
Trip To The Town

She regretted it. Lena Luthor regretted her decision to ride the servant's carriage instead of the carriage with the house's seal that was prepared for her. Her bottom hurt so bad! Honestly, she can feel the pain up to her spine... There wasn't any padding on the carriage's seat. It was just a plain piece of wood so whenever the carriage walk on a bumpy road, there weren't anything to absorb the impact which made her bottom received a direct hit.

It is far from pleasant, Lena already craved it on her head to tell her husband about this. She can't even imagine how hard it is for the servants to do their job with this kind of carriage! Kara better be ready to buy a new carriage or renovating this highly uncomfortable carriage.

Trying to ignore the pain, the lady of the house turn to look at the highly compose maid in front of her. If she was not mistaken, it is the same brunette maid that had lead her to her room the first time she arrived at the mansion. The maid have to go to the town to buy the cooking ingredients that they had run out.


"Is there anything I can help you with, ma'am?", the maid seems to have noticed her.

Lena simply shook her head as a sign for 'no'.

"You can just call me Lena. You have been serving me for quite some time at the mansion, what is your name?"


"Just Alex?"

The maid tightly pressed her lips together. She shouldn't tell her, right? But everyone in the mansion already knew about it. Sooner or later, the lady of the house with found out about it anyway.

Alex sighed.

"Danvers. My name is Alex Danvers."

Immediately, Lena's eyes furrowed at the answer.

"I'm her adoptive sister. The Danvers was kind enough to adopted me when my parents passed away."

"Ah, I see... but why are you working as a maid at the mansion? Aren't you also part of the Danvers house? Shouldn't you have the same right as Kara?"

"I... I did inherited a small part of Danvers fortune when the master's parents passed away... But I wish to repay what the Danvers did for me so I've chose to live my life as a maid."

Lena is genuinely surprised at the answer. It is absolutely rare for someone to let go such chance. The chance to live a comfortable life as a noble... On top of that, a maid? Really?

The lady of the house fully understand that Alex must have a reason to chose this life. Instead of asking more questions, Lena smiled at the maid. What really bothering her is the fact that Kara never seem to mention Alex to her and why Kara would allowed her adoptive sister to work as a maid...

It seems like this trip to the town is giving her more and more things to talk about with Kara.

Before Lena could say anything back to Alex, the carriage stopped. They can hear sounds of footsteps just outside the carriage before the door was swing open, reveling James with his charming smile.

"We're here, ladies.", he said.

Rushed by her sense of excitement, Lena quickly get off the carriage. Her eyes roam their surroundings.

There are so many people! Most of them are wearing fancy clothes. She can see a few couples walking hand in hand down the street. A pang of jealousy hit her... Would there be a day for when she and Kara can do that without anyone judging them? That day is probably never going to come. Lena puff her cheeks and then release a huge sigh.

"Man, seeing all these fancy people make me feel a little underdressed!", she confessed.

Alex chuckled lightly at the sight.

"I'm pretty sure you're way overdressed than me and James."

The maid is in her usual black and white maid outfit while James are in his working attire. Black riding shoes, white pants, white shirt and a long coat.

Not sure how it's possible, but, Lena is a hundred percent sure these two people are rocking their working outfit way more than she does in her semi-casual white and blue dress.

"Not that convincing, Alex."

Alex merely shrug at Lena's comment.

"Believe what you want, Lena. I have to buy some eggs and then.... well, to keep it short, I have too many things to do."

"I'll accompany Lena while you run your errands.", James said with a smile.

The maid frown.

"How do you expect a lady to carry a whole pig by myself, idiot?"

James silently facepalm himself. A whole pig, that is the ultimate essential ingredient every week. Sometimes the coachman wonder how their chef could come up with new pig recipe every week.

He smile bitterly at Lena.

"Lena... I'm so sorry bu-"

Before he could finish his words, the lady of the house rise a finger in front of him. A silent sign telling him to stop talking.

"I know, I know. I'll just walk around the town by myself.", Lena said.

Her coachman and maid exchange a look with each other before hesitantly nod.

Lena smiled.

Let the adventure begin.