wish she could at least make face expressions. Even the coldest winter isn't as cold as that look on her face.

"No, seriously, i saw it!"

"Go to sleep, it's too late"

"Ughh fine, but turn on the tv" Sheeesh ok, let's see what we got.

|Two nominated to the strongest people alive, were found dead today behind the stage|

I hope it wasn't Angie or Jade... or even Philip. I really don't wanna see Philip use his power. Hmmm just in case i'll make a call.

"Hi Angie, are you with Jade?"

["Yeah, she's sleeping in her room, did you hear the news?"]

"Yeah, weren't you at the place?"

["We didn't watch the show, and when we heared police, we were already heading out."] If that's what she says i'll have to check on Philip then.

"All right, i just wanted to make sure you're ok"

["Awww how cute of you"]

"Bye" Now Philip i got his number somewhere... Oh, here.


"Philip, it's me, Eric"

["Ah, mister Eric, the two men just-"]

"Yeah, i heared about it" is there anyone else aside from Angie and Philip able to effortlessly assassinate two of supposedly the strongest? I'm pretty sure there was no other with PoA there... Ughh damn it, i should've just stopped the time and check everyone present there!

["So what do we do about it?"]

"We?" Wait... me? What's with that assumption?

"Why do you think i intend to do something?"

["Well, we were there and it might be a threat considering that he or she has taken down two of the nominated strongest without getting caught"] ... sure, that is a good reason.

"Are you at the place?"

["Yes but how are-"]


"Let's go."



"N-nothing, i just forgot" Well then, there's a lot of cops, must be careful when approaching and... who am i kidding, mind control.

"Come on boy, we got a murderer to catch!"

"Where did you get the sunglasses?"

"From POP"


"You wouldn't get it" We move through the crowd to see the two corpses and a lot more cops.

"Everyone, move aside, we're here to join the investigation" The police cooperates with us thanks to mind control, i use it to manipulate their toughts but not take over their minds to turn them into mindless puppets.

"Philip, check out the camera recordings"

"Yes"Let's see, i don't see any wounds, but i don't sense any brain activity, meaning they're definitely dead. If they were poisoned we would propably see the odds about their actions, but for a poison that works instantly it should've been injected somewhere, since supposedly the participants were to not eat for a while before the show.It's a doing of someone with ability.

"Mister Eric we got it!" There i see Philip walk my way with a laptop.

"Show it to me, i'm interested"

"I've already set the timing to 23 minutes ago when it all happened." On a recording from security camera we notice our two victims perfectly fine, now they look somewhere below camera, the place where the exit doors are. Who installed camera in such a place? It should be on the opposite side of the room! They're startled, they're scared of something... something that is killing them without interaction. And now they dropped dead!

"Just like that?!" The person from recording seems to have red hair, i would bet it's a female, but i shouldn't get to conclusions based only on a fragment of that person's head at the back.

"Is every exit closed?"

"N-no mister Eric" Answered me one of the cops.

"Not yet?! Move! Killer might be still here, anyone with red hair should be investigated!"

"Yes!" The cops moved to action, i myself stopped the time to find every redhead to read their minds. It took me an instant to realize that our killer slipped through our fingers. I would go outside to check more people, but it's pointless there's too many people to check, and i won't check the entire city to find one person, i must remember that it has nothing to do with me in the first place.

"Already checked everyone in the area."

"Then why send police for a mission that's been done already?"

"To teach them to act smarter in crisis situation, thanks to them the killer got away." Now i'm left with just waiting for another crime, but why were they targeted in the first place?Is it because they're in the way of some bigger plan? I understand that no speedster was attacked since they would react in time. However all that doesn't mean they won't be in danger.

"The nominated have to be secured."

"How do you plan to secure people that think they would do anything by themselfes because they're supposedly strong enough?"

"I don't, it's not my job, i'm just a doctor." Without any certificate.

"Then who is gonna..."

"I don't know, i'm out!"


I move back to my house just to see those weirdos staring at each other...

"A staring contest?"

