
White Flag

It is very rare for Winn Scott to have a peaceful morning. The valet always has something to do the moment he wakes up to the moment he went to bed. A peaceful morning is just not something he is blessed with. Sitting comfortably on his desk. Alone in his room. Sipping his tea from his favourite cup. It is very rare for him to have this moment but when he does, Winn really enjoys it.

Inhaling the sweet aroma of his tea, the valet smile.

"WINNN!!!", a certain blonde, looking rather untidy, suddenly barged into his room. As soon as she entered the room, the blonde start pacing back and forth.

The valet merely stares at his master, no word was said. Going through the first step of identifying a problem, Winn observe. Three of her top buttons are undone, her forth button went to the third button's hole. Luckily, no problem with the pant. The wig is a messed. He can see a few strain of her actual hair coming out. She is sweating. Lips a little pale. Eyes keep blinking while her mouth is talking too fast for Winn to understand so he just classifies whatever she is saying is nonsense.

Winn sigh.

Everything spell trouble.

The valet takes one last sip of his tea before stylishly clearing his throat.

"What is it this time?", he asked. Ahead of her answer, Winn was already feeling regret for asking that.

"SHE IS HERE!! May is here, in England. I can smell it in the air."

Yeah, right, just like how Winn can smell the 'just got laid' aura around his master. The valet rolls his eyes at the absurd statement. 

"Even if she is here, what could possibly happen? She is still your business partner, Kara. One that plays a significant role in our import and export to China."

Sighing in agony, Kara throw her body onto Win's soft bed.

"I know, I know... If I'm alone, I can stand her but now I have Lena. I have a weakness now."

"Are you really calling your wife your weakness?", a sense of sarcasm can be heard in his tone.

The corner of Kara's lips curled up just a little. In a few seconds, a grin formed on her face.

" I wouldn't dare to call her a weakness. She is more like my core. Kara Danvers' core. Not The Phantom's..."

"Instead of worrying about May, you should do something about him. He is getting out of control lately."

The blonde's face changed drastically. Her face is now emotionless. The eyes that just smile like the sun are now as cold as ice. Her grin changed into slightly frowning lips.

She knew she has to do something about him. The Phantom flipped his office upside down at the headquarters due to uncontrollable anger. This kind of incident did not just happen once. Her emotions when Kara turns into The Phantom had long been bringing issues to her inner self.

It feels like she has 2 different people living in her body.

"I'll handle him once everything resolved.", Kara gracefully gets up from the bed.

Looking at her sudden defensive attitude, Winn knew what is happening.

" You can't run away forever Kara. You need to face the elephant in the room one day."

Kara grins her teeth against each other, curling her hand into a fist. She is trying very hard to hide her anger.

"Are you sure about it, Mr Winn Scott? I have been running for 10 years. I'm doing just fine. Now, if you excuse me, I have something to do."

Winn sighs.

"Yeah, go ahead and run. While you at it might as well tell Lena about May. She is your wife, right? She will understand."

Instead of being mad, this time Kara smiled. Yes, yes... Lena is her wife. She will understand. Although she is no longer mad, the blonde keeps her stone face up. Not showing any sign of her emotions cracking.

But after all those years, even if it just the slightest way Kara's eyes lighted up for a split second, Winn noticed it.

Trying her best to keep the frown on her face, the blonde turn to look at her valet.

"I know, Winn. I know."

The valet gasp and put one of his hand on his chest. His eyes slightly widen, his mouth is hanging open.

"Gosh, from Mr Winn Scott to just 'Winn'? What an improvement!"

Kara finally cracked a smile.

"Damn you, how did you manage to make a joke even when I was almost bursting my anger to you?"

"We're friends, Kara. Even if you lashed out on me, I know that would be The Phantom who was talking. Not my dearest friend, Kara Damnver."

Immediately, the blonde furrowed her brows. Her lips tightly press into a thin line. Her narrowed.

"I saw what you did there. Really? Damnver?"

Winn rolled his eyes.

"You prefer 'Downver'?"

No words were said after that. Kara merely looks at the valet in front of her.

A normal commoner wouldn't even dare to look at her in the eyes. This valet, who is definitely a commoner, had just insulted her family name.

Tho all that Kara can do is sigh.

"Whatever, Scott-ish."

Winn annoyedly sticks his tongue out at the blonde.

"Really? I know my last name is Scott but really? You're going there?"

"Aye, man... You did it first."

As Lena was talking with Alex about the tiny garden they are going to make. A warm kiss landed on her cheek, the brunette couldn't help but smile.


"Shush...", the blonde gently hush in her wife's ear.

Tell Lena to shut up. Kara then rests her head on Lena's shoulder.

"I have something important to tell you."

"Hmm?", Lena hummed as an encouragement for the blonde to continue her words.

" "

And just like that Kara immediately ran away from her wife.

There wasn't even any trace left by the blonde. It makes Lena wonder... Did she just imagine all that? Or did that really happen?

"....What?", Lena said in confusion.

She turns to look at the maid beside her.

Before the brunette can ask anything, Alex already shakes her head.

"I did not see anything. My head is as clear as a white canvas. I did not see any sweet moment between you and my sister at all."