
Excuse Me

If the outside of the mansion was amazing, the inside of it was breathtaking! Lena was an educated young lady, but even so... She couldn't help but ogle over every piece of furniture and decoration along her way. It was rather embarrassing when the brunette maid had to clear her throat to prevent the young lady from getting sidetracked from their destination.

What caught her attention the most was that there were no portraits in the mansion. Yes, obviously, in such a vast estate, there would be paintings. Expensive paintings. The only off thing is all of the pictures were of scenery.

Probably the reason why the mansion felt less like a home then it should.

As they were walking through the long gallery, Lena looked in front of her. There was a reserved room strangely separated from the other places in the mansion. If you wanted to go to the office, you must walk passed and through the long gallery. The lady Luthor recalled the two guards guarding the entrance to the long gallery earlier.

Lena wondered... What is so special about the room that it needed to be entirely separated from reach from the other places?

When they reached the door of the private room, the brunette maid pushed the door slightly open, making sure there was just enough space for the young miss Luthor to get into the room.

The brunette maid bowed her head and stood at the side of the door. Meaning, she was only escorting the young lady until there.

Lena gulped before she pushed her shoulders back, chin slightly up, and placed her poker face on. Looking graceful like a well-educated lady since well... That was who she was.

When the young lady stepped into the room, the first thing she saw was three bookcases arranged neatly beside each other. She took a few more steps into the room. There was a desk. Behind the counter was a huge window, Lena assumed this was her future husband's office. No. Earlier, they had walked past a more substantial office so, this must be a private office, and the other one was a formal office.

Lena turned her head to the left side of the room, and her eyes widened a little. There was a bed, carefully placed right in the middle of the room. There was also another bedroom furniture there, like a bedside table, a wardrobe, and chairs.

So this is a private office as well as a master bedroom? Hmmm... this is rather odd and unusual.

The young lady slowly walked towards the desk. She could see a letter with her name on it, on the counter.


Lena stopped reading the letter. She could feel her face burning up. She did not expect a love confession. She was expecting an explanation, but this was far from what she had in mind. The young lady took a few minutes to calm her heart down. Once her heart was calm enough, she took a deep breath and continued reading the letter.

Slowly, Lena carefully folded the letter and put it back on the desk. The young lady was somewhat confused by how willing and determined The Phantom was to give her whatever she wanted... To understand whatever her decision was.

Lena put both of her hands on her face, cupping her cheeks. They were still burning red, she could feel it.

Is that his real name? Kyle? Killian? Kevin? What could it be?

Lena stared at the letter in front of her.

"So mysterious..."

The lady said to... well, no one particularly. She got a feeling with The Phantom. Life would be more adventurous... The mysteries surrounding The Phantom attracted her attention. Then, her decision was made.
