

I'd do it all over for a little time in tranquility with you I'll always bring us back....♥

Dexy_Duexwriter · 若者
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Juliette's POV ♥ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩI've always wondered what it'll be like to be free from their expectations, needs and problems but it's impossible when your a chamber and I continue thinking about it as I sit here at a table somewhere in the ballroom full of people mingling and discussing business while others connect by dancing in the middle of the ballroom dressed in different sparkling shades illuminating the Gold painted room.As I continue to explore the ballroom viewing with my eyes I spot him and I look away almost immediately and try to avoid his gaze almost giving in a lot of times hoping he's looked away not wanting anyone to get the wrong idea or the right And I continue feeling his gaze on me not leaving me for a second and I try to focus on my parents discussion with different other business owners mostly aiming for the couples them being the weakest in their eyes. I feel bad for the companies who are interested with my parents Business, yes it isn't illegal but they've gone beyond the law getting to where they are today abandoning those who helped them along the way including family.And I watch as I'm being led to different tables by my mother and grandmother before stopping at a table full of other women likely my mother's age.My mother being the woman she is she's trying to use these lady's for their husbands business as they're likely house wives by the way they carry themselves and gossip like it's a trade as I silently study their behaviors fully knowing each every woman here as hiding intentions. They never let their conversation drift to one family the Knights fully knowing their husbands could be destroyed by them in seconds.I recognize most people here but not all and I notice some people I've never seen before and avoid eye contact and continue to ignore him as long as I can.But gave into a single peek and as soon as I looked I realized it was the worst mistake ever as I start finding my skin hot as I start longing for his touch and I start to take in his appearance in a black spotless suit which hug his body perfect and allows me to take In his biceps knowing he ditched his suit jacket pared with a pair of dress shoes and as I continue to take in his appearance I realize how new this entire outfit looks like it was just made today and just only for him as I can't imagine any one else in this outfit and as I continue to take him in I soon realize he's eyes has been watching me the entire time and feel my entire skin heat up and I quickly look away feeling awfully embarrassed being caught.And re-direct my attention back to the group of women in front of me and take a glass of wine from a tray as a waiter passes me and take little sips throughout the night.....I have a fairly high alcohol tolerance but it can't back me up when I drink out of my limit which is three glasses for red wine and I some how managed to drink 5 glasses this night feeling a sharp pair of eyes through out the entire night and I feel myself getting tipsy and quickly grabbed a glass of water from a random table gulping it down quietly and retire to a bathroom I found after wondering the halls for 15 mins while blaming Elliot for my accidental tipsyness, continually trying to convince myself I had something in my eye hoping it'll be enough to convince him as well as I had no doubt in the plan feeling tipsy.I retouched my makeup and found myself wondering the halls once more feeling my memory is a bit mushy as I probably wouldn't have taken notes of my surroundings in my tipsy state"Oh" I mumble to myself realizing this was my third time passing that exact plant-"Ow" I mumble as I realized I bumped into a wall for the second time today the first time being drunk I mean tipsy As I refuse to admit I was a little more drunk than tipsy but I'm not to be blamed I drink a little too much when nervous, I expect the harsh impact as I find myself falling down only to be pulled up by a large arm and slowly look up and realize it was Elliot Knight not a wall."Careful Piccòlo pavoňe" He says allowing the words to smoothly roll off his tongue making my ears a little red as I remove my hand from his soft grip and turn to walk away from him then feel a secure grip on my hand the next thing I know I'm held against the wall being blocked by Elliot as his large hands make me stay put against the wall and I let out a squirm as I feel his left harm grip my waist."Why in such a rush pavoňe" He asks me in a disappointed tone his face remaining neutral.I do little to ease the worry as I remain silent for some time and try to get out of his grip but his face remains stotic and determined telling me he won't be letting me go anytime soon and I give up and finally speak with a little blush on my cheeks"You ignored my messages" I mumble in my tiniest voice shocked a little on how fast Elliot picked it up "Merda" he mumbles with a frown making me frown he always says that word when he's mad or pissed off "Are you angry ?" I mumbled quietly hating how small my voice sounded."What ?" He asks me "off course not" he says looking a little disappointed "I would never be disappointed in you for communicating how you feel piccolo" he says gently circling