
Just a maybe

Kara scolded her valet. This is not how she expected things would be. To think a beautiful woman like Lena agreed to marry her... Of course, there was going to be a catch.

God, she should have seen this coming.

"Oh, come on, Kara! Don't tell me you didn't see the hint in her letters. I'm pretty sure, she refered you as 'my dearest husband' in those letters."

Winn said, trying his hardest not to look at Kara. The valet's eyes were set on the floor. He refused to look at the blonde.

"Umm, about that... I... Umm.... Well..."

Kara stuttered as she played with her fingers. She felt kinda ashamed to say what was on her mind but.. What could she say... That the reason she really never suspected Lena not knowing her true gender through their letters.

"You what?"

The valet asked as he looked up to see Kara's red face. Almost immediately, the valet looked away from the blonde. God, he wasn't supposed to look at her.

"I thought... We were... you know... Role-playing."

She explained.

"Role what?! Why would you think that?"

This time, Winn couldn't help but turn to look at the blonde. Although he was surprised by her answer, there was still a little blush flashed on his face. He tried very hard to focus just on Kara's face.

"Don't judge! You know there are some girls who like to... You know.. Role-play. I thought Lena was... How do I say this? One of them, maybe? -And can you stop that?!"

She didn't mean it, but the last part sounded more like an order than a question. The Phantom could see her valet's face flash a sense of surprise for a split second. He still refused to look at her though. If anything, his eyes were now locked with the floor once again.

"Why can't you just look at me for a moment like a normal person? I have eyes, Winn. I can see you're doing all this... "

Kara stopped for a moment, taking her time to figure out a word to explain his actions.


She finally continued her speech, but she didn't sound so convincing. Probably still debating in her head whether that was the right word for it.

"With your eyes."

This time she sounded more confident than before.

Winn didn't really want to spell it out. He was really hoping that he wouldn't have to spell it out for Kara. Besides, it was rude for a gentleman to talk about such things with a lady.

Determination could be seen on Kara's face though. The valet face palmed, and slowly moved his hand to cover his eyes.

"Can you just put on something decent, Kara? You're still in your bedroom attire."

He said in an almost whispering voice. His cheeks had become a shade redder than usual.

Then, the big realization hit Kara.

"Ah, yes, I'm a girl. Sorry, I often forget that I'm a girl. This whole 'The Phantom' things really does a wonder to me. What does Alex call it? Oh, yeah! A gender complex."

She said as she calmly walked towards her closet. Winn shook his head at how carefree the woman was with him.

Kara was humming softly as she opened her closet to pick which dress she would wear that day. A frown immediately appeared on her face.

"Winn, where did my dresses go? Everything in here is just my suits for work and Lena's stuff."

The valet felt like he had failed the blonde woman once again. With his eyes still locked on the floor, Winn rubs the back of his neck.

"... I had to tell the maids to put all of your girl belongings in to one of the guest rooms."

He said shyly.

The blonde woman in the room sighed. She didn't expect Winn to mess with her belongings, but she kind of understood it. He must have done that so Lena wouldn't have been suspicious of her.

Kara remained silent. She could feel her blood boiling in anger. She refused to say anything harsh to the valet. The blonde was not a neat person, in fact, she was a walking mess.

She really couldn't remember if she had any dresses that didn't have any stains on them... But... 

'The Phantom' is a clean freak. Having her things moved around without 'his' permission is unforgivable.

Even when Kara was being Kara, sometimes The Phantom's personality overpowered her own. It was a rare occasion but when it happened, Kara would always keep quiet until she knew herself was back in control.

"... Tell the maid to bring one of my dresses here."

When Kara finally said something, Winn sighed in relief. The valet nodded his head slowly.

The blonde woman suddenly thought of Lena. Her wife. Technically, she was her wife that didn't know her 'husband' was actually a she.

Kara bit her lower lip.

Meeting Lena was... It was like falling in love all over again. Those intelligent green eyes never failed to capture her heart. They caught her in the busy street of London and once again in the bedroom they were supposed to share.

Kara sighed.

'to share.

After how they remet, Kara highly doubted that she and Lena would share a room now. One of them would have to sleep in the guest room. That would most likely be Kara. The blonde didn't want to take Lena away from her comfortable room.

After using the bedroom for a month, Lena must have grown used to that space by now.


Winn called out for her,  announcing his forgotten present. The blonde woman in the room looked at her valet. There was a dress in his hands. She didn't even notice when he got that dress but she calmly took the it from him.


Kara encouraged the valet to continue talking. She could sense that Winn had something more to say. The valet gulped his own saliva before opening his mouth to speak his thoughts.

"I'm sorry for lying to Lena about your gender, and I'm sorry for moving your belongings without you permission. I understand if you want to fire me for everything that I have done. It was an honor to be able to serve you. You have been nothing but kind to me ever since we were kids. I still remember meeting you for the first time when I was on my first day as an errand boy. Gosh, do you remember how surprised I was when I found out you were a girl? I mean you were wearing a boy's outfit and everything."

She had lost track of what Winn was saying the moment he reached 'honor'. Kara's head was starting to get dizzy as she tried to figure out what her valet was trying to say.


The blonde woman stopped her valet's nonsense.

Brown eyes were now locked with her sky blue. It was almost like Winn was saying 'what the hell did you interrupted my well planned emotional speech for' in a more polite way with his eyes.


Kara reminded the valet. Following her instruction, Winn took a deep breath before slowly breathing it out. He repeated it three times until he could finally feel his heart calm down.

"You okay?"

The blonde woman asked him. The valet quickly nodded.


She said and sighed in relief. Her valet tended to mumble when he was panicking, either to simply annoy her or when he was just too nervous.

He had always been like that, ever since they were kids.

She often found herself reminding him to breath when that happened because... Seriously, when he starts to speak it was almost like he forgot he needed to breath.

"Winn, I'm not going to fire you. This is not your fault. Don't worry, you don't have to move out and move to the countryside as a farmer to die out of starvation. Nah ah, that's not going to happen."

Winn gave her one funny look when she said the word 'farmer'. His eyes even widened a bit when she said 'die out of starvation'.

Kara chuckled. Guess she got Winn's possible imaginary future right.

The valet smiled at the scene. He guessed the blonde woman just knew him too well.

"Kara, what are you gonna do with Lena?"

He bluntly said. Kara smiled bitterly at the question.

"I will tell her the truth."