"Stay out of it, i'm gonna win this time!" Said Ren with an expression as if her eyes were about to pop out of her head.

"I assume that it was entirely your idea to challange a disabled girl who can't say a thing, to a game she can't lose?"

"Wha... What do you mean, she can't lose?!"

"As someone who controls elements, she can water her eyes" She's looking at me like i ate her last meal. How did she escape a prison, but can't figure out that the girl she's living with barely ever blinks? Anyway i gotta go to sleep, it's dark, i'll light the oven and lay Christine so she can sleep, when she falls asleep she's moving around the bed, so i'm sure she's fine on her own. Lauren have a material under her collar, that i put there since it was too cold for her, also the collar is thin, so she can lay on the bed properly without her neck hurting.Ren's chain can move side to side on the wall in case of emergency, it's designed like those swiping door locks, the old ones on thin chain, except this one's bigger. Oh we're nearly out of wood.

"I'm out for wood, will be in a second"


"What do you thing you're doing this late?! I've waited entire 113 miliseconds, do you know how worried i was?!"

"You're done Ren?"

"Yeah" It wasn't a bad joke, it's just you said it already, think of something new. I stop time and teleport so often, we're out of jokes, and i don't plan on forcing myself on someone's mind unless i have a reason, so no joking on mind control. Now then, as always to make sure everyone is safe, i go to sleep first. When i'm pausing, the time won't continue flowing even if i fall asleep or fall unconsious. For everyone it's not even a blink of an eye, but for me it's sleeping as long as i want, i got time. Around eight hours or so in stop time passed, girls are used to this by now. By unpausing time i leave girls to get some sleep and move to the, well it's all connected so i can't say dining room.

"Goodnight girls"

"Goodnight my knight in shining armor"

". . ." Anyway, i sit at the coffee table with laptop and do some research about today's event, would be bad to learn that absolute was here. To skip it all i turn on my foresight to get over with searching, i mean it saves electricity. . . .Damn, nothing to be found. Guess i'll do the usual, just sit on my ass and wait for the morning to come, good thing i'm very patient, well even though for other people i have 27 years, including my time stops i should be over 70 years old by now. I can stop it infinitely, or at least as long as my patience works. Now i have to watch over those two until they wake up, walk them to toilet, feed them, turn on tv and do my stuff, government pays me for sitting on my ass, so i have a lot of free time. Well actually my job is to rehabilitate those girls but... The other job is to simply keep them from society. Christine can even freeze or burn the entire planet if she tried really hard. Ren is able to do similar thing as i can, but just at far lower level, though it's still a frightening ability. . . .After morning came and girls are satisfied, i mean they have eaten and been to toilet,so i'm going to visit someone.


Oh here we are, office of my ol friend, Daniel Mayers, the detective who supposedly should be responsible for yesterday's case. Now where is he...The glass door open with a tall black man in light brown pants and white shirt that seems fresh and ironed, Jenny really loves him, a good husband and a father of two boys, one's 9 and the other 13.

"I shouldn't be surprised for your presence here"

"Sup Dan! Quick, what did you get from the investigation of those two?!" Daniel's face got gloomy all of a sudden.

"It... it is hard to believe, but they died from shock"

"You mean electric?"

"I mean mental" Tha what? So the killer is the user of psychic powers, in that case i can easly confront him, the thing is that I don't know where he or she is.

"Dan, if you get any info of another case like that one, call me."


"And one more thing, i haven't been here today"

"Got it!"


And so i'm outside of the police departament. I'd take a stroll to calm my mind. It's useful to know someone with power to investigate. Daniel's ability allows him to learn the cause of death. If he wasn't such a busy man, i would've called him yesterday, but he rarely picks up his phone, when people learned about his power, he quickly got promoted... unfortunately even though it's his dream job, he gets three times the work a single detective would get. Also thanks to his power, much less people aim for the same position, such a burden for him. I had a talk with authorities and thanks to me, he's got a raise. Anyway, let's laze around. I don't have much to do except the fact i left alone two of the worst criminals, one of them being able to destroy the earth. They're save in my sturdy wooden house, right?