falling hair strands around his fingers which fell from my ponytail as I decided to tye my hair straight this night." And as for the texts I completely forgot to tell you seeing you in that pretty dress which you look lovely in Bellezza" he says now playing with my ponytail softly making me blush and lean forward hiding my face in his left shoulder "My phone broke I haven't set up my new one yet I'll have it done soon" he says and turns whispering directly in my right hear "Now back to the dress Piccola ragazza, " he whispers in my ear making me blush, if I wasn't red before I definitely am now but I decide to say something a little bold."If you love it so much take it" I whisper feeling my core damping at the thought." Not yet Bellissimo" he says making me whine as I get even more wet as his hand goes around my throat,then an idea popped into my head "I really want you to" I whisper in his hear making him groan"non ancora amore" He says and I'm about to protest but feeling the sterness in his tone I decide against it starting to feel rejected knowing I must have sounded like a slut he probably thinks that now, he squeezes my throat harshly pulling me out of my thoughts and attaches my mouth to his kissing me as he pushes me even more against the wall and I immediately kiss back and my nipples harden through my dress against his clothed chest making me groan into his mouth and he starts kissing me faster and bites my lower lip as he kisses me even rougher sliding his tongue against it and he continues to kiss me and I barely kiss back feeling overtaken by the kiss and the pain from the bite and he starts to suck on the bite making me let out a moan felling my hole body light on fire by just a single kiss and he let's his hands explore me making fire ignite all over my skin as he continues to roam my body and he detaches his mouth from mine and starts leaving trails of kisses and bites all around my neck licking on all the parts bitten making me moan like crazy and he makes a stop at my collar bone making me moan as he starts sucking as a trail of tears fell into my mouth, I had no idea I was crying but couldn't pay attention to it feeling too much pleasure and he removes his mouth from my collar bone and attaches it back into my mouth tasting my tears as he hums into my mouth and we hear footsteps and turn around viewing no one and I convinced Elliot we should return back to the party and I was informed by a chauffer they were sent to take me home seeing as my parents had already left .....I wasted no time grabbing my phone and checking my messages and realize theirs a message from an unknown number.Unknown number Hey piccolo pavońeAnd I smile knowing it's from Elliot and spend the rest of the night chatting him.~°~The cutleries clank against the plates and dishes are the only noise heard around the table as I'm sitted having dinner with my family."Juliette when are you bringing the knights over for dinner" my mum says plainly and me and my sister Julie look at her In shock at the same time."What mother ?" I say shocked by what she just said." Are you saying that you aren't sleeping around with that knight boy ?" Father asks raising an eyebrow daring me to deny it." Mrs alarick said she walked in on you both" mother says rolling her eyes "I'm not pissed, of course but you need to find away to get him to tell his father to partner up with the family business" mum says with a small smile telling me to not dear argue. But yet I try"Mothe-" I'm immediately cut off by my father."There's nothing to discuss do whatever it is you need to do and get him to agree to involve his father into this" he says irritatedly "Just do what is right for this family""But father" Julie asks him "Elliot Knight isn't easy he was probably just sleeping around with her and knowing him this is a one time he can never go to the same girl twice especially someone as average as Juliette" she says and emphasize on my name disgustedly making me roll my eyes at how she belittles me."This isn't up for discussion Julie" mother says dismissively towards her "you aren't as pretty as Juliette so Juliette's the only chance, someone like Elliot Knight would probably like a submissive girl who wouldn't comment on everything especially does which doesn't concern her if he's with somebody like juliette he probably can sleep with any girl he wishes" mother says absent minded "knowing Juliette she won't dear question him, If she can't shut you up how do you think she can dear to question someone so powerful" my mother says nochantly and I try not to pay attention to her words she uttered carefree stinging way more than I wanted it to.And I wanted to fight back tell them how awful they are, to talk back but instead I take this as a chance to leave this house ."Mother most kids decide to stay at school this break and I overheard Elliot talking on the phone he's leaving this night, he's probably on his flight back to school" I say biting my lower lip to stop it from trembling as I lie.My mother pauses for a moment but then speaks "very well you'll take a plane back tomorrow morning and Julie will take over your place at Mrs alarick's birthday party" mother says sounding a little bit joyed that my excuse is chasing after a guy.But I'm not surprised if anything I expect it and her words keep ringing in my ears.••••

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