

Kara stared at the sleeping brunette laying next to her. She couldn't remember how she ends up sleeping on their bed with her wife. All that comes into her mind when she tried to recall any memory is Lena's warm hug. Everything after that was a blur.

It a one-word but means a lot. Wife. Her wife is Lena. She loves Lena with all her being. Lena is her everything.

Kara smiles bitterly at the thought of everything. She needs to do everything alone now. The Phantom is no longer by her side. She is weak now. Too weak... But she has no other option but to try. She will try to take care of the company by herself.

Carefully, the blonde turn to her side so she can roll out of the bed. Before she can even push herself out of the bed, a pair of warm hands is hugging her from behind.

"Where do you think you going?", Lena asked in her husky morning voice.

"There is a meeting at noon. I need to reread all the company paperwork. I... I don't know the company as well as "

The brunette's face softens at the mention of Guess her wife finally being honest to her about The Phantom. Instead of saying anything, Lena pulls her wife closer. Close enough for her to completely wrapped her arms around the blonde. She makes sure her hands are on top of Kara's hands before she laced them together.

She rests her face against Kara's back.

"Stay. Don't go away", Lena plead.

" But, love, I need to-", Kara turns around and looks at her wife in her attempt to defend her action. She was quickly shut down by Lena soft index finger on her lips.

"Shush, love. Listen to me."

Lena's voice was so gently it almost as if she is whispering. The brunette looks at the blonde straight into her eyes.

Kara always has a complicated feeling when she does that. Whenever the brunette looks at her straight in her eyes, it felt like she can see every part of her and Kara is not all beauty. She has flaws, she acknowledges that yet she fears for Lena to know about her flaws.

What if the brunette knows about all the flaws she has and decided Kara is just too much? What if one day Lena won't realize how much she worth and decided that Kara is not worthy enough to be by her side?

A sudden chuckle from her wife brings the blonde back to reality. Lena is looking at her with such amusement in her eyes.

"You're overthinking again, Kara."

"Ah, sorry about that. What is it that you want to tell me?", the blonde tried to change the topic.

That made Lena raise her eyebrows a little but she didn't question the blonde. She decided to spare her.

"No need to reread the paperwork now, I've read it. Feel free to read it once you feel better, Kara. For the next few weeks, I shall attend all the company affair. Today, Winn will attend the meeting as our representative. We shall rest for today."

Kara is speechless. To be honest, she is beyond speechless! She didn't expect to hear that from Lena. Well, she didn't expect to hear it from anyone, to be honest.

Without realizing it, a tear roll down her face.

One drop turns into two drops and it just streaming down her face so naturally. God, she is such a crybaby... The blonde pulls her wife into a very tight hug. She hugs her so tight, it feels like she has squeezed the air out of Lena's body.

"What? What's wrong, love? Are you alright?", the brunette is concern by the sudden breakdown.

Kara shakes her head slowly.

"No... It's just... I'm so sorry, love. I'm not strong enough and now you and Winn have to help me with the company... And now I'm crying again... I'm so sorry, I'm so weak.", she sobs.

Lena couldn't help but frown.

"Wife, crying is not weak. You're not weak. There is no such thing as weak, you just been strong for too long and now you need some rest. That is totally fine. When you need a rest, just rest. I'll be strong for you and when I'm tired, it will be your turn to stay strong for us. That is marriage, my love. I will be with you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health because I am your wife, Kara Danvers."

Amazed by the brunette, Kara lean in and gently kiss her wife. The kiss is full of passion, full of desire and full of... Love.

"Lena Luthor, you are my wife. The one and only. I will also be with you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health.", the blonde smile.

A little chuckle escapes her mouth before it turns into a huge grin.

"God, how can I not fall in love with you over and over again, Lena Luthor. You're just so... magical."

This time Lena is the one leaning in for a kiss. It was a quick one but it was enough. She rests their foreheads against each other.

"Then, keep falling for me, Kara Danvers. I'll catch you every time."

The two of them spend the whole day expressing their love for each other. Whether it in words or touch, they have done it all. They love each other truly.

Together forever.

Just the two of them.

But little that they knew fate has a different plan for them.

Okay, just to clear everything up. I have another plot twist in mind so yeah probably gonna be a while before I end this book or maybe I will end this book soon and publish a second book. Yeah, I think I should go for a second book.

And guys, I've made an Instagram account using my pen name @thelionxbunny. Woop, you don't even follow me on Wattpad, why would you follow me on Instagram? Idk, just cuz you can?

Anyway, love you all and please give me a suggestion for my Supercorp Oneshorts collection.